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Introduction: We all know that “Deconstructionism” is all about manipulation and opposition to negate

the truth of a certain literary piece, which is very subjective. Meaning that this approach is about how a
critic can reverse the ideas and turning it to the “complete opposite” of the original thought of the
literary piece in this instance were going to use this approach to reverse the ideas of a chosen song.

Originally the theme of this song titled “ALL THESE THOUGHTS” is about someone whose addicted to
bad habits and is struggling in life. Filled with bad thoughts, confusion and hatred towards the world.
This song emphasizes negative messages.

But if you analyze the lyrics after the first chorus there are some clear statements that shows the
opposite which in turn we can actually use “Deconstructionism” from negative to positive way of
opposing the original thought of message from this specific song were referring to, instead of the usual
events which this approach is used by critics into turning a literary piece from something positive to
negative. Since we all know that “Deconstructionism” is about manipulation and oppositio as mentioned
previously. In this case, i manipulated it’s own ideology of just reversing it’s very own cycle.

The lyrics in the song that supports the idea countering the initial negative messages that the song
implies are,

1. Im just tryin to find the meaning of life, hey

2. There’s happiness if you try to live the right way
3. Forget about what others have and live your life, hey
4. Be aware of who you are, what your good at
5. Stand tall, Stand proud, talk loud

And many more.

So in this can ,I can definitely say that using Deconstructionism Approach from turning a piece of
literature or even a song from negative to positive is totally “possible”. As long as you can defend
your own argument and statements based as well on how you manipulate the words that leads to
proving your conclusion can be justifiable.

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