Columbia Science Review

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ColumbiaUn niversitywa asfounded in1754as King'sColle ege.Itisthe eoldestinstitutionofh higherlearn ninginthe st tateofNew wYorkand thefiftholdestinthe UnitedSta ates.

Today yColumbia isoneofthetopacad demicand re esearch ins stitutions in the worl conduct n ld, ting leading research in medicin science the arts, and the g ne, e, , humanities. Itincludes threeunde ergraduates schools,thirteengradu uateandpr rofessionals schools,and daschool geducation n.TheColu umbiaScien nceReview isapublica ationofColumbiaUni iversitystud dentsthat ofcontinuing ndinformat tiveapproachtoconte emporarysc cientificand duniversityresearch.C CSRbrings providesan engagingan ogether stu udents of t sciences and the humanities to examin the pro the s ne ocess and e elegance of scientific f to discovery an problem solving. Edited by st nd tudents of the School of Enginee t ering and A Applied Scie ence, each is ssue of this fullcolor journal is captivating and in t s the forefront of curre scientif research The Fu ent fic h. Fo oundationS SchoolofE Engineering andApplie edScienceo offersworld dclassinstr ruction,idea allysuitedt toeducate to omorrow's engineering leaders. O enginee g Our ering and applied science programs among the Natio oldest g on's and most in nfluential embrace new technologies and interdisciplinary possibilities; ope ening front tiers in an xpanding h host of fields: from financial engineering to corrosion contro cryogeni manufac f ol, ic cturing to ex biomedicale engineering By advert g. tising in CSR, you will reach thou usands of th brightest young minds in the he t ountry. Approximately 6000 copies of CSR are printed each seme y d ester and d distributed free of charge to the f co Columbia co ommunity. Additionally CSR activ A y, vely market itself and its website on campus using po ts d osters and Adwords"service,ensu uringyoura adwillbese eenbythousandsofpe eopleoverit tslifetime. onlineusingGoogle's"A oreserveyo To ourspacein nthispresti igepublicat tion,pleasecontactMi ichaelMass sicottat800 07957696 6Ext:1262 ormike@pentagonusa

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