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The T Johns H Hopkins Un niversity wa the first r as research uni iversity in th United S he States.

Foun nded in 187 it was a 76 whole new ed w ducational e enterprise. It aim was n only to a ts not advance stud dents' know wledge, but a to advan human also nce kn nowledge ge enerally, thr rough discov very and sch holarship. Th university emphasis on both le he y's earning and research an on how each comp nd plements the otherrev e volutionized U.S. highe education The Hop d er n. pkins Unde ergraduate Research Jou R urnal (HUR is a bian RJ) nnual public cation of the Johns Hop pkins. The o opportunity t publish in HURJ is to n op to all H pen Hopkins und dergraduates who are co onducting or have condu r ucted research in any ac cademic area of study, in ncluding the arts, humanities, scie e ences, and e engineering disciplines We are n g s. now coordina ating all Re ecruitment Hopkins is a leader, in both teachin and research. The School of M H ng S Medicine is o of the b anywhe and the one best ere la argest recipi ient of National Institu utes of Hea alth research grants to m h medical schools. The B Bloomberg School of Public Healt is renown for cont P th ned tributions wo orldwide to preventive medicine an the health of large po nd h opulations. The T other div visions, thou smaller - by design -- than simi schools in other inst ugh -ilar titutions, inc clude eminen scholars nt an numerou highly ra nd us anked depart tments. In recent year Johns H rs, Hopkins has won more federal res s e search and de evelopment funding tha any other university. This is du in large m an r ue measure to t work of the Applie Physics the f ed Laboratory, a division o the university devoted entirely to r L of d research and developme d ent. To rese erve your sp pace in this pr restige publ lication, ple ease contact Michael M Massicott at 800-795-76 Ext: 126 or mike@ 696 62


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HURJ is distributed to the students, faculty, administrative staff, and alumni of the Johns Hopkins University and fellow engineering schools nationwide. HURJ may be viewed on the web at:


September 01
Fall Spring

January 15



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