MIT Undergraduate Research Journal

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by ed ducating our countrys finest mind MIT re r ds. emains the s standard of excellence other schoo strive to achieve. f ols o Th MIT Un he ndergradua Researc Journal (MURJ) pu ate ch ublishes the best of MI e IT's underg graduate research and in ncludes both science ne and fea h ews ature article It acts lik a "Popu Science" for the M commu es. ke ular MIT unity. The journal inclu udes the wo of man professo and nea ork ny ors, arly all of the Institu ute's profess sors are inv volved in pr roducing it, so they will be reading it closely. All student will recei their ow copies. D l g ts ive wn Distributed o once each se emester, MU URJ is a tim mely chronicle of MIT legacy of academic leadership and accom Ts o c p mplishment. We are no coordinating place ow ement of re ecruitment advertising for MUR providin prime advertising space for RJ, ng co ompanies an industries intereste in reach nd ed hing MIT's erudite stu udents and faculty. C Countless firms and f co orporations have benef fited from MITs tec chnological leadership during the Institutes last 130+ years of e s in nnovation. O Over 87% of MIT grad duates establ professional career in busines and indus lish rs ss stry, quickly rising to y po ositions of le eadership, w which influe ence every a aspect of Am merican com mmerce. our ll your messag will be seen, read and appreciated by g ge graduates, Yo advertisement in MURJ wil ensure y un ndergraduates, staff, fac culty and al lumni. No other MIT publication reaches as many stud n s dents and re esearchers as MURJ! T reserve y s To your compa space in this import undergraduate rese any n tant earch public cation, pleas contact se M Mike Massic at 800-7 cott 795-7696 E 1262 or mike@pen Ext: r ntagon-usa


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MURJ is distributed to the students, faculty, administrative staff, and alumni of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Distribution includes all US Engineering schools and MURJ is also available at the Library of Congress. All advertisers will receive a free copy mailed upon completion.



May 17


November 11



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