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Th Yale Sci he ientific is pu ublished wi a degree of quality and profess ith e sionalism th transcends that of m other hat most

un ndergraduate publicatio ons. It has received na ational reco ognition for its excelle r ence, and is required r s reading in m many classes The mag s. gazine is a colorful, h high quality journal, distributed f y d free at all 12 Yale Re 1 esidential olleges, reac ching 5000+ undergrad + duate studen The Yale Scientific is also dis nts. stributed to the gradua school ate co an the profe nd essional sch hools such a the Yale School of Medicine, the Yale S as f School of Forestry and the Yale F d Sc chool of Ma Management. The artic are writ cles tten by Yale undergrad duates, grad duate studen and faculty; they nts, ar engrossin timely, a well res re ng, and searched. T Yale Sc The cientific is a powerful w to present your co way ompany or pr roduct to a u unique group of intellig p gent, motiva ated, and hig ghly trained people, wh may be potential cus d ho p stomers or fu uture employ yees. The Y Yale Scienti is the w formidab corporat ific way ble tions such a IBM, Gen as neral Elect tric, GTE, Sa andia Labs, MIT Linc , coln Labs a many o and others have built lastin relations ng ships with e entire Yale scientific co ommunity. Yale Scien ntific, the on general scientific pu nly ublication a Yale, is d at distributed fr to the en free ntire Yale un ndergraduate populatio and is r on, read by fac culty, gradu uate student professio ts, onal school students, over 500 l alu umni and m more. Publis shed since th 1800s, Y Scient he Yale tific is our N Nations old college science pu dest e ublication. To reserve yo space in this import publicat o our n tant tion please contact Mic chael Massicott at 800 0-795-7696 Ext: 1262 or mike@pen r ntagon-usa.c com.


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The Yale Scientific is distributed to the students, faculty, administrative staff, and alumni of the Yale University, New Haven, CT. All advertisers will receive a free copy mailed upon completion. Special career event issues include distribution to all interested campus recruiters. Hundreds of recruiters from both local and national companies attend theses events and the most successful use the Yale Scientific!

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