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The Gospel Matters

Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before

God, because “the righteous will live by faith.”
(Galatians 3:11)

98 Dover Road Singapore, 139647 Tel: 67731964

Email: Website:
During the season of Kingdomtide we declare the
values and glory of the Kingdom of God. Christ is
celebrated as King and Sovereign of the world, with
emphasis on God’s dominion over all of creation.
The focus in this season is often on social justice and
action that flows from a heart submitted to God.
The liturgical colour is green, symbolizing growth.
1 Speaking Today
9th Sunday of Kingdomtide
English Services at 8.30AM and 10.30AM
Preacher : Rev Gladwin Lee
Sermon Theme : The Gospel Matters
Sermon Title : Freedom in Christ
Scripture : Galatians 5:1-15
Mandarin Service at 10.30AM
Preacher : Rev Jeremy Yap
Sermon Theme : The Gospel Matters
Sermon Title : Freedom in Christ
Scripture : Galatians 5:1-15
Youthphoria, Youth Service at 10.30AM
Speaker : Mr Benedict Ooi
Sermon Theme : Core Values
Sermon Title : Being Intentional in Forming
Meaningful Relationships
Scripture : Philippians 3:17; John 13:15
Children’s Ministry at 10.30AM
Lesson : Zephaniah Warned God's People
to Repent
Scripture : Zephaniah 1-3
Venue : Basement Rooms
Age : Nursery to Primary 6
Toddler’s Programme at 10.30AM
Lesson : Zephaniah Warned God's People
to Repent
Scripture : Zephaniah 1-3
Venue : Faith Room
Age : 18 months to 3 years old
Scripture Text
2 English Services 8.30AM and 10.30AM
Galatians 5:1-15

Freedom in Christ
¹ It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do
not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ² Mark my
words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised,
Christ will be of no value to you at all. ³ Again I declare to every man
who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the
whole law. ⁴ You who are trying to be justified by the law have been
alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. ⁵ For through
the Spirit we eagerly await by faith the righteousness for which we
hope. ⁶ For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision
has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself
through love. ⁷ You were running a good race. Who cut in on you to
keep you from obeying the truth? ⁸ That kind of persuasion does not
come from the one who calls you. ⁹ “A little yeast works through the
whole batch of dough.” ¹⁰ I am confident in the Lord that you will
take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion,
whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty. ¹¹ Brothers and
sisters, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being
persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished.
¹² As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and
emasculate themselves!

Life by the Spirit

¹³ You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use
your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly
in love. ¹⁴ For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command:
“Love your neighbor as yourself.” ¹⁵ If you bite and devour each
other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
Today’s Preacher
3 English Services 8.30AM and 10.30AM
Galatians 5:1-15

Rev Gladwin Lee currently serves as a pastor attached to

Wesley Methodist Church. Married to his wonderful wife
Rachel, they are proud parents of three kids, namely
Athanasius, Cephas and Eleison. This is why the entire
family's name forms the word 'G.R.A.C.E.'. In addition to
his interest in Methodism and spiritual formation, Pastor
Glad enjoys spending time with his family and friends
through movies, training in the gym and Brazilian Jiu
Sermon Reflection Questions
4a English Services 8.30AM and 10.30AM
Galatians 5:1-15
1. Read Galatians 5:1-12. What is Paul concerned about?
Elaborate the reasons for his concern.

2. What did Paul mean when he wrote in Galatians 5:6

(NRSVue) "the only thing that counts is faith working
through love ?"

3. In verses 8 and 10, Paul suggests that some Galatian

Christians have been persuaded and confused by
certain teachings concerning circumcision. What are 1-
2 modern day Christian teachings that could hinder us
from running well that Christian leaders like Paul
would be concerned about?

4. Who are the people and what are the scriptures and
guidance that have helped you to obey the truths of

5. Read Galatians 5:13-15. What is one form of self-

indulgence (NRSVue) or opportunities for the flesh
(ESV) that you are most susceptible to? You are
encouraged to share with your group as much as you
are comfortable.
Sermon Reflection Questions
4b English Services 8.30AM and 10.30AM
Galatians 5:1-15
6. According to Galatians 5:15, even the church is not
free from quarrels and fights. Who have you observed
are the peacemakers in your church? Identify one or
two ways in which these peacemakers have encouraged
others to act in love.

7. How does Paul intend for us to use our freedom?

Share one practical example of serving others in love
which you may consider doing for the next 2 weeks so
that your group may keep you in prayer.

5 Youth Football Club Volunteers

and Coaches
November Session
The AMC YFC is a youth soccer group that aspires to
disciple and mentor through sports. It champions
godly living and bonding between parents and
children. We train once every two Saturdays. If you are
interested to join us as a coach or a volunteer, please
see us at our next sessions on 4 and 18 November 2023
from 8.30AM to 10.30AM at the FMS(S) field.
Activities Timeline

Prayer and Praise


LCEC Retreat 5
LCEC Installation
Newcomers’ Welcome Lunch
TRAC Conference Sunday
Prayer and Praise


20 - 23
Trinity Annual Conference
48th Session
1. Fundraising Project by AMC - Ghim Moh 28

2. Bless The Timorese

3. AMC Christmas Initiatives 2023

4. Prayer and Praise - October

5. Newcomers’ Welcome Lunch

A fundraising project by Aldersgate Methodist Church

Ghim Moh 28
What happened? How can you help?
On August 16, a fire broke out in a The family has raised $20,020
Ghim Moh flat, completely through their families, friends
destroying the home of a family of and colleagues. With your
5. The entire flat of the husband, contribution, the family hopes to
wife and three children aged 23, restore their home through
20 and 15 was engulfed in flames, raising the remaining $51,143.36*
resulting in the loss of all the (inclusive of 8% GST) to cover
family’s possessions. The fire their renovation costs of
rendered them homeless $71,163.36. The family needs our
overnight, necessitating their help urgently to raise the
relocation to temporary housing. necessary funds for renovation
Unfortunately, their house was works to commence. Your gift will
uninsured, leaving them with the be vital in helping them rebuild
daunting task of bearing the full their lives and regain a sense of
cost of the restoration. The stability. The donations received
burden of covering the renovation will be channelled through Ray of
expenses is something beyond the Hope who will in turn liaise with
family’s financial capability to the contractors undertaking the
shoulder. restoration works

Why should you help? Scan using Bank App

Helping others is a natural way to
share God's love. No matter how
busy we are or how little we have
to give, God cares about us giving
what we do have. Proverbs 19:17
says, “Whoever is kind to the poor
lends to the LORD, and He will
reward them for what they have
done.” The 15 year old son is
currently a student of Fairfield UEN : S87CC0507FAMC
Methodist School Secondary and Kindly indicate
one of the beneficiaries of
Aldersgate Methodist Church’s
LOVE202X initiatives.
“Ghim Moh 28”
in the reference section of PayNow.
Bless The

1. St Paul Methodist School

500 compassionate packs for the community.
700 “Share-a-Blessing” packs for the students, staff and drivers.
2. Sundermeier Home
A hostel for high school students in the mountainous district of Gleno.
Graduation ceremony cum Christmas party.
Purchase a new second-hand car for Sundermeier Home.

Don’t forget to add“Bless the Timorese”
in the reference section of PayNow.
The funds collected will be channelled through
the Methodist Missions Society
For more information,
kindly contact
Scan using Bank App

organized by
THE World


Give, and it will be given to you
Each of you should give what you have decided in
your heart to give, not reluctantly or under
compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
- 2 Corinthians 9:7

PAYNOW Offering Box

Scan using Bank App Located at the entrance
of the Sanctuary


Bank Transfer
Remember to indicate Name/Membership No. and Ref.
-General Offering
- Tithes / Pledges
DBS Autosave Account no.
- Different Ministries
when making the transfer. 006-002160-3
We Bring Before our Father
Prayer concerns for October
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8

AMC Community
Pray for a strong hunger and thirst for God
and the things of God.
Pray for us to have a deep desire to pray, to
seek God’s face and to dwell in His presence.
Pray that every cell group will experience
revival in discipleship, outreach and care
and make a huge impact for Jesus.

Pastors and LCEC

Pray for an alignment of common vision
and direction as our pastors and leaders
use their spiritual gifts, skills, time and
resources to serve Christ’s purposes in
Pray for their personal walk with God that
their soul and spirit will be nourished and
strengthened in their quiet time with God.
We Bring Before our Father
Prayer concerns for October
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8

Discipleship and Nurture

Pray for AMC worshippers to
participate in the body of
Christ through:

i. Affection for God and each other

ii. Behaving like Christ through service
iii. Cognitive hunger for the Word
iv. Discernment in trials

Pray for AMC members to commit themselves to helping one

another, form a firm foundation in Christian teachings through
spiritual disciplines. For more mature Christians to mentor and
guide young believers navigate their faith journey.

Pray for participants of the Baptism and Membership class to

experience the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as they learn more
about their faith, and what it means to be part of AMC, the
larger Methodist, and universal Church.
We Bring Before our Father
Prayer concerns for October
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8

Fairfield Methodist School (Primary)

Pray for God’s wisdom and grace
upon the counsellors as they guide
troubled students.

Pray for Christian witness to be

vibrant and opportunities to share
Christ daily.

Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary)

Pray for God's protection upon
the health and well-being of all
staff and students.

Pray for each Fairsian to have

faith in the Lord and trust in His
Word, so that they can discern
right from wrong and stand firm
against society's negative
We Bring Before our Father
Prayer concerns for October
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8

Our City
Pray for our government to have godly wisdom, to be wise and
strategic in leading the nation.
Pray for our city to stay vigilant against radicalized ideologies,
armed violence and cyberspace threats that seek to weaken our
national safety.

The World
Pray for God’s healing, peace and comfort upon the poor, the
afflicted, the sick, the dying and all who are lonely, the victims of
injustice and inhumanity.

Pray for a big harvest of souls during

these troubled times, where many
hearts will be open to hear the Gospel
and come to know and accept Jesus
as their Lord and Saviour.
We Bring Before our Father
Prayer concerns for October
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea
and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. - Acts 1:8

The Afghanistan Earthquakes

Pray that those who are injured will get the medical care they
need and that they will recover quickly. Also, pray that the Lord
will expedite their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

At least 2,500 people are reported to have been killed. Pray for
the families who have lost mothers, fathers, siblings and
children. Pray that the Lord would draw near to them and that
they will feel the presence of a loving Father who cares for them.

Unquestionably, there are many more people who are trapped,

scared, and need help. Pray that help would come quickly so that
many lives are saved and that those who are waiting to be
rescued would turn to the Lord. Pray that the Lord will bring
them peace and comfort as they wait for aid.
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Lord God,
It is with shock and horror we witness the devastating violence and
loss of life in Israel-Palestine over recent days.

We come to you as the source of all comfort

asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold
all those who are grieving,
all those who are suffering,
all those in fear,
and all those in captivity.
May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of

We come to you as the source of all peace

asking that you send your Spirit to
strengthen and uphold those pursuing an end to violence,
embolden those with a heart for truth and justice,
and amplify voices of wisdom and restraint.
May the light of peace and reconciliation, overwhelm the darkness
of destruction.

We come to you as the source of all hope,

asking that you send your Spirit to bring about a future,
where neighbours embrace despite their differences,
where love conquers hate,
humility surpasses pride,
and where forgiveness is treasured as a fundamental strength.
May the hope of a day when weapons of conflict will be transformed
into tools of reconciliation be realised soon,
so there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the
old order of things will have passed away. Amen.
Church Attendance 15 October 2023

8.30AM Traditional English Service

Onsite : 111 | Online : 26
10.30AM Contemporary English Service
Onsite : 241 | Online : 36
10.30AM Mandarin Service
Onsite : 64 | Online : 7
10.30AM Youthphoria, Youth Service
Onsite : 54
10.30AM Children's Ministry
Onsite : 141

Total Onsite : 611 Total Online : 69

Staff Annual Leave

Han Suat Hoon : 12 to 25 October 2023
Christina Tan : 30 October to 3 November 2023
Catherine Chia : 1 November 2023
Cathryn Liew : 11 to 14 November 2023

All pastors, pastoral and ministry staff observe their
sabbath day off on Monday.

Prolonged Ailment Leave

Pr Yuen Wai May is on Prolonged Ailment Leave until 31
December 2023.
Stay Connected - AMC Updates
Sign up for AMC updates to receive weekly updates of church
news, service information and our weekly bulletin.

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saving the number.

Send a WhatsApp message to "AMC Updates" with your Full Name, number
and service you attend. (E.g David Lim Su Neng / 91234567 / English 8.30am).

Wait for a confirmation that your request has been received. You can
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Methodist Church, available at
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We are also on telegram if you Please send an email to:
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Pastoral Team and Admin Team
Rev Dr Lynette Sathiasingam (Worship and Music Ministry) Ms Gloria Fumiyo Wangsaputri
HP: 9430 5415
HP: 9723 1106
Rev Jeremy Yap ADMINISTRATOR Mrs Han Suat Hoon
HP: 9736 2372
(Pastoral Care, Missions (Admin)
[Admin], Membership) Mrs Catherine Chia
Pr Yuen Wai Mey
(Chinese Ministry)
HP: 9674 0388
Mr Richard Quek
(Youth Ministry, Young Adults)
(Admin, Chinese Ministry)
Ms Tie Mee Ngiik Maggie
HP: 9850 0016
(Christian Ministry in FMSS) LAY EXECUTIVE STAFF
(Communications and Media)
Ms Esther Lim Si Xiu
Ms Cathryn Liew Yun Qi
HP: 9712 9751
(Aldersgate Praise Centre)
(Children's Ministry, APC and
Ms Eunice Lai
Christian Ministry in FMSP)
Ms Huang Yuxin Joyce
Office No : 6774 6308
HP: 9625 7425
Worship Services
Do join us to worship God on Sunday!

English Worship Services

Time : 8.30AM (Traditional Service)
10.30AM (Contemporary Service)
Venue : The Sanctuary
Online :
Mandarin Worship Service
Time : 10.30AM
Venue : The Rev William Denver Stone Hall
Online :
Youthphoria meets every Sunday except for the first
Sunday of each month (Holy Communion Sunday)
Time : 10.30AM
Venue : Fairfield Methodist School (Primary)
Performing Arts Studio

Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry meets every Sunday except for the
first Sunday of each month (Holy Communion Sunday)
Time : 10.30AM
Venue : Basement Rooms

Toddlers meet every Sunday except for the first Sunday of

each month (Holy Communion Sunday)
Time : 10.30AM
Venue : Faith Room
Duty Personnel
22 October 2023
8:30AM Traditional English Service
Worship Leader : Lim Hock Kheng
Organist / Pianist : Dr Joanna Tan, Tan Guodong,
Dr Adeline Seow
Ushers : Patricia Lee, Shirley Lee
Counting Steward(s) : Chae Meng Kern
Pastoral Staff i/c for Service : Rev Jeremy Yap
Admin Staff : Christina Tan, Richard Quek
Service Director : Kelwin Li
Sound Crew : Jonathan Seow
Videographer : Jonathan Ho
Projectionist : Melissa Boey
Livestream : Yap Jing Han

10:30AM Contemporary English Service

Worship Leader : Michelle Leong
Worship Team : Ashley Yuen, Shernise Khor,
Kevin Lam, Jonathan Seow
Ushers : Irene Chan, Ho Bee Choo
Counting Steward(s) : Alan Ang
Pastoral Staff i/c for Service : Rev Dr Lynette Sathiasingam
Admin Staff : Christina Tan, Richard Quek
Service Director : Kelwin Li
Sound Crew : Yeo Ren Kang
Videographer : Jonathan Ho
Projectionist : Melissa Boey
Livestream : Yap Jing Han
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday : 9AM - 6PM
Saturday : 9AM - 1PM
Sunday : 8AM - 1PM

98 Dover Road Singapore 139647 / Tel: 67731964

Email: / Website:

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