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get away. It’s nice, and feels right and comforting. Like coming home.

One day, that may change. One day, it may not. The only way I know how to
show her my feelings is through pain. It could kill her, loving me, having me,
but wouldn’t that be the best declaration of love you could have?
Her tongue darts out and wets her lips, making me groan as I watch. “Don’t
tease me, Little Bird.”
“Or what? No deals tonight?” she taunts, moving closer until she’s plastered
against me. Every curve pressed to my hardness.
“No deals, Little Bird, but know that tonight, I’m close to the edge. Plunge
into that darkness, and you might not come back,” I warn.
She tilts her head, considering me for a moment, before she leans closer, her
hand brushing down my arm. “Maybe I don’t want to.”
I don’t move when she presses her lips to mine. I let her kiss me with hard,
desperate pecks as she presses closer. With an annoyed grunt, she nips my lip,
hard. I snarl, then snap. I tried to hold back, but I can’t.
She doesn’t let me.
Gripping the back of her head, I drag her closer. Her lips part on a gasp, her
hand clutching my thigh as she falls into the kiss. Sweeping my tongue into her
mouth, I let her feel my need for her. How crazy she makes me. She moans,
meeting me with her own desperate desire as we lose ourselves in each other.
Her hand strokes up my thigh, making me groan into her mouth as she trails
it across my hard-on. In warning, I bite down on her lip, and she breaks. Her
teeth crash into mine as we fight each other. Both battling for dominance. I’m so
lost in her, I don’t even notice her slipping her hand into my boxers where I have
my knife clipped until it’s pressed against my throat.
I roll us over, and her knees slip to either side of my hips as she glares down
at me, knife poised, pressing to my vulnerable neck. Smirking, I tilt my head
back, giving her better access as I watch her. Fuck, she’s magnificent.
“I’ll do it,” she snarls, her pussy resting against my hard, boxer-clad cock.
She’s a liar. I can feel how wet she is through the thin fabric. She flicks her grey
hair back, observing me like she doesn’t know what to do next.
My poor, lost little bird.
“Do it, spill my blood. I’ll die happily with you on top of me…fuck, you
could even screw me while you’re doing it. Just think how hot that would be.” I
groan, reaching up and gripping her hips, dragging her back and forth across my
cock. Her lips part on a moan before she shakes her head and digs the knife in
deeper. I feel it slice my skin, a fleck of pain zapping through me.
Grunting, I thrust up, making her bounce on me and dig the blade in deeper.
She cries out, pulling the knife back as I feel my blood dripping down my throat.

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