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1 Review on Related Studies

2.1.2 Local Studies

Tittle: SSS Registration System

Proponents: Jemelma Ann Urbien, Rienel Bernabe, Renen Sorianosos
Date Published: October 2011
Source: TFVC School Library

This study is to design and develop a Registration System, the proponents wants to aimed to develop an
SSS Registration System for the SSS Company. In this system you need to fill up all the necessary
information in the computer screen first including the thumb mark (by the use of finger print reader)
and signature (by the use of pen tablet) . The SSS Registration System for walk-ins is a system developed
by the proponents that aim to avoid the wasted time of the applicant and to have a faster registration

In relation to our studies, both studies want to develop a computerized system for fill up and also for
using a device that will make the process faster. The proponents of SSS Registration System want to
develop a system that will aim to avoid the wasted time of applicant for the used of finger print reader
and pen tablet while the proponents of The Fisher Valley College ID System is aiming to used a signature
pad for faster process of id for the student.

Tittle: Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel Automated Record System

Proponents: Jesthony Buscargas, Harold Cortez
Date Published: March 2012
Source: TFVC School Library

This study is to design and develop a Automated Record System, this study may help Our Lady of
Lourdes Chapel since researchers haven’t used any system. It slows the process of registration and
finding of record. Using this type of system avoids redundancy of the documents as it will be easier to
find the name of the client int the search bo who is requesting for the printout of the documents.

In relation to our studies, both studies have slow process of registration and finding of records. The
proponents of Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel Automated Record System
want to develop a system that will easier to find the name of the client into the search bar while the
proponents of The Fisher Valley College ID System want to develop a ID System that will help the
student to type their information in the fill up form using computer and also this system will help the
admin to find the records or information of the students faster by searching the students name or
student number.

Tittle: Our Lady of Lourdes Chapel Automated Record System

Proponents: Jesthony Buscargas, Harold Cortez
Date Published: March 2012
Source: TFVC School Library

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