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Array in Java:
An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type

3 basic information is needed to start with array
 Datatype
 Size of array
 Data in array

Things to do with array:
 creation (datatype and size is required)
 initialization (datatype, size and values is required)
 manipulations

General process of array creation till initialization:

1. declaration of array (array reference creation) :
 dataType [ ] nameOfArray;
 dataType nameOfArray[ ];

2. instantiation of array(array object creation ) :

using new keyword
dataType [] nameOfArray = new dataType [size]

3.initialization of array(object initialization using constructor calling i.e putting values inside an array)
using new keyword
nameOfArray[index]=val1, nameOfArray[index]=val2,

Direct method to create an Array(Declaring ,Instantiation and Initialization of array)

using new keyword
dataType [] nameOfArray = new dataType [size]{val1,val2,val3};

using array literal

dataType[] nameOfArray= {val1,val2,val3};

Note :
 Array are created using two ways new keyword and using literal
 if we have size and elements are defined then literal is used
 when only datatype and size is known then new keyword is used

Manipulation of array :
 Arrays are manipulated using their index values
 Array index value start from the 0

Accessing single value of array :

Accessing multiple value of array using loops:
for(int index = 0; index < age.length; index++) {

Some methods for array:

.clone() : for deep copying the array
.length() : for finding length of array
java.utils.arrays provide methods for handling stuffs in array

study yourself the multiplication, addition of elements in array and between to array

Array can be classified using Dimension
--------single dimension --------------
1Dimension: dataType nameOfArray[ ];

--------multidimensional Array---------
2Dimension: dataType nameOfArray[ ][ ];

multi Dimension: dataType nameOfArray[ ][ ][ ]...;

Note: all these arrays are created using same process as mentioned above

Special types of arrays

 anonymous array (array without and reference) these are passed are an argument or returned from the

 jaggerd array:

 Final array:
Final Note : arrays created using this method are static in nature as size of an array is immutable can’t be changed
dynamic arrays are created using Arraylist class

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