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What is the current economic impact (or market size) of technology?

The current economic impact of technology are e-commerce, when we say e-commerce it is the buying
and selling of products over the Internet. marketing tactics, facilitation of globalization, job insecurity,
and job design. Technological progress allows for the more efficient production of more and better
goods and services, which is what prosperity depends on. However, the mechanisms through which
technology is developed, adopted and used in production are complex. The rapid increase in emerging
technologies suggests that they are having a substantial impact on the workforce. Many of the large
tech firms have achieved broad economic scale without a large number of employees.

Report Overview: The global Marketing Technology market size was valued at USD 167831.79 million in
2021 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 14.03% during the forecast period, reaching USD
368982.61 million by 2027.

What was the highest TRL reached in the university/lab?

From the very beginning, TRL was used to define boundaries between different organizational and
financial modes of technological development. Perhaps this is why it made sense to the High-Level
Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies (HLG-KET) of the European Union to build TRL into the
foundation of its new public innovation policy.

In almost all cases, this TRL represents the end of true system development. Examples include
developmental test and evaluations of the system in its intended weapon system to determine if it
meets design specifications. Actual system has proven through successful mission operations

What is the predominant business model for number 1?

Technology transfer processes enable universities to increase their positive impact on society by
pursuing their entrepreneurial mission in several ways. University technology transfer by adopting a
business models lens and, accordingly, identified four types of technology transfer business models by
analyzing quantitative and qualitative data collected in a longitudinal dataset of 60 US universities
during the period 2002–2012.

i.e How does the customer pay for the product/service?

Customer pay through bank account or any online payment

What was the progression of the technology and market from the #2 to #1?

Current technological progress has led to a higher relative demand for skilled workers and a lower
relative demand for workers performing routine activities. The use of computers in the workplace has
been the central force driving changes in the wages of skilled workers relative to the wages of unskilled
workers. Emerging technologies, such as industrial robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning,
are advancing at a rapid pace. These developments can improve the speed, quality, and cost of goods
and services, but they also displace large numbers of workers. This possibility challenges the traditional
benefits model of tying health care and retirement savings to jobs. In an economy that employs
dramatically fewer workers, we need to think about how to deliver benefits to displaced workers.

What were the success factors in going from #2 to #1?

The distinguishing factor is that universities of technology focus on technology innovation and transfer
and offer technological career-directed educational programmes. They engage with industry to produce
innovative problem-solving research.

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