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Plasma Lipoprotein (a) Levels in Men and

Women Consuming Diets Enriched in Saturated,
Cis-, or 7>aws-Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
Beverly A. Clevidence, Joseph T. Judd, Ernst J. Schaefer, Jennifer L. Jenner,
Alice H. Lichtenstein, Richard A. Muesing, Janet Wittes, Matthew E. Sunkin

Abstract Studies that have shown adverse effects of trans- Compared to the Oleic diet, the trans diets had no adverse
unsaturated fatty acids on plasma lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)] levels effect on Lp(a) levels when all subjects were considered
have used levels of trans-fatty acid that are higher than those in collectively. A subset with initially high levels of Lp(a) (>30
the average U.S. diet. This study was conducted to clarify the mg/dL), however, responded to the High trans diet with a slight
effects on Lp(a) of trans-fatty acids levels commonly found in (5%) increase in Lp(a) levels relative to the Oleic and Moder-
U.S. diets. Lp(a) levels were measured in a double-blind study ate trans diets. Thus, in amounts commonly found in the typical
of 29 men and 29 women who ate 4 controlled diets in random U.S. diet, saturated fatty acids consistently decrease Lp(a)
order for 6 weeks each. Fatty acids represented 39% to 40% of concentrations. The adverse effects of replacing cis- with
energy. The diets were: (1) Oleic (16.7% of energy as oleic trans-fatty acids are only suggestive and are restricted to high
acid); (2) Moderate trans (3.8% of energy as frawj-monoenes, trans intakes in subjects with high Lp(a) levels. (Arterioscler
approximately the trans content of the U.S. diet); (3) High trans Thromb Vase Biol. 1997;17:1657-1661.)
(6.6% of energy as trans-monoenes); (4) Saturated (16.2% of Key Words • lipoprotein (a) • human diet • trans-fatty
energy as lauric plus myristic plus palmitic acids). The Satu- acids • hydrogenated fat • saturated fat • dietary fatty
rated diet lowered Lp(a) levels significantly (by 8% to 11%). acids • monounsaturated fat • elaidic acid

L ipoprotein (a), a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) These discrepancies may be due to variation in dietary
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particle linked to apoprotein (a) [apo(a)], may design, length of feeding, characteristics of study sub-
be an independent risk factor for developing jects, or the amounts or isomeric compositions of the
coronary heart disease. 1 5 Although the role of Lp(a) in trans-fatty acids used. Reports from recent human feed-
promoting heart disease has not been definitively eluci- ing trials agree that trans- and c/s-fatty acids have
dated, the particle has both atherogenic and thrombotic different metabolic effects on plasma LDL and possibly
potentials. Moreover, it has been reported to be consid- on high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and that trans-
erably more atherogenic than LDL. 5 unsaturates adversely affect lipoprotein profiles. 1013 - 17 If
Lipoprotein (a) levels are thought to be largely con- at levels of intake characteristic of the U.S. diet trans-
trolled by genetic factors. 6 However, several reports monounsaturates are consistently demonstrated to have
have indicated that the type of fat consumed can alter the additional adverse effect of elevating Lp(a) levels,
Lp(a) levels. 711 The possibility of modulating Lp(a)
the need to reduce trans-fatty acids in the U.S. food
levels by dietary means is intriguing because effective
supply would be accentuated.
pharmacological treatments for lowering Lp(a) concen-
trations are limited. 12 We measured Lp(a) levels from plasma samples col-
7ra/w-unsaturated fatty acids, produced largely during lected during a study that investigated the response of
the partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils, have been blood lipids to trans-fatty acid consumption. 17 The ob-
implicated in raising Lp(a) plasma levels.9-10 However, jective of the present investigation was to compare
this finding has not been consistent among studies. 1013 plasma Lp(a) levels that result from consuming diets
containing ?ra«.?-unsaturated fatty acids within the range
typically consumed in the U.S. diet on cw-monounsatu-
Received August 13, 1996; revision accepted February 19, 1997. rated fatty acids (oleic) and "cholesterol-raising" satu-
From the Diet and Human Performance Laboratory, Beltsville rated fatty acids (lauric, myristic, and palmitic acids).
Human Nutrition Research Center, Agricultural Research Service,
USDA (B.A.C., J.T.-J., M.E.S.), Beltsville, MD; Lipid Metabolism Methods
Laboratory, the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research
Center on Aging at Tufts University (E.J.S., J.L.-J., A.H.L.), Subjects
Boston, MA; The Lipid Research Clinic (R.A.M.), The George The subjects, healthy adults (29 men, 29 women) with a
Washington University Medical Center, Washington, DC; and mean age of 43 years (range, 25 to 65 years), were free of
Statistics Collaborative (J.W.), Washington, DC.
metabolic disorders, including obesity, diabetes, gout, endo-
Correspondence to Beverly A. Clevidence, PhD, Diet and
Human Performance Laboratory, Beltsville Human Nutrition crine disorders, or liver and kidney disease. Recruitment details
Research Center, Building 308, Room 115, BARC-East, 10300 have been reported.17 Inclusion criteria required that volun-
Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350. E-mail teers have (1) plasma cholesterol levels between the 50th and the 75th percentiles for the sex and age of the volunteers
© 1997 American Heart Association, Inc. screened; (2) HDL cholesterol levels above 0.91 mmol/L (35
1658 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Vol 17, No 9 September 1997

supply. Coconut oil, high oleic sunflower oil, and high linoleic
Selected Abbreviations and Acronyms safflower oil also were used to achieve the desired fatty acid
ANOVA = analysis of variance compositions of the diets. The test fats were provided by
apo(a) = apoprotein (a) member companies of the Institute of Shortening and Edible
HDL = high-density lipoprotein Oils (Washington, DC). Foods were weighed in direct propor-
LDL = low-density lipoprotein tion to caloric requirements. Subjects ate breakfast and dinner
Lp(a) = lipoprotein (a) meals under supervision, Monday through Friday, at the dining
facility. Lunch and weekend meals were packed for off-site
consumption. Subjects agreed to eat all of the food and only the
mg/dL) for men and 1.03 mmol/L (40 mg/dL) for women; and food provided by the study. Alcohol consumption was not
(3) triglyceride levels under 3.39 mmol/L (300 mg/dL). allowed. Body weights were recorded before breakfast, Mon-
Subjects included 12 African Americans (7 men and 5 day through Friday, and caloric intake was adjusted, as neces-
women), 7 smokers, and 7 women on steroidal hormones (2 on sary, to maintain body weights within a range of ±1 kg.
oral contraceptives; 5 on hormone replacement). The type and Each of the 4 diets was composited and analyzed 6 times at
dosage of hormones did not change over the course of the study the 11.72-MJ level and once at the 7.53-MJ level. Proximate
as assessed from daily records of prescription and nonprescrip- analysis of protein, fat and carbohydrate,21 and total dietary
tion medication. Procedures for research with human volun- fiber22 was performed by Hazelton Laboratories (Madison,
teers were approved by the Institutional Review Board, WI). Levels of trans-fatty acids were measured by infrared
Georgetown University School of Medicine. spectroscopy;23 cis- and fra/w-positional isomers were deter-
mined by gas chromatography.24 Trans 18:1 monounsaturated
Experimental Diets and Design fatty acids comprised 98% or more of the total dietary trans-
fatty acids.
Four diets enriched in fatty acids—oleic (Oleic), moderate
trans (Mod Trans), high trans (High Trans), and saturated
Lipoprotein Assays
(Sat)—were fed in a Latin square design (6-week periods) so
that each subject consumed all 4 diets. Subjects were blind to Blood was collected from fasting subjects (>12-h fast) prior
dietary treatments. A previous report describes the diets and to breakfast (between 6 AM and 8:30 AM) with replicates taken
their formulation and analyzed nutrient values and procedures on Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday, during
for blinding.17 the 6th week of each feeding period. In addition, baseline
Each diet contained 39% to 40% of energy as fatty acids (Table samples were collected twice the week before controlled feed-
1). The Sat diet contained 16% of energy as cholesterol-raising ing started. Procedures used for blood sampling and processing
saturated fatty acids (lauric+myristic+palmitic) and 11% of en- are those described in the protocol for the Lipid Research
ergy as oleic acid. To formulate the Oleic, Mod Trans, and High Clinics program.25 Blood was collected in tubes containing 1.5
Trans diets, the Sat diet was modified by replacing 6% of energy mg/mL Na2 EDTA (final concentration) promptly cooled on
from saturated fat (lauric+myristic+palmitic) with an equal wet ice, and plasma was separated by low-speed centrifugation
(1400 Xg) for 20 minutes at 4°C. Plasma samples were coded to
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amount of either oleic acid (Oleic diet), a combination of oleic

and trans-fatty acids (Mod Trans diet), or trans-fatty acids (High blind analysts to subject treatments. The method of Gidez et
Trans diet). The Oleic, Mod Trans, and High Trans diets provided al.2S was used to isolate HDL. The triglyceride and cholesterol
17% to 18% of energy as monounsaturates (oleic or o\e\c+trans- contents of plasma and the HDL fractions were determined
fatty acids). Naturally occurring &ww-isomers from meat, dairy enzymatically (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO). Concen-
products, and other foods represented about 0.7% of energy in all trations of LDL cholesterol were calculated by the method of
diets. The levels of stearic acid, which, unlike other common Friedewald et al.27 A detailed description of the methodology
saturated fatty acids is not hypercholesterolemic,1820 were held for determinations of lipoproteins other than Lp(a) has been
constant across diets at 3% of energy. Cholesterol levels were held reported.17
constant at approximately 0.083 mmol/MJ (13.5 mg/100 kcal) or Samples for Lp(a) analysis were frozen at -90°C. After the
about 400 mg/d at the average energy level. Dietary fiber intake study was completed, samples were shipped on dry ice to the
was 22 g/d to 25 g/d at an energy intake of 11.72 Ml. Lipid Metabolism Laboratory of the Jean Mayer USDA Hu-
Meals were prepared at the Human Studies Facility, Belts- man Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University
ville Human Nutrition Research Center, using a 14-day menu for analysis. Levels of Lp(a) were measured as described
cycle. Trans-fatty acids were incorporated into margarines, previously3'1325 with a commercially available enzyme-linked
baked goods, dips, gravies, and other foods using partially immunosorbent assay (Strategic Diagnostics, Newark, DE).
hydrogenated fats typical of those found in the U.S. food Briefly, diluted samples (1:201) were incubated for 1 hour in
microtiter strip wells coated with a monoclonal anti-Lp(a)
antibody that does not cross-react with plasminogen. After 4
TABLE 1. Intakes of the 58 Participants on the 4 washes, a 20-minute incubation with a polyclonal anti-Lp(a)
Experimental Diets (% of energy) horseradish peroxidase conjugate was followed by another 4
Mod High washes. An incubation of substrate (hydrogen peroxide) and
Oleic Trans Trans Sat chromogen (O-phenylenediamine) was stopped after 20 min-
Total fatty acids 39.0 39.0 39.0 40.0 utes by the addition of 2 N sulfuric acid. The absorbance was
Protein 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
read at 492 nm with a Dynatech MR 600 microtiter plate
9.5 16.2
reader (Dynatech Inc., Vienna, VA). The Lp(a) values were
L+M+P* 10.6 9.9
calculated from the standard curve generated from the set of
Stearic acid 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.1
standards provided with each plate. Intraassay and interassay
Oleic acid 16.7 14.1 11.4 10.9
coefficients of variation were 3.2% and 5.2%, respectively.
Trans-fatty acidsf 0.7 3.8 6.6 0.7
All samples from an individual subject were included in a
Linoleic acid 6.1 6.0 6.2 6.1 single run.
Other fatty acidsj 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.9
* L+M+P=Lauric+myristic+palmitic acids. Statistical Analysis
t Trans-fatty acids include naturally occurring frans-isomers from Values for Lp(a) were the average of the replicate determi-
meat, dairy products, and other foods.
t The category for other fatty acids includes short-chain fatty acids nations taken on 2 days during the final week of the feeding
(C<12), saturated fatty acids (C>18), and cis-isomers of mono- and periods. Both logarithmic- and square-root transformations
polyunsaturated fatty acids other than oleic and linoleic acids. were conducted to normalize Lp(a) data. Statistical analyses
Clevidence et al Dietary Fatty Acids and Plasma Lp(a) Levels 1659

TABLE 2. Characteristics of the 58 Participants there were no statistically significant differences among
at Baseline* Lp(a) levels produced by consumption of the Oleic, Mod
Men Women Both Trans, or High Trans diets.
(n=29) (n=29) (n=58) The Lp(a) data were grouped into 3 strata according
Age (years) 41+2.0 44±1.9 43±1.4 to baseline Lp(a) levels: low (<5 mg/L), medium (>5
Body mass index 27.1+0.6 25.8±0.7 26.4±0.5 mg/dL but <30 mg/L), high (>30 mg/L). The cutoff of
Race (black/white) 7:22 5:24 12:46 30 mg/L was chosen because values at this level and
Steroid hormone 7 7 above28"30 have been associated with increased risk of
Smokers 2 5 7 coronary artery disease. The cutoff level of 5 mg/L was
Total cholesterol (mmol/L) 5.33+0.49 5.28+0.70 5.30±0.59 chosen arbitrarily. Data were analyzed by stratum to
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 3.44+0.44 3.21 ±0.62 3.31+0.54 avoid the possibility that the non-normal distribution of
HDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 1.29±0.36 1.45+0.31 1.37±0.34
Lp(a) would mask the effects of dietary fatty acids. In
Lp(a) (mg/dL) 24.9±3.8 24.7±5.3 24.8±3.2
particular, subjects with low levels of Lp(a) would not be
* Values are means±standard error or frequencies. expected to have important changes in response to diet.
We also attempted to stratify our data further to ascer-
were determined on both the original and transformed data. tain whether subjects with the very highest levels accord-
The reported data are arithmetic means. Data were analyzed ing to sextile ranking had increases in Lp(a) levels that
by analysis of variance (ANOVA) for main effects and inter- were clearly related to intake of trans-tatty acids. We
actions of gender, diet, and period using SAS version 6.06 (SAS performed analyses both within sextile and using the
Institute, Cary, NC). sextile as a stratifying variable. We report data for 3
strata (Table 3) because tests of the fit of the resulting
Results models showed no evidence that more than 3 strata
As commonly reported for this lipoprotein, Lp(a) would describe the data more accurately.
values were skewed; a high proportion of values fell at For each of the 3 strata, the Sat diet produced lower
the lower end of the range. The transformed data had levels of Lp(a) than did the other diets. Subjects who had
approximate normal distributions. Transformed and un- high levels of Lp(a) at baseline had slightly higher Lp(a)
transformed data produced essentially the same results,
levels when they ate the High Trans (56.0±0.6 mg/dL)
but the fit of the model was better for the raw than for
than when they consumed the Mod Trans (53.4±0.6
the transformed data. Thus Lp(a) values are given as
mg/dL) or Oleic (53.2±0.6 mg/dL) diets. These differ-
original, rather than transformed, data.
ences were nominally significant (i.e., statistically signif-
Baseline icant without correction for multiple comparisons,
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Baseline levels of Lp(a) and other plasma lipoproteins P<.03). However, the effect of the High Traits diet was
are reported in Table 2. Levels of Lp(a) ranged from 0.5 not statistically significant after Bonferroni correction
mg/dL to 111 mg/dL. No difference in Lp(a) values due for multiple comparisons, suggesting that the increase
to gender was detected at baseline. African Americans could have been due to chance. Replacing cis- with
had higher levels of Lp(a) (32.0±8.9 mg/dL) than whites trans-tatty acids had no effect on Lp(a) levels of subjects
(22.9±3.4 mg/dL); however, the differences were not who had low or medium levels of Lp(a) at baseline and
statistically significant. It should be noted that the sta- no effect when all subjects were considered collectively.
tistical test for difference by race has low power because The Lp(a) levels were not correlated with LDL choles-
of the small number of African Americans. There were terol levels (r<.02; P>A for all diets).
no significant correlations of Lp(a) levels with total,
LDL, or HDL cholesterol levels. Discussion
We were particularly interested in the effect of trans-
Response to Diet fatty acids on Lp(a) given the recent evidence that the
Because the Lp(a) values of men and women did not ingestion of partially hydrogenated vegetable oils ad-
differ in response to diet, the data were pooled across versely affects lipoprotein profiles.10'13-17 If trans-fatty
gender. When the 58 subjects were considered collec- acids also increase Lp(a) levels, which may be an inde-
tively, the Sat diet produced Lp(a) levels that were 8% to pendent risk factor for coronary heart disease,'-s then
11% lower than levels produced by the other diets; these public health concerns about the widespread use of food
differences were statistically significant (Table 3). By products containing these fats might justifiably become
contrast, when all subjects were considered collectively, stronger.

TABLE 3. Levels of Lp(a) and LDL Cholesterol in Subjects Consuming 4 Experimental Diets*
Subjectst Oleic Mod Trans High Trans Sat
Lipoprotein(a) (mg/dL):): 58 23.8+0.4 a 23.8±0.4 a 24.7±0.4 a 21.9±0.4 b
Low 11 2.9+0.8 a 2.9+0.8" 3.0±0.8 a 2.6±0.8"
Medium 28 15.2±0.5a 15.1 ±0.5= 15.1±0.5a 12.6±0.5 b
High 19 53.2±0.6 a 53.4+0.6" 56.0+0.6" 50.4±0.6C
LDL cholesterol (mmol/L) 58 3.34+0.24" 3.54±0.24 b 3.60+0.24"° 3.64+0.24°
* Within a given row, values with different superscripts are nominally significantly different from one another (P<.05), that
is, no correction has been made for multiple comparisons. Values are means + standard error,
t Subjects are 29 men and 29 women.
t Low, 5 mg/dL or less; medium, greater than 5 mg/dL and less than 30 mg/dL; high, 30 mg/dL or greater.
1660 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Vol 17, No 9 September 1997

Trans-fatty acids are produced from c/s-isomers dur- diets were 18:ln-8 (27.5%), 18:ln-7 (21.9%), 18:ln-9
ing the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Partially hydro- (18.8%), 18:ln-6 (15.0%), and 18:ln-10 (14.2%). The
genated vegetable oils are widely used in margarines, distribution of fram-isomers used by Katan and cowork-
shortenings, commercial frying fats, and baked goods, in ers9-14'15 was: 18:ln-9 (29.1%), 18:ln-8 (23.2%), and
large part because they provide the physical properties 18:ln-7 (20.6%). The relative distribution of trans-
and stability of saturated fats but contain less saturated monoenes in our study is typical of fats hydrogenated in
fatty acids than the traditional hard fats. Food compo- the United States. Thus, a possible explanation for the
sition data for trans-fatty acids of individual foods are lack of Lp(a) response in our study and that of Lichten-
sparse, so data concerning the typical intake of trans- stein et al.13 may be the differing pattern of trans-
fatty acids in the United States are less precise than for monoenes produced by the different hydrogenation
most other types of fatty acids.31 Estimated intakes of methods used in the United States and for the Dutch
trans-fatty acids based on availability in the food supply studies. The hydrogenation method used in the United
range from 8.1 g32 to 13.3 g33 per person per day, or States produces less elaidic acid (18:ln-9), and elaidic
approximately 3% to 6% of energy for most adults in the acid has been fed at higher levels in studies reporting
U.S. population. We chose to add trans-fatty acids from that trans-fatty acids affect Lp(a) levels.9'1415
partially hydrogenated vegetable oils at 3% of energy
intake because we estimate that this level approximates Significant, although weak, correlations between lev-
the average level of U.S. consumption. Recognizing that els of Lp(a) and of apoprotein B or LDL have been
some individuals consume larger amounts, we also noted by some,5-34-35 but not all,14-36'37 investigators. We
added trans-fatty acids at a higher level, 6% of energy. found no relationships between Lp(a) levels and levels
The Mod Trans diet provided 6.7 g of trans-fatty acids of other lipoproteins; correlations were very small and
for women at their average intake level of about 8.40 MJ none was significantly different from zero. Our data are
(2000 kcal) and 10.7 g for men at their average intake consistent with the concept that Lp(a) is independently
level of about 13.39 MJ (3200 kcal) from partially regulated. Hepatic production may be the dominant
hydrogenated vegetable oils. The High Trans diets pro- factor influencing levels of Lp(a).38
vided about twice these levels. These diets contained The diet enriched with saturated fatty acids produced
additional (—2 g/d) trans-fatty acids from natural significantly lower levels of Lp(a) than did diets enriched
sources (largely dairy products), as did the Oleic and Sat with c/s-monounsaturated and frans-monounsaturated
diets. fatty acids. This finding is consistent with those of
previous reports that the cholesterol-raising saturated
Katan and coworkers9 found median levels of Lp(a) to fatty acids (lauric, myristic, and palmitic acids) produce
be 73% and 41% higher when 10% of energy as trans- lower Lp(a) concentrations than oleic acid9 and that
butter produces lower levels of Lp(a) than either par-
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monounsaturated fatty acids replaced an equivalent

amount of cholesterol-raising saturated fatty acids (lau- tially hydrogenated safflower oil or partially hydroge-
ric, myristic, and palmitic acids) or oleic acid, respec- nated fish oil.11
tively. In another experiment from that laboratory, me- Assuming that the standard errors observed in this
dian levels of Lp(a) increased by 23% when 8% of study were the true underlying standard errors associ-
energy from trans-fatty acids replaced either linoleate or ated with diet, this study had an 80% power to detect
stearate.9 Nestel et al.10 reported that trans-fatty acids at changes (in mg/dL) of 0.6, 2.1, and 4.4 for the low-,
7% of energy produced a 19% increase in Lp(a) levels medium-, and high-Lp(a) groups, respectively, and of 1.6
when elaidic acid was substituted for palmitic acid. for the subjects collectively. These values were calcu-
However, Lichtenstein et al.13 observed no increase in lated with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple compar-
Lp(a) levels when trans-fatty acids were fed at a more isons (a=.05/3). Using a nominal a level of .05, the study
moderate level, 4% of energy, by replacing corn oil with had an 80% power to detect changes (in mg/dL) of 0.5,
corn oil margarine. Similarly, after adjusting for multiple 1.9, and 3.7 for the low-, medium-, and high-Lp(a)
comparisons, we found no significant effects on Lp(a) groups, respectively, and 1.4 for the subjects collectively.
levels as a result of substituting either 3% or 6% of Thus, the study most likely could detect meaningful
energy as trans-fatty acids at the expense of oleic acid. differences in Lp(a) levels that occurred in response to
However, our data suggest that high levels of trans-fatty diet. We detected some differences that were smaller,
acids may be associated with small increases in Lp(a) yet statistically significant, than those for which we had
levels in a subpopulation, those with high levels of Lp(a). 80% power.
This conclusion is based on the observation that the 19 In summary, our data suggest that for individuals with
subjects with high baseline levels of Lp(a) (^30 mg/dL) high levels of Lp(a) trans-fatty acids may adversely affect
had, on average, a 5% increase in Lp(a) when they Lp(a) levels. This finding, which was statistically signifi-
consumed the diet with 6% of energy as trans-fatty acids cant only prior to correcting for multiple comparisons,
rather that the diets with oleic acid or with 3% of energy must be considered suggestive rather than conclusive. If,
as trans-fatty acids. This group also exhibited a 10% as generally believed, a high level of Lp(a) is an impor-
increase in Lp(a) levels when 6% of energy as trans-fatty tant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, then the
acids replaced 6% of energy as saturated fatty acids. The biological significance of these changes will best be
biological significance of these changes is unknown. evaluated by conducting dietary studies of individuals
The dietary frans-monounsaturates in our study and with high levels of Lp(a). Perhaps more pertinent for the
those from studies by Katan and coworkers91415 were general population is the impact of saturated fatty acids
similar in that at least 98% of the total dietary trans-fatty on Lp(a) levels. Saturated fatty acids not only appear to
acids were 18:1 monounsaturates. They differed, how- lower Lp(a) levels, but also do so consistently, regardless
ever, in the distribution of trans-isomers. The predomi- of the initial Lp(a) level. Because of the well-known
nant trans-isomers in the Mod Trans and High Trans ability of saturated fatty acids to raise LDL levels, it
Clevidence et al Dietary Fatty Acids and Plasma Lp(a) Levels 1661

remains important to clarify the impact of trans-fatty 16. Wood R, Kubena K, O'Brien B, Tseng S, Martin G. Effect of butter,
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17. Judd JT, Clevidence BA, Muesing RA, Wittes J, Sunkin ME,
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