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A NOtes Wale
The Age of IndusAvialIsalion.
Befone he Jndwlrial Revoluhon
Pnolo ind
the Anaubiryalisalion -
is uekooed to the phase eNen bejane
Tcories england and Ewope.
begam im
uCUs ange, bcale ndustnad poudu cHion o am
ndexnational Haket not based on {adories
Inhe th and 18th cendwuy, mechands om urope moved
ounhsyside, Supplying money to peausants aumd
t i
atibuns, uTquesH ng them fo Pouduca hon am indenatonal
Mechonts were Hslvicded fo expand thein produchion within
OLUNS becouse ulos qtanled dist quilds the monopoly
Jughk to poduce and iade m Specikic pvoducts in he
Countsybide Poos peasards and atibans eagenly agveed do
thot they Could emain im tha countsydide" and conHnue
fo cultiYate theis ámad þlotd;
he psoto- ndus tialisation was thus
Pat of a nework
oCommexcial Exchanges Contsolle d by merchonda
The Coming up a the foctoy
n the I130s the earliot dackovies im england were &et up
but Only m the late igth century the n. o4 fackories multiplied.
CoHon wos tha fisst umbol anw ea and it pwdudon
boomedim dhe 1ate 19th certosy.
Richand Arkwvight oeated ha coton miu whee Cobily
machine wee a t up und au the povcesses wer broufh4
doaeh e wmden Me H0of and managemen

he Pace ondlustrial Chande

Cisst: dn
first: n 8itoun, he most dunamic
industries were Cotton
and melals.o ton Wad tha leadung &tctor in the ira
phase a industnaiz0dfon up Bo he l940s, followed by
and Steel indushry
n e induskies lound d diticutt to duplo ce
Third TheHadiHonal
det bypa a ochange in biadilionad
b e industies was mot
bteam-poow&ied coton 0 metal indust i , b f
didn't Meman ontisely stognard eltnet:
fOUsthTechnological chorgee occwed Aow
James watt improvea
and impoDved the Seam emine pmduced by NuDcomem
His Podented he nw engine in I78)
ndutBial iend mathew Bouton mamulactwred he neu
Unklteam emgines wea n0t used im any dt the ohey Indusaies
umhA much
latet the CeuLy
tand Labou and Steom Powe
wa was
s mo
mo ShoHdage, al humam LaboWj Im
VIdovicum Bitain

Tndustialits had no p'oblem o lobow shodoge ox hiqh

mochines industialito Mequuedlayge
Waqe COats. nstead a
Capital inv estmen
bABonad many indlustne.
The demamd e labowi was whete pDduchiom luctuaded
Jn au uch eaAe m dusties
Un au
usually psehovned hand
deason, indusBnaGists
with he the deas0H
Jobowr, Employing wONKeshax
ike o he w0tKei4 bundance o labow
The ile of
wakexs ne alhecded by a

in the madke.
To gd a job, wOXKesa Ahould isHng haue piend nedworks
ShiP and Helohion m
the mid 19th Cenduy F uwas diiut fon woxkers
TU wea n Creabed
th ind iobs.
dn eANly 19t centusy wages
mada 00YKeJd Mostfle to Hhe Indsoduchiom
fean wn embloyment
new tech noloqy.
Spiming jenny a s Uabduted in the w0ollen Imduwru. Aler
the 1840s bilding ackiuities indensilied in tha cities opeminq
q3eader opprtuniHes a employmend.
Lwete widened. mew Hailwup afon come up, Tailwau
uines tended, Aunnels dug. daainage and Sewe
laia, ives embamkedl
ialibalion in ihe Colonie
n Age Indian Terlile
AM Tndioa, ilk and Cotton g0ods dominaBed the intenatona
maket in texiles behane tho age of madhine Induustnes
nuuword a 0.
Indian 1Chantp and bankes wee invowed vo hus
and Expoxt Bsade.- ffnancd ng Puduchon taJrylng goodb
Bu thedupplufng ex poviena
0s, thi netwosk condnoued by Jncdian markets
menchumds was bv eaking down.The twopeam Companies Came
POwe- Asst becwun a vauety ot Concesalon& Om
OCaA Cowda, then he tnono poly dghds to tvade
n e shift1om the ald pordh to dhe new ome was an
I ucatfon 4 gmuoth o colenial pooey
he new Posts
TOpeaum companies Contoled tade hrooqh
md were CDUied to Sheps.
many old tvoding housesEwnopeam
Collapseel. Thoae who wanded fo
bui ve had td opiate wjthin nelwovk made by uopeaon
_hai happemeol doConsolidoution India Company
A t e the I760s the to a decline in derHle Expords
did mot iniially
1om Indio.
political powe in Bemgal md
Belone esiabilishing inWa Compuny
Casinatic in the IWos and I110s, the Cat
had lound diiwult 30 ensuwe a eaulan bubbly o
govds goI expordb;
India Company
established Power il deyeloped,a
AMe Eabt and cordul that would
&alem condD CObtd, nd Enswe Hequlcon suphliey otdtues
Cornpeiion, u JwD slabished follo wing a
SLK goodlp
o ep hrad ens and
nahng exialing bukes connecdecd wih he
14. By eimi
cloth ade, amd estab ishing a move dinect cordol ove
its weawer

By p%ey
poey eni ng Compony weaweu)
enti nq
. HOm dealing with othen weawe
The Tawmade sials on
he neded to hand

an onde e g'santed a loan to buy
who took loars
netded to

OveH the Uo
clolh they pvdu

md omemd ihe ihe labau a entive
omily with
the" pDcess

Eoxlio. dubblu
au me
aul emgaged
weavow, but heuo
emgpg hacl a veuy cdose Hlatonship wth
me hörtd
Ooudsideus wth no do0Cica
neu gomasthas we
Unk wiyh the
nm many placeswNat
în Caonatic and Benga wecwers Set up loms
m Othe vilags w hee they hod Same amily Helatovn
LuagsweaNots along with the uillagesaders ewolHed,
n otheplaces,
opposing he combany and i othdal
Ove me
4Hh ime mans weawexs began velung loanb, clobing doon
thel wOXKshopb ånd falking bour
agiiiultovë laboor
5 t h twwn o lgth cetösy, Coton weavetd foced a nw det 04
P blemMD
F Manchestex Comea o India.
dn 1779, Hemey Patulo baid that the demand a indian
exile Coud mever teducn bince no Ohex nation põvclucu
goods al the bame qualuky
Bud, masdumadely by the beginning af the 1gm Centuvy
India wiinessed a deceine o extile etpots
J n the eanly 19th cenluy expords a Bvikish Coton goocls
incHeased dndmaicatly A the emd o he 8th centuwy impost
aCatton piec-goods öeie Testicted imtd ndia.

*In 1ndia Cottonmak

weovea oced wo publem:
et codapsed.
. The ex pont
Shvank and Cnluded lth manchestey expozto
Local maket

By he 1860s weovexs oced new publem-The Umsuthiciemt

Cotbn a Gond qualiky.
Subbly o Haw
vemthehe 0 Cotbn expads iom îndia inheasd duo to
which the pnce inoieased.

Ay the end o 1gh cend wy o he cookls people daced yet

amothen povblem. Factoies in Tndia began pdduction ,
Clooding he maket wth machine goods
ackcsie Come UP
n 1364,
ad the luut Cotlon mill in Bomby et up and went into
Bysoduuction TUO
1868, 4
tuo yeans lade
det up and round the
bame 4moxe
ime mose
Jud mills
he iu iude mis came upm Bemgod
uwa bd up im 1869 0and Anch
nd Anoth een one
afe ok Juke miu
btNON wa im 186 im the 1860s in 103th indioy
The t iuk Cotbn miu a Ahmedabad wa bet p By 1814
the ist Spinning and weawinq míl o madnas begam
he eanly enteipreneuo
Tomhe late 1sth censy. the 8iish in irdia began
n opium to china Ond took Hea Fem chino to Englad
n Bemaak, warknath togoKe made his foxtune iom
me sade with
china belone he tined to indusBma
Seting up oink-&tock combanis 0he
30s and 1840s.
d n Bombay. Panbis like Oinbhaw Pelit and Jansdja
NUSnwanji Tala buiu huge indusByal emplves im India
byaccumuulating thein weath pwtly to
em Xpods
China and pody Rauw coton Shipmenth» to England.

#Whene did the w0iKeS COme fxm

WOkens mainly came om he dihidAanound.
a i n y peasands and woxkexs who found no wovking aUsal India.
fox e. in Bombay (otton industries WOK s iom Radnaqui
dit nict
ComcliHion Indian_woxkezA
MOt ot the mu woxkeu WHe demposanily employed
Sobbe ohlem conlolled the unes a woxker
* Jobber APeaon employed by industsialists to qut ne
Jecyuts 0n t h mius
Role o Jobbey
h y become pouon with Aome authoity and Powey,
n g o t peo ple iem theby viuloge and enawie thom job
h y albo Povuid ed hem mony in Cs
hePeulianilies o IndusBial Grzouoth
dominated Incdubtnal
Prciopean managing_aqemcie).
Producionmuno which
eoted in pooduuing onty
those go0ds
which ve sade cand no.t la sale
1n IIndia te tquined ke expoxt
xfos e {ea, (ohe Jndigo Juti, mining
Sndion bel up hoDe Induwtnes whích woud not
Combede BuUwimewmen
fos ea with
Yeann anchestey goocls
ws not imporded d0 early cotBon miws
Pabdured ya»n Hahe than fobi
cecade al 20th contuwy patenn af Industiaisa.Hon
lAh Movementli90s) mobilised peo ble to boycot Fodegn
Cloth 0Herdile puduction began in Indla Moveove
n expoxt to china declinedbo dusi sialist8 &hiled
1m yaAn to toh pnducion. Cotom pieco pwdu cHOn
doubled betweem 1400 and 1912
ww gae a boost Industrial pso ducion in Sndta. New
fatones wew bet up im Incla a Bihsh mills wece
bwy wth waH puduchon
Omaumau &rale IndusBries Psedominale:
Even atte the
Comdres locatedl qrooth o adores vey lew induskia
mauny n
Bengal and Bombay
a dmau pupofon a the" toBal Jnduwtmal
in facorie labouw
9 S% i 19l and j0°/% in 1931. Rest worked in
JwONkShopS and houbehold unds
Series o invenHon impDved the
in handloom dectan aml handloom technqve o Pwdu cion
eypanded sdeadily one buch inveuioncloth Podudion
w {uushute
speacialuseoweawe COuud not be
So hey we tontinued to be pncuced byponducd by mills
Some q300ps af
Some weavod wwved the
CormpaHHon wH
JHdu nes be than othet
FAv Shutle: 91 a mechanicad
deuice used a weanu'ng,

yed by rmany
wpes and puuies
Maxket lon Goode
uveyiibments P
any Poduct.0ne
play a veuy nita
Hole in he mankein
which n w Consumers u
Ceatedhovugh advetúmenth
Adyedibements make pvclucts appea desixable and
and necesauuy
They Shope
fo ne the minco of the plople amd
CHeto hw d
Today we lived in
wadd whexe adventismends &woioond
hey appean 0 the mewspa pes, Maga zines cte
fom th voy begining of the induwtml age, advertismemt
have played a'p in epanding the makets
and im Shap'ng a new ConAumi ulture hon bnclud

Notes tes Wale

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