Experient 02 CFE 3712

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Determination of acid value of oil

1. Objective
a. To find acid value of oil

2. Theory

Analytically, the acid value is defined as the number of milligrams of Potassium

hydroxide/Sodium hydroxide required to neutralize the free fatty acids present in one
gram of fat. It is a relative measure of rancidity as free fatty acids are normally formed
during decomposition of triglycerides. Rancidity refers to the oxidation of unsaturated
fats or oils in food that results in a bad smell and taste. The value is also expressed as per
cent of free fatty acids calculated as oleic acid, lauric, ricinoleic and palmitic acid. In
principal, the acid value is a measure of the extent to which the glycerides in the oil have
been hydrolyzed by lipase action. The glycerides are also hydrolyzed with water in the
presence of air and possibly bacteria. The decomposition is accelerated by heat and light.

Followinfg is the table showing expected acid value of oil sample

3. Experimental Section
3.1 Materials required

1. 99% Ethanol
2. 0.1 N NaOH
3. Phenolphthalein

3.2 Apparatus

1. Balance
2. Burette with stand
3. Measuring cylinder
4. Conical Flask
5. Hot Plate
6. Pipettes

3.3 Experimental Procedure

1. Take 50 mL of ethanol in a conical flask and about 1ml of phenolphthalein indicator

solution. Then, neutralize the ethanol against 0.1 N NaOH solution taken in burette.
Appearance of light pink color is the indication of neutralization (Persisting for 15 sec.)
2. Weigh 10 g of the cooled oil sample as mentioned in the in a 250 mL conical flask.
3. Add 50 mL of freshly neutralized ethanol in the oil sample.
4. Heat the mixture for about fifteen minutes in water bath (75-80°C).
5. Add 1 mL phenolphthalein indicator in the mixture.
6. Take the initial volume reading from burette. Then, titrate the oil mixture while hot against
standard alkali solution and shake vigorously during the titration.
7. End point using phenolphthalein indicator shall be from colorless to light pink
(Persisting for 15 sec.)
8. Take the final volume reading from the burette after the end point is reached.

3.4. Calculations
Acid value= Where,
MW= Molecular weight of alkali
V = Volume in mL of standard sodium hydroxide used
N = Normality of the Sodium hydroxide solution
W = Weight in gm of the sample

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