Skills Cards

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How to use
© InnoValor, 2018
© InnoValor, 2018
Skills Cards
The Skills Cards help you to determine if you have what it takes Step 1 - determine your skills
to start your own business. To be successful you need not only a
On each card there is a definition of a skill. Give your skills a
good idea, but also the skills to implement it. The Skills Cards
score on a scale from 1 to 5. On each card is defined what a score
describe fourteen skills that are important for entrepreneurs. By
of 1 means and what a score of 5 means. Divide the cards into
scoring your own entrepreneurial skills you know which skills
three stacks according to the scores you provide:
you have and which you need to improve.
• Good (4 and 5): These are skills that you know you have. You
can clearly identify yourself with the description on the card.
Tips for use
• Average (2 and 3): These are skills that you possess to a certain
You can use the Skills Cards on your own. They can also be used extent, however there is still room for improvement.
in a group to serve as the basis for a discussion about
• Bad (1): Skills that you do not have. You know yourself and you
entrepreneurial skills. The Skills Cards deal with your know this is not your strong suit.
personality, so it is advised to use the cards in a setting where
your trust the people and you can get honest and correct Look at the piles, how is the distribution of the cards? Are many
feedback. in the 'good' pile, or do you have your work cut out for you?

Look at the example of FitnessTracker to see how the Skills Cards

can be used. Step 2 - examine each stack.

Examine the skills from the 'good' pile. Investigate whether the
How to use pitfalls apply to you. If they do, have a look if and how you can
circumvent them. For example, reflecting sufficiently on your
With the Skills Cards you investigate whether you have a diverse actions or asking for feedback from employees or business
set of skills needed to start and grow a business. Every skill also partners.
has a catch, turning the skill into a hindrance when it is pushed
Skills that are on the 'average' pile are partly under control.
too far. Awareness of these pitfalls will help you to use your skills
Research how you can become better in these skills. Step out of
your comfort zone and see if you can work on this skill

© InnoValor, 2018
Now look at the ‘bad’ pile. Can you improve skills from this pile?
Think of following a course to get better in this skill or hiring an
employee who has this skill.

© InnoValor, 2018
Example FitnessTracker
industry Digital gadgets FitnessTracker, like its name predicts, tracks all matters related to
personal fitness. Previously, the company focused on top athletes
products & Sport wearables for whom they developed specialist heart meters. Now
services FitnessTracker wants to try a new market. The rise of the internet
of things (IoT) and the popularity of fitness applications for
mobile phones make the consumer market promising. Wearables
size of 27 employees in particular, such as the watch they have developed, are popular.
business This is the product that FitnessTracker wants use to enter the
consumer market.
revenue € 1,720,000
FitnessTracker Skills Cards
location Enschede For the launch of the new FitnessTracker product, a new
department is being set up. Two employees from the existing
company will lead this department as if it were a stand-alone
company. To investigate their entrepreneurial skills, they play
with the skills cards. After they made three piles, they discuss the
choices that they made that will influence the future
department. They appear to have little experience with
leadership. Because they are going to hire people to make the
software of the sports watch, they decide that they want to see a
quick improvement in this skill. To do this they are going to do a

© InnoValor, 2018
skills cards

1 Goal oriented 2 Independent 3 Perseverance

Successful entrepreneurship Starting a company gives you the Especially in the early years of a
starts with setting clear objec- freedom to decide how you want start-up not everything goes
tives and working towards them. to handle things. It also means well. With plenty setbacks that
Focus and a goal-oriented atti- that you often have to depend on you have to overcome. A good
tude provides direction for your yourself. entrepreneur has a clear vision
company and increases the and works purposefully in the
chance that goals are achieved. face of adversity.

1 You start immediately and just go 1 You enjoy getting work assigned to 1 You have difficulty persevering
and see where you end up. you and rather leave decision-mak- when faced with hardship you often
ing to others. just change your focus to other pro-
5 You aim high and have a great need
to measure your performance at 5 You know exactly how you want to
fixed points in time. organize your business and are not 5 You believe in your ideas, even if
afraid to make decisions. you face adversity you push though.
You often manage to bring difficult
projects to a good end.

Pitfalls Pitfalls Pitfalls

You have little flexibility and thus are of- You insist on checking everything your- Not all projects can succeed, you have to
ten unable to respond to change. self and don't let go. This way your com- acknowledge this and leave some pro-
pany cannot grow. jects behind.
The need to get to your goal creates an
unpleasant work atmosphere or collabo- Employees experience little freedom be- Unnecessary stubbornness can result in
ration. cause they do not get to make their own continuing a project against better judg-
decisions. ment.

developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor

skills cards

4 Creative 5 Flexible 6 Risk aware

Entrepreneurship requires the ca- Entrepreneurs often end up in Investing comes with risks. Being
pacity to play with ideas and, de- unexpected situations. A flexible risk aware is shown in how you
spite limitations, find new solu- attitude ensures that you can re- actively and consciously interact
tions. Entrepreneurs are often spond quickly and correctly to with these risks.
creative and see opportunities such a situation. Even if that
where others do not see them. means that you have to deviate
from existing goals.

1 You often look to others for new 1 You are quite stubborn and don't 1 You do not like to take risks. Your
ideas and solutions. like to deviate from your plans attitude is reactive and often ques-
tion yourself about the right ap-
5 You don’t like to follow the beaten 5 You do aren't easily rendered
proach to risks.
track and often come up with new speechless and quickly adjust your
or better solutions to problems. plans if the situation demands it. 5 You deal with risk proactively often
seeing risks as opportunities for
growth for yourself and your com-

Pitfalls Pitfalls Pitfalls

The beaten track is well used for a rea- Consider others, not everyone can re- Be aware of how many risks you take. you
son, in some cases it might be better to spond to new situations so quickly. cannot build in a (financial) buffer for too
learn from existing solutions instead of many risks at once.
re-inventing the wheel. Be aware that you do not come across as
fickle, being able to adjust to a new situ- The line between taking risks proactively
ation is something different than saying and imprudence is thin. Make sure you al-
yes to everyone. ways understand the consequences of
your decisions.

developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor

skills cards

7 Leadership 8 Market-oriented 9 Financial insight

Even freelancers sometimes hire A market-oriented attitude As entrepreneur you need a cer-
help. Do you have, or plan on shows you are interested in who tain amount of insight and inter-
having employees? Good leader- your competitors are and what is est in financial matters. There are
ship qualities will then come in happening in the market and people who can advise you, but
handy. Task and targeted man- with your customers. This way you have to make the final deci-
agement of employees helps the your product will always add sions. Financial decisions have
growth of your company and value for customers. great effects on the health of the
your employees. company.

1 You like staying on top of things 1 You are product-oriented. You think 1 You just do not occupy yourself with
and have trouble leaving employees mainly about the qualities of your the financial side of your business
in charge. product without knowing what and let others make important
competitors offer or what custom- choices.
5 You find it easy to transfer tasks and
ers want.
responsibilities to employees. 5 You are fully aware of the financial
5 You have a clear picture of what ins and outs of your company.
competitors do, what your custom-
ers want and developments in your

Pitfalls Pitfalls Pitfalls

Employees are given more responsibility You continuously adjust your product / Obsessing over the numbers can make
than they can handle and are unsure service to the wishes of your customer you forget the human side of your busi-
about your role. and this way lose sight of your goals. ness.

There are no clear agreements about re- You constantly compare yourself to the Your pursuit of a financially sound busi-
sponsibilities, employees do not know best parties in your market. Consider dif- ness hinders your ability to take risks
what they should and should not decide ferences with your company, like budget which prevents growth of your business.
about. and manpower.

developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor

skills cards

10 Planning 11 Negotiate 12 Social

As an entrepreneur you do many In almost all matters concerning To make an idea a reality people
different tasks. It is important to a company it is important to ne- and networks are indispensable.
organize them well if you aim to gotiate. If not, you always pay Being approachable and easy to
keep your deadlines. Clear plan- too much for what you buy, and connect with helps the growth of
ning and prioritization are essen- others pay too little for what you your network, getting your prod-
tial. offer. uct out there and as such the
growth of the company.

1 You often get carried away by the 1 You are modest and struggle to con- 1 You do not like large groups of peo-
task that demands the most atten- front others. ple and have difficulty striking up a
tion from you now. conversation.
5 You know what you are worth and
5 You keep a structured list of every- get good deals both for what you 5 You feel at ease when you are
thing you need to do. You know ex- sell and for items that you buy. among people and easily make new
actly which matters you need to contacts.
tackle first and which can wait.

Pitfalls Pitfalls Pitfalls

There is no space in your planning for un- Negotiation is like a competition for you, At events you talk to many people, but
expected things, which means you have you always want to the best deal. In the you often forget to promote your com-
limited flexibility. end people do not like doing business pany.
with you.
You do not review your schedule. Priori- You are literally looking over a person’s
tization of tasks can change with time, You often go for the lowest priced items, shoulder to find out if more important
you have to deal with this actively. however this way you end up with pour people are coming in, this is not very
quality. friendly.

developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor

skills cards

13 Realistic 14 Analytical

As much as we would want to, It is important that you some-

not everyone can become as suc- times take a step back and look
cessful as Facebook, Uber or at your company rationally. This
McDonalds overnight. Set your- helps to keep the long-term goals
self and your employees realistic in mind.
and achievable goals.

1 Your goals are sky-high and there is 1 You do not dwell on projects that go
a lack of evaluation. wrong but continue to the next
thing without thinking how you
5 You have big dreams for your com-
might improve.
pany, but you know how to set
goals that are feasible and realistic. 5 You know yourself, analyse situa-
tions and learn from your mistakes.

Pitfalls Pitfalls
You are overly realistic, so much so that You have a hard time going forward you
employees have difficult pitching more analyse every situation, which takes too
creative ideas to you. much time.

A too realistic attitude suppresses an op- An analytical approach is often rational

timistic attitude which can be useful for but can feel distant.
some bad moments in the company.

developed by InnoValor developed by InnoValor

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