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Scenario: You are a student who needs to decide on your major in college.

1. Assess the Problem & Diagnose:

Problem: Choosing a college major.

Diagnosis: You’re at a stage where you need to decide your major, but you’re uncertain about your interests,
strengths, and career goals.

2. Brainstorming the Choices:

Potential Choices:

 Research various majors and their job prospects.

 Talk to academic advisors and professors for guidance.
 Take introductory courses in different subjects to explore your interests.
 Seek advice from family and friends.
 Consider your passions and long-term career goals.

3. Consequences of Every Choice:

For each potential choice, evaluate the consequences:

 Researching majors: Pros – Informed decision. Cons – Time-consuming.

 Consulting academic advisors: Pros – Expert advice. Cons – Limited perspective.
 Taking introductory courses: Pros – Hands-on exploration. Cons – May not cover all options.
 Seeking advice from family and friends: Pros – Support network. Cons – Biased opinions.
 Considering passions and career goals: Pros – Personal satisfaction. Cons – May lack clarity.

4. Decision Making:
After considering the consequences, you decide to take introductory courses in different subjects. This will give you
practical exposure to various fields and help you make a more informed decision about your major.

5. Evaluation:
Over the next year, you enrol in a variety of introductory courses and gain insight into different majors. You find
that one particular field aligns with your interests, strengths, and long-term career aspirations. With this newfound
clarity, you confidently declare your major.

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