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Types of

Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as
food by humans, prominently including fish and
shellfish. Shellfish include various species of
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms.
any of several small, long-
tailed, chiefly marine
crustaceans of the decapod
suborder Natania, certain
species of which are used as
any of a family (Pectinidae) of
bivalves with two deeply grooved,
convex shells and an earlike wing on
each side of the hinge, that swims by
rapidly snapping its shells together to
expel water in a jetlike manner
Lobsters are a family of marine
crustaceans. They have long bodies
with muscular tails, and live in
crevices or burrows on the sea floor.
Three of their five pairs of legs have
claws, including the first pair, which are
usually much larger than the others.
any of a tribe (Brachyura) of chiefly
marine crustaceans with a short broad
usually flattened carapace, a small
abdomen that curls forward beneath
the body, short antennae, and the
anterior pair of limbs modified as
grasping pincers.
A squid is a mollusc with an
elongated soft body, large
eyes, eight arms, and two
tentacles in the superorder
Decapodiformes. Like all
are aquatic cold-blooded vertebrates found both at
sea and in freshwater. Many edible fish are great
sources of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids,
protein, B vitamins, iodine, and calcium, but fish also
pose a risk of harboring toxins and parasites and
spoil much more quickly than other meats
Salmon are named after their runs.
Sockeye salmon swimming upstream in
the annual migration in the Adams
River, British Columbia, Canada. Many
believe that the word “salmon” comes
from the Latin word salmo or salire,
which means “to leap"

Lemon Rosemary Salmon

is also called tunny, they are
elongated, robust, and streamlined
fishes; they have a rounded body
that tapers to a slender tail base
and a forked or crescent-shaped
tail. In colour, tunas are generally
dark above and silvery below, often
with an iridescent shine

Seared Ahi Tuna

is a freshwater fish that’s often
farmed and sold skinned because its
scaleless skin can be difficult to
remove. Catfish gets its name from
the barbels (fleshy filaments) hanging
from its mouth, which look like cats’
whiskers. It’s in the same family as
carp, but catfish’s simpler skeletal
structure makes it easier to fillet.

Keto Crispy Kajun Catfish

is a large fish whose colors can
vary depending on where it lives
and what type of trout it is. It has a
long, oval body, small head, small
eyes, and a mouth that stretches
back across its body.

Baked Fresh Rainbow Trout

are a hardy, fast growing fish, that can
live up to ten years and reach ten
pounds in weight. Tilapia are shaped
like a sunfish or crappie and are easily
identifiable by the interrupted lateral
line characteristic of the Chiclid family
of fishes. They are laterally
compressed with deep bodies and
have long dorsal fins.

Blackened Tilapia with Avocado Cucumber Salsa

Mahi Mahi
are fish that live in warm waters and
rarely grow over 30 pounds during
their four-to-five-year lifespans.
Mahi mahi means "strong" in the
Hawaiian language because these
fish are very vigorous swimmers.

Mahi Mahi in Lemon Garlic Cream Sauce

is a popular fish known for its mild
flavor and dense, flaky flesh. It's one of
the most common fish used for
making chips. Atlantic, caught in New
England, to the Pacific. It’s is available
year-round, with the most sustainable
option from Alaska. Cod works well
baked, broiled, or in a chowder.

Broiled Cod with Butter and Chive

Thank you for
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
2. A mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes,
eight arms, and two tentacles.
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
2. A mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes,
eight arms, and two tentacles.
3. It has a short broad usually flattened carapace, a
small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
2. A mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes,
eight arms, and two tentacles.
3. It has a short broad usually flattened carapace, a
small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body
4. These are aquatic cold-blooded vertebrates found
both at sea and in freshwater
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
2. A mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes,
eight arms, and two tentacles.
3. It has a short broad usually flattened carapace, a
small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body
4. These are aquatic cold-blooded vertebrates found
both at sea and in freshwater
5. The word "Salmon" came from the latin word
"Salmo" or "Salire" that means?
1. In what manner does a scallop swim?
2. A mollusc with an elongated soft body, large eyes,
eight arms, and two tentacles.
3. It has a short broad usually flattened carapace, a
small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body
4. These are aquatic cold-blooded vertebrates found
both at sea and in freshwater
5. The word "Salmon" came from the latin word
"Salmo" or "Salire" that means?

6. It is a small, long-tailed, chiefly marine

7. It is also called tunny
7. It is also called tunny

8. What does "Mahi Mahi" mean in Hawaiian

7. It is also called tunny

8. What does "Mahi Mahi" mean in Hawaiian


9. It is a large fish whose colors can vary depending

on where it lives
7. It is also called tunny

8. What does "Mahi Mahi" mean in Hawaiian


9. It is a large fish whose colors can vary depending

on where it lives

10. It's one of the most common fish used for

making chips

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