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To meet the quality standars
Cooking Vegetables

Color, bright, natural colors

Appearance on plate. Cut neatly and uniformly.
Flavor. Full, natural flavor and sweetness, sometimes called " garden -
fresh " flavor
Seasoning. Lightly and appropriately seasoned.
Texture. Cook to the right degree of doneness. Most vegetable shoudl
be crisp-tender not overcooked and mushy, but not tough or woody
1. Sauces. Butter and seasoneed buttters should be fresh and not
used heavily, vegetabkes should not be greasy. Cream sauces and
other sauces should not be too thick or too heavily seasoned.
Principles in preparing vegetables
1. Cook vegetables in the smallest amount of liquid possible.
2. Cook vegetables the shortest amount of time for the desired tenderness.
3. For vegetables that have a skin, scrub well and cook with the skin on whenever
4. When vegetables are cut, use a sharp knife and into large pieces that are desirable for
the recipe.
5. Follow the recipe or directions for cooking a vegetable.
6. Cook vegetables just-in-time for serving on the line
Basic principles of cooking vegetables to
meet quality standards

1.Green Vegetables
Cooking green
vegetables have been
developed to keep the
green color
Basic principles of cooking vegetables to
meet quality standards

2. Orange and Yellow Vegetables

Orange and yellow
colored vegetables are
more stable than green
Basic principles of cooking vegetables to
meet quality standards

3. Cook vegetables for good flavor typical of the


All vegetables have some change of flavor during cooking

Basic principles of cooking vegetables to
meet quality standards

4. Serve vegetables at the right temperature.

Vegetables are placed on the serving line, do not overcook

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