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Republic of the Philippines

Bohol Island State University – Clarin Campus


“Elevating Tourism and Hospitality Marketing for the Chocolate Hills: A Case

Study on Sustainable Tourism in Bohol”

October 18, 2023

Report Submitted to

Precious Joy L. Patigdas

As partial fulfillment of the requirements in


First Semester School Year 2023-2024


“Elevating Tourism and Hospitality Marketing for the Chocolate Hills: A Case

Study on Sustainable Tourism in Bohol”


Overview of the Case Study

In this case study, the researcher will examine the transformation of tourism and

hospitality marketing strategies for the Chocolate Hills, a renowned natural wonder in

Carmen, Bohol, Philippines. The study will delve into how sustainable tourism practices

and effective marketing efforts have elevated the destination, focusing on responsible

tourism, online presence, community involvement, and sustainability initiatives.

Thesis Statement

The case study on the Chocolate Hills in Bohol exemplifies how a combination of

strategic marketing, community involvement, and sustainable initiatives can not only

attract a higher volume of tourists but also contribute to the preservation of natural

wonders and the well-being of local communities.

Summary of Observation

Through the adoption of responsible tourism practices, improved online

accessibility, active community engagement, and sustainability efforts, the Chocolate

Hills in Bohol has successfully increased its appeal to a diverse range of travelers. This

case study showcases how a destination can prosper while ensuring the preservation of

its natural beauty and the enhancement of the local economy.


Background Information

The Chocolate Hills are a unique geological formation located in Carmen, Bohol,

Philippines. Sometimes called the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” the Chocolate Hills are

the Philippines’ third National Geological Monument, established in 1988, and even

appear on Bohol’s local flag. These natural wonders are known for their distinctive,

conical-shaped hills that resemble chocolate kisses during the dry season when the

grass covering the hills turns brown. The hills are an iconic tourist destination in Bohol

and are renowned for their breathtaking panoramic views. While the Chocolate Hills of

Bohol are undoubtedly unique, similar strange hills can be found in various parts of the
world. For instance, the Biri Rock Formations in the Philippines and the Tsingy de

Bemaraha in Madagascar share similarities with the Chocolate Hills. Both feature

dramatic limestone landscapes shaped by erosion over the ages, presenting a

spectacle that captivates the imagination.

Relevant Facts:

 Geological Enigma: The Chocolate Hills consist of around 1,268 perfectly cone-

shaped hills, which are a geological mystery. Their exact formation process is still a

subject of research and fascination.

 Tourist Attraction: The Chocolate Hills are one of the most famous tourist

attractions in the Philippines, drawing travelers from around the world. Visitors can

climb the hills, explore viewing decks, and enjoy panoramic vistas of the surrounding


 Sustainability Concerns: Due to the increasing number of tourists, there are

concerns about sustainability and environmental preservation. Managing the

environmental impact of tourism is essential to protect this natural wonder.

 Community Involvement: Local communities in Carmen play a vital role in guiding

tourists, providing cultural experiences, and creating handicrafts. Community

engagement is crucial for the region’s economic growth and cultural preservation.

Isolated Issues

 Sustainable Tourism: Balancing tourism with the preservation of the Chocolate

Hills’ environment is a key challenge. The impact of visitor foot traffic, waste

management, and resource consumption needs to be managed sustainably.

 Marketing and Promotion: To continue thriving as a tourist destination, effective

marketing strategies that promote responsible and sustainable tourism are


 Community Well-being: Ensuring that the local communities around the

Chocolate Hills benefit from tourism in terms of economic opportunities, without

compromising their cultural heritage, is another pressing issue.


Tourism has always been an activity of man. In fact, a Greek philosopher once

advised: “The world is a book. If you have not traveled, you have only read page one.”

Boracay has gained much fame around the world for its unequalled beauty, a signature

label, and idyllic tourist destination. It has received numerous accolades and awards.

On the positive side, it has provided a lot of economic benefits to the area and to the

country as well. Lately, however, the downside of neglect and disregard for

environmental needs has threatened the future of the island paradise. The timely

intervention of the government arrested what could have been an irreversible trend for

the island, and great difficulty in resuscitating an ailing facility.

The same situation is believed to be happening in other destination areas, such as

Bohol, Palawan, and Baguio. For instance, in the mountain resort of Banaue, the

condition of the rice terraces is not healthy. In all of these cases, our eyes have been

opened to the incapacity of the Filipinos to manage and sustain such tourism treasures.

The negative effect of tourism development is upon us, and we are hard pressed to fend

of the gloom. Tourism significantly impacts the environment, causing damage to plant

and animal life, air and water pollution, and landscape destruction due to uncontrolled

building and inappropriate infrastructure. In a 70’s conference on the social and

economic impact of tourism on Pacific communities concluded that while tourism

promises dreams, it can create nightmares. It can reinforce socioeconomic aspirations

unattainable locally, leading to cultural degradation and irresponsible governance. The

lack of control mechanisms for sustainability highlights the challenges faced by

developing countries.

In 2016, a successful businesswoman, a philanthropist, a corporate social

responsibility advocate was awakened after being briefed on the situation of the Banaue

Rice Terraces by Mayor Jerry Dalipog, municipal mayor of Banaue. Dr. Milagros How is

a visionary, a distinguished alumni awardee of the University of the Philippines for

Corporate Social Responsibility in 2017. A physical inspection of the area exposed the

stark reality that if no one will start, the Philippines stands to lose a rich UNESCO

heritage, one of the 7 wonders of the world.

Universal Harvester, Inc., a private corporation, initiated the project that will restore

a portion of the rice terraces as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility efforts. The

project is a joint partnership with the Banaue Municipality under the leadership of its

mayor. The initial area for development is about 30 hectares. This will be the model that

will create spill-over effect into other areas in order to achieve development and

restoration of about 500 hectares within the next 3 years. Aside from the physical

restoration, the project hopes to revive the sociocultural values of the populace that has

nurtured the rice terraces for the last 2,000 years.

Banaue will try to avoid the moves or mistakes that have resulted in the

deterioration of Boracay, and other destinations. The reasons affecting sustainability

can be attributed to lack of governance, command and control, and leadership. Local

government units (LGUs) lack vision and long-term goals due to limited terms and

periodic elections. Their dysfunctional regulations hinder sustainability and discourage

empowerment of sustainable development architects. The Banaue International Music

Composition Competition launched on March 8 offers a cultural immersion program for

symphonic music composers from around the world. Through a creative musical

endeavor, we hope to showcase the Banaue Rice Terraces and raise awareness for

restoration and prevention of its cultural significance to the Filipino people.

The Banaue Rice Terraces restoration project holds a lot of promise. It rests upon a

solid foundation of strong private-public partnership under the stewardship of Dr.

Milagros O. How, president and CEO, Universal Harvester, Inc., Banaue Municipal

Mayor Jerry Dalipog and the people of Banaue. It is hoped that Banaue will become a

success story in sustainability. It will be anchored on a responsible, moral, and ethical

leadership. These attributes are always found wanting in the implementation of our

tourism program. Brig. Gen. Yogyog (Ret), a native of Banaue, supervises the project

on sight.

We shall make the difference, while tourism is not the job of a soldier, it is better done

with the application of the essential attributes of military leadership.


The Chocolate Hills Tourist Spot faces marketing problems related to sustainability

and responsible marketing. The challenge lies in balancing tourism growth with

environmental preservation to prevent soil erosion and ecosystem damage. Ensuring a

positive visitor experience while preserving the unique features of the Chocolate Hills is

essential. Effective digital marketing strategies that promote responsible and

sustainable tourism are needed to prevent over-commercialization. Engaging the local

community in tourism without compromising their culture and managing visitor numbers

to prevent overcrowding are challenges. Adequate waste management, recycling

practices, and meeting sustainability standards are also critical issues to address.

Successfully navigating these marketing problems is crucial to maintain the

destination’s authenticity and environmental integrity while attracting responsible



Here are the several key areas that require analysis to understand what is working

and what is not.

Sustainable Tourism Initiatives: The sustainable initiatives introduced to balance

tourism growth with environmental preservation appear to be working effectively. These

initiatives, such as waste management and eco-friendly practices, contribute to the

responsible conservation of the Chocolate Hills, which is crucial for long-term


Marketing Strategies: The case study points to the success of marketing strategies in

drawing a diverse range of travelers to the Chocolate Hills. The emphasis on

responsible tourism and the use of digital platforms to promote the destination align with

the goal of preserving the site’s authenticity and integrity.

Community Involvement: Engaging the local community in guiding tourists and

offering cultural experiences is a positive aspect of the case study. It not only benefits

the community but also enhances the visitor experience, contributing to the success of

the destination.

Environmental Conservation: The commitment to environmental conservation and

sustainability standards appears to be effective. This contributes to the preservation of

the natural environment surrounding the Chocolate Hills, which is vital for the

destination’s authenticity and long-term appeal.

However, challenges exist in terms of managing visitor numbers and ensuring waste

management practices can keep pace with increased tourism. Overcrowding could risk

compromising the visitor experience and the natural environment. It’s essential to

continuously monitor and adapt strategies to address these issues and maintain the

balance between growth and conservation effectively


Managing Visitor Numbers: Implement a visitor management system that regulates

the flow of tourists to the Chocolate Hills. This can be achieved through timed entries,

limited daily quotas, and advance reservations. Testable evidence from other

destinations has shown that controlled visitor numbers can reduce overcrowding and

minimize environmental impact.

Waste Management: Enhance waste management practices through efficient

collection, recycling, and disposal systems. This can be tested by measuring the

reduction in litter and waste-related environmental issues, ultimately preserving the

natural beauty of the Chocolate Hills.

Visitor Education: Implement educational programs for tourists to raise awareness

about responsible tourism practices and the ecological significance of the Chocolate

Hills. Measuring the level of awareness and positive actions taken by tourists can serve

as testable evidence of success.

Local Community Empowerment: Strengthen community involvement by offering

incentives and support for the local community’s active participation in guiding tourists

and cultural experiences. Evidence of improved economic well-being and preservation

of cultural heritage can demonstrate the success of these efforts.

Monitoring and Adaptation: Continuously monitor the environmental impact, visitor

satisfaction, and community well-being. Regular assessments can provide data to adapt

strategies as needed, ensuring the long-term sustainability of the destination.

These proposed solutions offer a balanced approach to preserving the natural

beauty and cultural heritage of the Chocolate Hills while promoting responsible and
sustainable tourism. They are based on successful models from other destinations and

can be tested through ongoing data collection and analysis.


In conclusion, “Elevating Tourism and Hospitality Marketing for the Chocolate

Hills: A Case Study on Sustainable Tourism in Bohol” highlights the importance of

striking a delicate balance between promoting tourism and preserving the ecological

and cultural integrity of the Chocolate Hills. The proposed solutions, including visitor

management, waste control, education, and community involvement, offer a holistic

approach to addressing the challenges identified.

Recommendation: The most appropriate strategy is to implement a comprehensive

visitor management system to control the flow of tourists effectively. This approach is

rooted in evidence from other destinations and offers the best chance to prevent

overcrowding and mitigate environmental impacts. By limiting daily quotas, using timed

entries, and requiring advance reservations, this strategy can ensure that the Chocolate

Hills continue to captivate visitors while maintaining their natural beauty and cultural

significance. This approach aligns with the principles of sustainable tourism and

responsible marketing, securing the long-term appeal and integrity of the destination.


To implement the specific strategies proposed in the case study “Elevating Tourism

and Hospitality Marketing for the Chocolate Hills: A Case Study on Sustainable Tourism

in Bohol,” the following steps should be taken:

Visitor Management: Create an official website and mobile app for the Chocolate Hills

that allows visitors to book timed entries in advance. Install turnstiles or entry gates to

regulate access during designated time slots. Visitor quotas should be set based on the

site’s carrying capacity to prevent overcrowding.

Waste Management: Establish clearly marked waste collection points and recycling

bins throughout the Chocolate Hills. Collaborate with local waste management services
to ensure efficient waste disposal and recycling practices. Conduct regular clean-up

activities to maintain cleanliness.

Visitor Education: Develop informative brochures, signage, and on-site guides that

highlight responsible tourism practices and the ecological and cultural significance of

the Chocolate Hills. Ensure that this educational material is readily available at entry

points and within the site.

Community Involvement: Engage with local communities and provide training and

incentives for community members to participate as guides and offer cultural

experiences to visitors. Establish community-led programs and initiatives that empower

residents to become ambassadors for the Chocolate Hills.

Monitoring and Adaptation: Implement an ongoing monitoring system that includes

visitor feedback, environmental impact assessments, and indicators of community well-

being. Regularly review the data collected to make necessary adjustments to the

strategies, ensuring they align with sustainable tourism and responsible marketing


By putting these strategies into action, the Chocolate Hills can maintain its natural

beauty and cultural significance while promoting responsible and sustainable tourism.

Effective implementation and continuous monitoring will be essential to achieving long-

term success.













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