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Ainun Najmah Alhadid


Tense and Aspect Exercise

Almanna book page 78 numbers 2-5

2. How would you distinguish between an “accomplishment” and “activity”?

Something can be called an “accomplishment” if there is a product. For example, “I write a

book” is an accomplishment since the action, “write”, has a product, “book”. An “activity”,
on the other hand, does not require a product, rather, it is dynamic without any end point.
For example, “I take a walk”. The sentence does not have a product, just an action, “take a

The noun “take a walk” is not the result of the verb, while “a book” is a direct result of the

3. How would you distinguish between an “accomplishment” and “achievement”?

Something can be called an “accomplishment” if there is a product. For example, “They

build a statue” is an accomplishment since the action, “build”, has a product, “statue”.
Meanwhile, an “achievement” does not have a product, instead, an “achievement” has an
action that is not as dynamic as an “activity”, such as “agree”, “win”, “lose”, as in “I agree
with you”, “She won the race”, “We lose on the last competition”.

4. What is the difference between “telicity” and “atelicity”? Discuss with illustrative

“Telicity” is a concept in which a verb is presented as having endpoints, while “atelicity” is

the complete opposite, the verbs presented lack endpoints. For example, in “I finished
repairing the roof”, “repair the roof” verb phrase is considered a telic verb phrase, as it has
an endpoint, the roof being repaired, while the verb phrase “write every Sundays” in the
sentence “he writes every Sundays” is atelic since it does not have an endpoint, “write every
Sundays” can continue on and on.

5. What is the difference between I will drive to London tomorrow and I will be driving to
London tomorrow morning? Discuss.
Ainun Najmah Alhadid

“I will drive to London tomorrow” has future tense, while “I will be driving to London
tomorrow morning” has future continuous phrase, it means that the former is simply a plan
to drive to London, while the latter is progress of driving to London which will happen
tomorrow morning.

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