Ainun Najmah Alhadid - Reading Journal

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Reading Logbook

Ainun Najmah Alhadid

2206824193 - Kritik Sastra BC

Date Pages Covered Quotes Interesting Issues and


1. October 1st 20-50 “God knows what the From this quote, I knew
crows are trying to say. where this story is going.
La’es—go down to Spiritual world, mild
the bottom of the ocean, horrific event happening
to get snagged in the around the MC and how
bottom, like a halibut she wished Jimmy (if he’s
hook stuck on the ocean really dead) or other
floor; a boat sinking, people that have died
coming to rest on the could just told her what
bottom. The seiner sank? happened instead of
Mom and Dad are in appearing in her dreams
danger if they go on every now and then,
a boat? I should go after creeping her out.
him? I used to think that if
I could talk to
the spirit world, I’d get
some answers. Ha bloody
ha. I wish the dead
would just come out and
say what they mean
instead of being so
passive-aggressive about
the whole thing..”
Page 22

2. October 2nd 50-80 ”She had The setting in which Lisa

forced us to read a book grew up. Not having a
that said that the Indians choice but to have people
on the northwest around her discriminate
coast of British Columbia her people, the Haisla, or
had killed and eaten rather the Indians. Even
people as religious though, in fact, they were
sacrifices. My teacher had the ones inhabiting the
made us each read a island first, after British
paragraph out loud. colonialization, her
When my turn came, I sat people are being treated
there shaking, absolutely differently from others.
“Lisa?” she’d said. “Did
you hear me? Please
read the next
“But it’s all lies,” I’d said.
The teacher stared at me
as if I were mutating into a
thing from outer space.
The class, sensing
tension, began to titter
and whisper. She slowly
turned red, and said I
didn’t know what I
was talking about.
“Ma-ma-oo told me it was
just pretend, the eating
people, like
drinking Christ’s blood at
In a clipped, tight voice,
she told me to sit down.
Since I was going to get
into trouble anyway, I
started singing
“Fuck the Oppressors.”
The class cheered, more
because of the
swearing than anything
else, and I was promptly
dragged, still
singing, to the principal’s
Page 60

3. October 3rd 80-102 “I can’t find my cigarettes. A call back to how much
I’ve ripped my room apart Lisa misses Jimmy. Back
and nothing. I when they were little,
had a full carton. I couldn’t they argued a lot and
have gone through it so Lisa wanted to get out of
fast. I had a full the village as soon as
pack right there in the possible. But now as
bottom of my purse. I Jimmy has gone missing,
have more, I know I a part of her is missing
have more. I can’t have too, and she cannot stop
just three cigarettes to my thinking aabout the past,
name. Damn. I’m including the part where
going to have to make a Jimmy was with her.
trip into town. I light the
first one. Eyes are
closing again. I collapse
into my bed. Never fall
asleep with a
cigarette in your mouth.
No, no, no. I regretfully
stub it out, saving
the rest of it for later.
Funny how you never
appreciate a cigarette
fully until you know it’s
one of your last.”
Page 102

4. October 8th 102-142 “The rest blurs like a The turning point of
shaky homemade movie. Lisa’s personality after
My feet, heavy as witnessing Uncle Mick’s
we walked down the dock. death, knowing that she
The speedboat’s outboard could’ve prevented it
motor, cranky since she already had the
and refusing to start for vision beforehand.
five endless minutes of
Dad yanking on the
cord. The choppy ocean.
The net, all the corks
along the middle
sunk under the water.
Mick’s speedboat pushing
itself against the
shore, nudging it and
scraping slowly along the
rocks. Seals bobbing
their dark heads between
the whitecaps as Dad
picked up his
shotgun and fired and
fired at them, then
reloaded, saying, ‘Don’t
Page 109

5. October 9th 142-182 “I stood at the window, Lisa’s overprotectiveness

trembling. Then I went now that she doesn’t take
into Jimmy’s room her visions easy anymore
and saw him sprawled after what happened to
over his bed. I pinched Uncle Mick. She had a
myself to make sure I vision where Alexis and
was awake. I understood I Jimmy are both in it and
had just had a vision, but I she decides to spring into
was afraid to action and prevent
think about what it meant. anything bad to happen
I went downstairs and to Jimmy.
waited until
Jimmy woke an hour later.
I followed him onto the
porch as he took
a bag of stale bread out to
feed the crows for good
luck. The crows
fluttered around his feet.
He seemed puzzled that I
was watching
him do what he’d done for
years. I asked him if he’d
been up earlier
and he said no. I touched
him, to make sure he was
the real Jimmy,
and he smacked my hand
away, then asked if I was
feeling okay.”
Page 175

6. October 10th !82-262 “I went to every window in Lisa witnessing yet

the house, looking out for another death after
the fire. having yet another vision.
House lights went on and She witnesses how Ma-
people waited in their ma-oo’s body are badly
doorways to hear burnt from the incident,
who the unlucky ones practically dead. Yet
were. I didn’t bother another event that makes
phoning the fire hall her mentally scarred.
because everyone else
would be doing the same
thing. There was
nothing to do but wait. I
went back and made
myself a cup of hot
chocolate, wondering who
had been careless.
Wondering if anyone
was dead. I went back to
the doorway and heard
someone shouting
that it was old Agnes Hill’s
place. Ma-ma-oo. Ma-ma-
oo’s place.
By the time I got there,
her house was a black
shell and lights
were flashing over it, fire-
engine lights, ambulance
lights, camera
lights and the constant
murmur of the people
waiting, shifting.”
Page 228-229

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