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HR Scorecard

"The HR Scorecard is a concise measurement system," says Dessler (2005, p. 87). It demonstrates the
quantitative criteria, or "metrics," the company use to assess HR operations, assess employee behaviors
brought about by these operations, and assess the strategic organizational results of those employee
behaviors. By doing this, it clearly illustrates the causal relationship between HR efforts, emerging
employee behaviors, and the strategic results and performance of the entire company.


Vision To make our selling Products as easy as Buying them

We are passionate about reducing the cost,time, and effort of selling products.We
empower product sellers to thrive.Cin7 connects your channels,Inventory,Orders,and
accounting together.It dramatically reduces the cost of selling products across multiple
channels,and opens up exciting new opportunities for product sellers

Strategy Acquisition Mastery Retention-Driven Growth

Priority Value-Based Strategy:
Pricing Strategy Strategy :Deliver Best-in
Win BIG with Cin7 class Post Sales Experiences
One company core+Intuit Partnership
inside and out to retain our customers
in North America

Strategy Execute the Annual Growth in acquisitions Reduce churn As Company

Results Price Increase in quarter over quarter as continue to enhance the post-
Q423 with success. corporation acts on the sale experience and the overall
present purchasing mix moves to more Partner
signal bookings (lower churn), our
quarterly growth rate has
Balanced ScoreCard

Perspective Measures Targets Initiatives

Financial  Increase in average  To increase average  Conduct a

product prices as a product prices by 5% comprehensive
percentage by Q423 study of
 Quarterly growth rate of  Reach a 15% increase pricing,Transparent
acquisition revenue in the growth rate of ly inform clients of
acquisition revenue by price adjustments
 Retention of customers and Offer value to
support the rise
 By Q423 reach a client
retention rate of at least  Increase marketing
95%. efforts, improve
lead generation,
and implement
partner incentive
 Enhance post-sale
assistance and
provide loyalty
programmes ,Custo
mize interactions
with customers
Customer  Contentment of customers  Maintain an 80% or  Provide price-lock
with price adjustments greater customer assurances ,Offer
 Satisfaction of partners satisfaction rating after individualized price
with the cooperation a price rise. consultations ,Colle
programme  Maintain a 90% or ct client comments
greater partner on price
 Pleasure of customers with
post-purchase interactions. satisfaction rating by adjustments.
Q423  Dedicated partner
 Maintain a 4.7 out of 5 assistance; partner
rating for customer education; and
satisfaction promotion of a
network of
 Establish a
dedicated hotline
for customer
service ,Shorten
reaction times and
Offer self-help
Internal  Implementing price  By the end of Q423, all  Simplify the
Processes changes effectively customers will have procedures for
 Processes for acquisition received notices and price
are effective. complete pricing changes ,Utilize
adjustments. automation for
 By Q423 cut the alerts and teach the
 Processes used after sales acquisition cycle time sales staff
are effective. by 20%.  Streamline the lead
 Cycle time for the post- qualifying process,
sale procedure by 15% automate the
by Q423 acquisition
pipeline, and
improve partner
 Streamline the
support processes -
Automate problem-
solving - Improve
Learning and  Educating staff about new  Make sure that by  Create thorough
Growth pricing methods Q423 all sales and pricing training
 Training on cooperation customer service materials,Hold
tactics for employees personnel have frequent training
completed their pricing sessions and
 Employee education on model training. Evaluate the
methods for retaining knowledge of the
customers  Make sure that by
Q423 the partnership workforce
team's training on  Create specialised
partnership strategy is modules for
completed by all partnership training
members. ,Hold frequent
 Assure that by Q423 all strategy meetings
members of the and tracking

customer care staff personnel skill
have finished the growth
customer retention  Create specialised
training. training
programmes for
retention Regular
skill evaluations
should be done.
performance should
be rewarded.

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