Present Perfect Practice

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1. Complete the following sentences with the correct auxiliary verb. 4. Choose from the options in parentheses to complete the sentences.
a) Mary and her husband _____________ lived in the same house for many years. a) (just/ already) Cesar’s __________ washed the car.
b) __________ the teacher ever given you the answers for the exam?
b) (already/yet) Have they cleaned the house ____________? It’s time to go!!
c) Helen __________ not paid for her food!!
d) The doctor _____________ attended many patiens today. c) (yet/just) Jenny’s __________ cooked dinner, five minutes ago.
e) My parents ___________ not bought a new car recently.
d) (yet/ already) Has she____________ worked in this store? Wow!! That’s surprising
f) __________ your friends had a party this week?
g) English _________ been difficult for many students. e) (just/ yet) We haven’t finished homework ____________.

2. Write the past participle form of the following verbs. 5. Write SINCE or FOR for the following Time Expressions
a) swim ____________ b) steal ____________ c) kiss ______________ a) _________________ two minutes g) _________________ thirty seconds
d) wash ____________ e) fall _____________ f) sleep _____________
b) _________________ a few hours. h) _________________ a long time
g) take _____________ h) paint ____________ i) send _____________
3. Observe the pictures and use the verbs in ex. 2 to complete the sentences in the c) _________________ six months I ) _________________ a Century
Present Perfect
d) _________________ nine o’ clock j) _________________ my birthday
e) _________________ Halloween k) _________________ last spring

Bob Sandy f) _________________ I was in school l) _________________ the accident

6. Observe the actions. Write TRUE sentences about the subject. (IF the person has
had the experience, your sentence will be positive, If the person hasn’t had the
experience, the sentence will be negative)
Jason Julia Mark
a) My mom – eaten snails
b) I – won a medal in a sports competition
Steve, John and Kathy Diana and Alex Kevin ___________________________________________________________
1. Bob ___________________________ some flowers today. c) My friends – cheat in an English exam
2. Sandy ___________________________ her dog Lucky every Saturday, this month.
d) My family – traveled abroad
3. Carl __________________________ a lot of money from a bank. ___________________________________________________________
4. Jason __________________________ in the Forrest for an hour. e) My best friend – go to a fortune teller
5. Julia _________just_________ an E-mail to her best friend, two minutes ago.
f) I – see a ghost.
6. Mark ___________________________in front of the computer for hours. ___________________________________________________________
7. Steve, John and Kathy _______________________all the morning. g) My neighbors – fight with us
8. Diana and Alex _____________________ each other, since they became a couple. ___________________________________________________________
h) I – take beautiful notes at school.
9. Kevin ___________________________ some medicine for his headaches.

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