Biopesticidal Effect of Panyawn and Makabuhay On Kuhol

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BIOPESTICIDAL EFFECTS OF TUBLI (Derris elliptica) AND PANYAWAN (Inspira rumphii)

EXTRACTS ON KUOL (Pomaces canaliculata)

A Research Study Presented to

Cabacungan National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Requirement in Research IV



Background of the study

Considering and given the high cost, health and environment hazards of currently available synthetic

pesticides, there is a need to find and develop practical, safe, and effective alternative pesticides for the

agricultural industry. Developing and finding economical, safe, and effective alternatives is critical stated by

Sassan, J.M., et al (2022). Natural plant products with bioactivity toward insects include several classes of

Tubli that contain rotenone and Panyawan crude extracts. This study aims to determine the biopesticidal effects

of Tubli (Derris elliptica) and panyawan against kuhol (Pomacea Canaliculata) commonly known as golden

apple snails, that are highly invasive and cause damage to rice crops. They used chemical pesticides reducing

pest and insect’s populations.

Pests and diseases are responsible for most of the losses related to agricultural crops, either in the field

or in storage. Moreover, due to indiscriminate use of synthetic pesticides over the years, several issues have

come along, such as pest resistance and contamination of important planet sources, such as water, air, and soil.

Therefore, to improve efficiency of crop production and reduce food crisis in a sustainable manner, while

preserving consumer's health, plant-derived pesticides may be a green alternative to synthetic ones. They are

cheap, biodegradable, eco-friendly and act by several mechanisms of action in a more specific way, suggesting

that they are less of a hazard to humans and the environment according to Souto et. al (2021).

The application of Tubli roots and Panyawan vines is effective as an alternative pesticide, than synthetic

pesticides that might improve crop yield and productivity, but they can also deteriorate the environment in the
long term-containing ground water, soil, and its fertility, and even the air. They can harm other beneficial soil

organisms, insects, and plants, also can be toxic to animals and cost is expensive. Due to lack of effective mean

of controlling pests’ farmers resort of synthetic pesticide that are both hazardous to human health and the

environment. Compared to other forms of control, synthetic pesticides are highly effective, and their pesticides

are not only toxic to the target organism but are also toxic or hazardous to a certain degree to man, plants, and

the environment. Moreover, continued use of pesticides can contribute to the development of resistant pest

population. Natural pesticides have many advantages over synthetic ones and may be more cost-effective,

considering the environment cost of chemical alternatives. Natural pesticides are bridgeable, barely leave

residues in the soil and are less likely to harmful humans and animals. With the use of alternative pesticides that

encourage vigorous plant growth and discourage pests according to Tim McCoy (2020).

The use of plant derivatives has been studied throughout the world, certain plants that contain chemical

compounds with insecticidal properties.According to Niroumand and Faezaeie et al (2016),these compounds are

used by the plants that contain them as a protection against herbivorous insects. Such compound therefore has

chemical properties useful humans. Some plants produce a distinctive odor or chemicals that are repulsive to

insects. Realizing the potential of plants in controlling insects, botanical insecticides are safer to the user and to

the environment they break into harmless compounds within hours and days in presence of sunlight. Among

these plants are Panyawan and Makabuhay.

The use of botanical pesticide like Tubli and panyawan plant crude extracts is one of the practical

methods for those farmers who are not capable to incur the expensive commercial pesticides. This contributes to

the sustainability of agriculture because it has no adverse effects om the environment. This review article

introduces the characteristics of Tubli and panyawan plant assesses. Its efficacy as an organic pesticide most

strong and effective pesticidal property of Tubli plant is rotenone which controlled various pests. This had been

cultivated and used as an organic pesticide all over the world. Some studies revealed that the application of

Tubli plants enhanced farmers productivity of farms and the profitability of their income. Tubli plant is adapted

to be one of the inputs toward sustainable agriculture. According to Enrique Binas (2021)
Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to determine the Biopesticideal Effects of Panyawan (Tinospora rumpii) and

Tubli (Derris elliptica) Extracts on Koul (Pomacea caniculata).

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1.What is the pesticidal effects of Tubli (Derris eliptica) and Panyawan (Tinospora rumphii) against kuol?

2.Is there a significant difference on the Biopesticidal Effects of Panyawan (Tinospora rumpii) and Tubli (Derris

elliptica) on Kuol (Pomacea canaliculata) against the synthetic pesticides.


1. There is no significant difference on the Biopesticidal Effect of Panyawan (Tinospora rumphii) and Tubli

(Derris elliptica) extracts on koul (Pomacea canaliculata) against the synthetic Pesticides.
Conceptual Framework



Fatality of

(Pomacea canaliculata)

Tubli (Tinospora rumphii)

Panyawan (Derris elliptica)

The research design showing the use of the experimental variable which is the combined compounds of

the plant extracts Tubli and Pany wan against kuol (Pomacea canaliculata). The dependent variable is the

fatality rate of kuhol and the control which is the synthetic pesticide.


The theoretically underpinning of this study is Enrique E. Bina’s Jr. 2021 entitled "A Review on Tubli

Plant used as Organic Pesticide: Input toward Sustainable Agriculture". The use of botanical pesticides is

needed for the fulfillment of sustainable agriculture and the enhancement of crop production. Tubli plant is

considered one of the most strong and effective botanical pesticides all over the world. It had been tested and

proven that this can control and mitigate the adverse effects of pests on crops and brought profitable income and

productive farms to the farmers. It is therefore that the Tubli plant is useful in farming and thus, qualified to be

an input to sustainable agriculture.

Scope and Limitations

The experiment will be conducted at the researcher’s house at Sitio Tapol, Brgy. Puso, La Castellana, Negros

Occidental. The researcher will collect pest specifically kuol from the rice fields or ponds and we will separate

them in 3 sets, and each set contains of 4 kuol, then will be stored in a separate container from the extracts. The

Tubli and panyawan extracts is found from our surroundings. The experiment will take approximately consume

3 days to be completed.

Significance of the Study

This study will help the farmers, environment, and the agricultural industry as well as the researchers

that are interested in conducting a further investigation related to the problem of synthetic pesticides and the

development of alternative biopesticides.

This study proves beneficial to the following:


This study of biopesticide will help lessen government expenses intended on the economy of agriculture

sector of the negative effects of synthetic pesticides on the environment.

This study will provide a solution to the problem of the expensive cost and environment hazards cause by

synthetic pesticides and this biopesticide will serve us develop practical, safe, and alternative pesticide.

Department of Agriculture

This study will be a great help to the agricultural sector or industry and the economy. The growth and

the development of our economy is mainly affected by agriculture. This study aims to develop alternative

pesticides to help the farmers and the agricultural industry meet the big demand for increased production and

protect the environment. There is a need to find or develop effective and safe pesticides because without crop

protection, including pesticides, more than half the world’s crops would be lost to insects and diseases.

This alternative pesticide will help the farmers with their crops, this pesticide enables farmers to have

good harvest to produce safe, quality foods at affordable prices. The benefits of these biopesticides include

increased food production, increased profits for farmers and decrease pests and insects as well as prevention of

diseases. This study will help the farmers with their crops if this pesticide is effective enough against pests

specifically kuhol (Pomaea caniculata). The biopesticidal effects and extracts of plant duratives that contain

chemical compound that has an insecticidal property can be effective pesticide against pests kuhol pomacea and

for the farmers to have a healthy plant and good rice harvest.


This pesticide will be sold to market if the business sector will sell or buy these alternative pesticide.

This pesticide is a lot cheaper than the currently available synthetics.


Researchers, this study will be added on those existing studies that will help researchers to discover

more. This study of biopesticides will help the future studies of the researchers to develop a better study.
Definition of terms

Panyawan (Tinospora rumphii)

The panyawan plant is a clinging vine, and the name itself suggests the primary purpose of such plant. It

is commonly known as the paliahan in the Visayas region. The plant belongs to the family of Menispermaceae,

and can grow, or rather climb, up to fifteen meters long. The Panyawan leaves are thin sheets that are heart-

shaped, and their flowers look distinct as they only have three petals. Panyawan (Tinospora rumphii) believed to

have antimicrobial, parasitical due to bitter sap. Panyawan contains colombine (2.22%) trace of an alkaloid and

a glucoside. Also contains a amorphous bitter principle, picroretine and traces of berberine. It is used against

diamond back moths, aphids, mites, ants, and other insect pests. Insects lose their appetite and suffer toxicity.

Operationally it is the independent variable in the study. Moreover, panyawan is consider as ferfiburage,

vulnerary, tonic, antimalarial, parasiticide and insecticidal. The ethanolic stem extract of tinospora rumphii

contain phytochemicals such as alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids and tannish. These phytochemicals possess

antimicrobial and parasitical activity.

Tubli (Derris elliptica benth)

Tubli (Derris Elliptica Benth) is a poisonous vine that has a branch covered with. brown hairs. Leaves

are pinnate and 30 to 50 centimeters long, leaflets are usually oblong, 9. to 13, when matured smooth above and

silky beneath, 10 to 15 centimeters long, and about. half as broad.

Kuhol (Pomacea Caniculata)

The species or pest Pomacea caniculata commonly known as Golden Apple Snails, are highly invasive

and cause damage to crops. They were introduced to Asia, from South America, in the 1980’s as potential food

for people, but it unfortunately became a major pest of rice. To distinguish golden apple snail from native snails,

check its color and size. Golden apple snails have muddy brown shells and golden pinkish or orange-yellow

flesh. They are bigger ang lighter in color compared to native snails. Its egg is bright pink in color.

Operationally it is the experimental variable in the study.


Review of Related Literature

Tubli (Derris elliptica)

According to Enrique E. Bina’s, Jr (2021) The use of a botanical pesticide like Tubli plant crude extracts

is one of the practical methods for those farmers who are not capable of incurring the expensive commercial

pesticides. This contributes to the sustainability of agriculture because it has no adverse effects on the

environment. This review article introduces the characteristics of Tubli plant and assesses its efficacy as an

organic pesticide. The strongest and most effective pesticidal property of Tubli plant is rotenone which

controlled various pests. This had been cultivated and used as an organic pesticide all over the world. Some

studies revealed that the application of Tubli plants enhanced farmers’ productivity of farms and the profitability

of their income. Tubli plant is adapted to be one of the inputs toward sustainable agriculture. According to BS

Environmental Science (2019). Derris elliptica Benth has previously known as an important source of

compounds with broad- spectrum insecticidal properties. The plant is a bushy, leguminous vine usually found

near a river or a creek. It has bright green leaves that have 9-13 sword shape or oblong leaflets with pronounced

pointed tips. The flowers are pink to rose- white and grow in grape- like clusters of 15- 25 cm length. The fruit

is a brown leathery pod with one to three flat seeds. Derris is agents of the family Papilionaceous. It is locally

known in Southeast Asia countries as “Derris”or “ Tuba” and in Thailand as “ Lotin” or “ Hang lai daeng”.

Extracts from the stems and roots of this plant have been used over the centuries as fish poisons and as

insecticidal preparations. These properties are mainly due to the presence of rotenone, a compound that is highly

toxic to cold- blooded animals, especially fish and insects. Plant roots of Derris contains rotenone as a toxic

substance. In addition, it also contains related compounds like sumatrol, deguelin and toxicarol. Rotenone is

classified by the World Health Organization as a moderately hazardous Class II pesticide. There are some

reports indicating that an exposure to rotenone may cause toxicity to mammals. However, rotenone is usually
used in small quantities and it is rapidly broken down in soil and water. Almost all toxicity maybe lost after 2-3

days of summer exposures. Rotenone is therefore good for the environment and safe for agriculturists and other

users. It is a public knowledge that the juice obtained from raw root of derris is diluted with water to use it as an

insecticide. It is also well-known that alcohol extracts of its dried roots, is diluted with soap water to use it for

the same purpose. However, the principal ingredient of derris loses their insecticidal activity when it contacts

water for a time. In addition, it is very unstable against alkali as well as water. Moreover, rotenone decomposes

in the presence of light and air therefore its efficacy for controlling of many insects remained only for a short

period of time after application.

Panyawan (Tinospora rumphii)

As stated by Hook F. & Thomson (2018), Panyawan is a climbing, dioecious vine achieving a tallness of

4 to 10 meters. Stems are up to 1 centimeter thick and somewhat fleshy, with dissipated bulges. Leaves are

slender, applaud, 6 to 12 centimeters in length, and 7 to 12 centimeters wide, with pointed and truncate or heart-

molded based, smooth, and sparkling. Petioles are 3.5 to 6 centimeters in length. Racemes are lone or in sets

emerging from axils of fallen leaves, light green, thin, 10 to 20 centimeters in length. Blossoms are light green

and short pedicelled. Natural products are 8 millimeters in length, in long groups. According to Festooning,

Descaled, & Pillones (2014), Panyawan Plant (Tinospora crispa Linn) is a small herb which grows in temperate

and tropical parts of Asia. More specifically, the plant is widely found on tropical and subtropical Philippines,

Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India and China and is attributed to its ethno-medical uses since

ancient times by traditional healers and physicians (Mohammed 2012). The aqueous stem extract is known

to be effective in ameliorating inflammation and thus supports the folkloric use of the stem in the treatment of

various inflammation disorders.

Panyawan,(Tinospora rumphii) is a climbing vine plant commonlygrown and matured in the wild places in the

Philippines. Various researchesrevealed that the Panyawan plant possessed pesticidal and antimicrobial

activitiestowards several pests. For instance, Gutierrez (2015) found out that T. rumphii iseffective as grain

protectant against adult maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais M.pest. Moreover, Aminul, Islam, and Mohammad
(2011) stated that the methanolicand ethanolic extracts of the plant have antimicrobial, cytotoxicity and

antioxidant activity. Further phytochemical analysis revealed that the plant leaf containsalkaloids, saponins,

flavonoids and tannins that are known to possess medicinaland pesticidal properties (Ahmad, Jantan, & Bukhari,


Kuol (Pomacea canaliculate)

According to Jiaxin Wang et al. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. (2020). The invasive and widespread golden

apple snail (GAS, Pomacea canaliculata) is a harmful crop pest in many parts of Asia. The heavy use of

molluscicides to control GAS could result in soil and water pollution as well as in loss of biodiversity. A

sustainable and pollution-free control method is urgently needed to counteract this invasion. In this study, we

proposed using dried and powdered GAS residue to neutralize and fertilize soils. We compared the effects of

adding GAS residue (i.e., ground GAS shell and meat residue) to the effects of adding lime upon soil properties

and microbes in a greenhouse pot experiment. Each pot was incubated for 120 days, and soil pH, nutrients,

microbial species, and enzyme activity were assessed. Results showed that addition of GAS residue

significantly improved soil pH, contents of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus

(TP), and available nitrogen but decreased soil available phosphorus (AP) content due to phosphorus sorption

induced by soil organic matter (OM) and high pH. The GAS residue added to soil released nutrients and

alleviated soil acidity, as well as provided more resources to soil microbes to increase their bioactivity, although

lime addition was better at mitigating soil acidity. We found that with added GAS residue of 25 g kg-1, the soil

nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) content increased by 10 times; microbial biomass increased by 43%; and enzyme

activity of β-1,4-glucosidase, β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase, and β-D-cellobiosidase also were enhanced,

compared to the control. Our findings suggest that GAS residue functions well as a fertilizer and soil

amendment to aid the remediation of barren and acidic soils, making it a valuable and useful option in the

control of the invasive GAS.


Research Design and Methodology

Research Design

The purpose of this chapter is to explain the details of the research methods and the methodology

implemented for this study. This chapter will explain the research design, materials, and equipment, procedure

data gathering or preparation and experiment proper. The experimental subject or the independent variables are

Tubli roots and Panyawan vines crude extracts that are used as plant deratives that contain chemical compounds

with pesticidal properties.

Materials and Equipment

Materials needed for this study is classified into experimental subject’s grinder mortar and pestle is used in

pounding the Tubli roots to obtain the extract, pail or basin, strainer is used to strain the Tubli roots, knife is

used to cut the vines, stem, and roots of the Tubli, and panyawan. Containers measuring tools and spray bottle.

The experimental subjects are Panyawan and Tubli. The containers will be three empty containers of the same

sizes. And the measuring tools used are stopwatch apps or watch to record the time and date of the experiment.

A knife is used to cut the plants deratives panyawan vines and tubli roots to make them smaller and not hard to

pound. Mortar &Pestle it is used to pound or grind the panyawan vines and Tubli roots. Cloth is where we put

the already cut plant then plain the extracts. Strainer it is used to strain the plant deratives. Container it is used to

store the extracts. Spray is used to spray the extracts on the Pest. The aquarium is where we put the pest Kuhol.
Procedure Data Gathering

Preparation for Panyawan and Tubli Extracts

Collect or gathered the vines of the panyawan plant. Cut the vine into small pieces and pound it with the

use for mortar and pestle for the extraction process. Then strain the extracts well using a strainer, to separate the

crude extracts property. Then put it on a container or spray bottle. Preparation for Tubli, firstly, you need to look

for a Tubli plant. Then get its roots that is the needed part of the plant where we can get the extracts. Wash the

roots with water to remove the soil or dirt. After that cut it into small pieces using a knife or scissors. Then grind

it using mortar and pestle to get its crude extracts. Use a strainer to separate and strain it well. And lastly put it

on a container and then put the extracts of Tubli and panyawan together in the spray bottle.

Preparation for Kuhol

In picking or collecting kuol or golden apple snails from rice fields, ponds, and canals. You need to

distinguish it first from native snails or other types of snails, to differentiate just check its color and size. Golden

apple snails are bigger and lighter in color compared to native containers or aquarium.

Experiment Proper

Tubli roots (Derris elliptica) and Panyawan vines (Tinospora rumpii) are the parts of the plant deratives that

are needed for the experimentation. This is where you can get and find the crude extracts. After straining the

extracts, you need to store it in a container or spray bottle. These three trials of experiment will consume

approximately just 3 days, 24 hours is enough for collecting the needed materials and equipment. Base on the

methodology of the related study in the extraction process we will use 100ml of Tubli extracts and 10 ml of
panyawan extracts. Then combine or put the extracts together in the spray bottle. The 3 sets of kuol ( Pomacea

caniculata) are needed for this experiment in each set it contains 4 golden apple snails with same sizes. We will

put the kuol pest on an aquarium or container with water on it. Then spray it with our alternative combined

pesticide extracts. In spraying it you need to spray thoroughly, spray the extracts well on the kuol. Then lastly

observe the fatality rate of kuol. To know if your alternative pesticide is effective against kuol is when you

observe that the pest kuol is not moving.


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