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Kamula had infiltrated the island where the survival exercise was taking place under the

orders of Ark.

As the head of the intelligence unit "Finger", it was an easy task for her to take part in the
exercise, disguised as a student of the academy.

However, the school's security is not so simple.

The location of the exercise is kept under tight security until just before the exercise, and to
get to the exercise location in the first place, she has to use an ancient relic artefact with
instant movement warp.

Furthermore, only the students of the academy can use the instant movement warp, and
even Kamula cannot easily penetrate it.

However, immediately after receiving orders from Ark, Kamula was able to steal information
from the academy and infiltrate the training grounds in advance.

Kamula had already been living on the training ground for several days as a matter of

Thus, Camula was subjected to Ark's every whim.

However, Kamula mistakenly believes that nothing is useless in Ark's directions.

She never thought that Ark was 'just trying to get her to sneak into the training grounds to
make things easier'.

The order given by Ark this time was to 'support the exercise from behind the scenes so that
it can be completed without a hitch'.

So, conversely, there is a high possibility that some kind of problem will occur during the

Kamula thought of an attack by the "dark forces".

But Ark rejected the idea.

This means that there is a possibility of an attack or an incident other than an attack by the
Dark forces .

If it was an assault, who would attack, when, and for what purpose .......

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Kamula gathered all the information she could and tried to get a grasp of Ark's true
intentions, but she didn't get it.

In the first place, there was no way to get a grasp of Ark's true intentions, because he had
no real intentions.

Kamula relinquished her thoughts for the moment.

Then, she decided to faithfully carry out the order she received from Ark to 'defeat the

Following Ark's instructions, she defeated the golem.

At that time, a black golem suddenly appeared.

The black golem is clearly not an ordinary golem.

Kamula silently stared at the academy students who were being chased by the Black

This must be the problem Ark had feared, Camula thought.

And it would be Camulla's duty to protect the academy's students.

'Lead behind the scenes to ensure that everyone finishes the exercise safely,' she recalled
Ark words .

Camula remembered that Ark had told her to do so.

Of course, Camula obeyed Ark's orders.

However, since entering this academy, she had grown tired of the peaceful atmosphere.

(-Master Ark is fighting against the dark forces unknown to mankind, .......)

Camula was aware that Ark had a magic formula carved into his body - an engraving - and
she was aware of it.

She knew that Ark was prepared.

She knew that he was fighting for evryone's lives.

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That's why she felt uncomfortable when he saw the peaceful crowd.


A female scream is heard.

Camula took off her disguise and rolled up the sleeves of her uniform.

On both arms are fastened what look like slave shackles.

It is an ancient relic artefact, a magical tool magic item that is impossible to create with
modern technology.

Kamula treasured this more than anything else.

This was a gift from Ark to Camula.

Of course, Ark has his own intentions.

Ark said, 'Ha ha ha! You belong to me! Slaves deserve a chain', he had a shabby idea.

But Camula doesn't know that.

Kamula thought that the fact that she was given the ancient relic artefact was a sign of trust.

She really wanted to repay that trust.

It was a splendid misunderstanding.

Incidentally, this ancient relic artefact was very well matched with Kamula.

Ancient relic artefacts also rely on the ability of the user.

Slave Chain, a relic artefact of the shackles, can only be handled by those who can
manipulate matter.

Substance manipulation is an application of physical enchantment.

While physical enchantment is the magical manipulation of the body's internal, material
manipulation is the manipulation of the external.

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In other words, it is magic that enhances and manipulates the objects it involves.

Kamula was skilled in physical enhancement and, as an extension of that skill, substance

Although it was not Ark's intention, Camula had acquired a weapon with which she was
extremely well adapted.

Kamula put magic power into the shackles on his right arm.

Then, with a jingling sound, the chains became apparent.

Having spent years getting used to them, Kamula can move them like arms and legs.


The tip of the chain approaches the black golem.



The chain lightly pierced the black golem's chest and broke the magic stone core.

The golem, having lost its core, collapsed on the spot.

The Black Golem is by no means weak.

Rather, it is strong.

The black golem's body is proud of its high defence, and it is not something that can be
pierced lightly.

In order to be on par with her beloved master, Kamula has made bloody efforts.

'If not the Dark forces , then who is behind this raid?'

Camula places her hand on her chin and looks down at the black golem.

'Oh, that ......."

Kamula turns around.

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There is a girl.

Kamula knows her.

Or rather, she knows all the students at the academy.

Unlike the clunky Ark, she is very intelligent.

The girl's name is Barrett.

She is the girl that Ark once helped unintentionally.

Kamula is aware of Barrett's fondness for Ark.

Not that she doesn't have some thoughts about it.

However, she also thinks that it is understandable for her to show favour to that beloved

Camula's mind is a buggy when it comes to Ark.

'Ah, thank you.'

Barrett says weakly, staring at Camula.

'You are, I believe, ......."

"My name is Camula."

Camula bows her head graciously.

Barrett also knew Camula.

However, she only knew that she was a servant of the Ark.

She never thought that Camula could fight.

In the first place, why is Kamula here?

Where is Ark?

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What is the Dark forces ?

Barrett had endless questions.

Camula bowed and said, 'Well then, I'll be off', and then turned to leave the place,

"Oh, um!'

Barrett stopped Camula.

'What is it?'

What is happening now?

Camula turned and squinted.

'It's none of your business.

You know nothing about it."

Camilla says coldly, sarcastically, and dismissively.

'I don't want to be clueless!'

Barrett wanted to help Ark.

She wanted to make her own efforts to get as close as possible.

'There are some things in this world you don't need to know.

'There are things that only bring unhappiness when you find out about them.'

Kamula knows.

Barrett's father was behind the scenes trying to sell Barrett to Viscount Haguenot.

However, Barrett does not know this truth.

She dares not to let it be known.

The fact that her father was about to sell her for a debt is nothing but a misfortune.

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'Please remember one thing."

'Lady Barrett was saved by Master Ark. in a more big way than you can possibly imagine."

Ark's deeds should never be told to Barrett.

But from Camilla's point of view, it was also unforgivable for Barrett to go through his school
life with a blank face, unaware that she had been saved.

'Please don't forget that it is thanks to Master Ark that you are here today."

This time, Kamula left Barrett.

Barrett, who was left behind, was at a loss as to precisely what Camula wanted to say

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