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1 Market Day Plan

Table of Contents
Our Group 2
About Sugar Rush 2
Results Analysis 3
Swot Analysis 3
4 P’s of Marketing 4
Finance 4
Health and Safety and Terms and Conditions 4
Equipment and planning 5
Clean Up 5
Logbook 6
Evaluation 6
Our group
Our team’s name is Sugar Rush. This is the Logo we agreed to use to market our product.

Sugar Rush staff are:

Jasmeet - In charge of supervising and evaluating Sugar Rush’s progress and ensuring that
everything that is required is completed by completing tasks other members are unable to do.
Jhiane - Taking care of providing all of the necessary equipment required for Market Day.
Dominic - Writing most of the written material and managing its design and format.

During the planning stage, Sugar Rush came up with the following ideas

- Chicken nuggets and fries lunch. A small box containing heated and seasoned chicken
nuggets and fries.
- A challenging game. A game where people will pay a little bit of money to play a simple game
to potentially win a lot of money.
- A baked goods stand. A stand selling sweet baked goods such as cookies, brownies, etc.

In the end, we decided to choose a sweet stand selling caramel brownies, chocolate chip cookies, red
velvet cake, and lemonade. We decided this because it was the most profitable and attractive option
to consumers. We also came up with unique sale propositions for each of our products. Dominic
came up with the name for Sugar Rush by trying to link sweets and comedy together to stick with the
viewer’s mind and increase the chance that they will purchase from Sugar Rush.

Questions we asked a sample of potential customers were

1. Which of the following sweets would you like to see?

2. How much money are you planning to bring?
3. How much will you be willing to pay for 1 cookie, 1 brownie, etc

Sugar Rush Survey

Results Analysis

We have conducted market research to help us positively modify our business plan and decide on
prices and quantities of certain products. During our market research, our group received online
sample data from 8W1 and 7W2. These two classes were an excellent selection as younger students
may be more attracted to our bright and colourful marketing, more attracted to sweet and sugary
products, and more lenient and eager to spend money.

According to the results we’ve received, we can presume

that the most popular sweets will be brownies and
cookies. Based on these results, a combo deal may be
valid as many students may be willing to purchase
multiple products for a reduced price point.

According to this graph, most people are willing to pay

$1.00-$1.50 for a single brownie or cookie serving.
However, due to ingredient costs, we will not be able to
lower the price, at least at the beginning of the sale day.
We will also attract customers when advertising the price
point as $1.99 rather than $2.00.

According to this graph, the majority of people are going

to be bringing $1-20 on the Market Day. This means that if
we consider other purchases, people will generally be
able to afford to purchase our products.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
● We all have external connections who ● Due to uncertainty in what tasks we
can support us in various aspects, have to complete, we may
including a professional chef. occasionally be off task.
● We are confident with our ideas and ● We are often distracted by other
are happy with our marketing plan. school life aspects when working,
● We can finish all or most of what is causing less productivity.
required ahead of schedule.

Opportunities Threats

● The variety of products our group is ● Many competitors will be making

creating will make us stand out, baked goods, especially brownies
increasing our sales as a result. and cookies.
● We have secret unique selling points ● If one of our teammates fails to
in some of our products which will achieve their baking goal, our entire
also help make us stand out from project will be a disaster.

Product: At our Sugar Rush stand, we sold a variety of sweet products including red velvet cake, chocolate chip
cookies, caramel brownies and lemonade. We selected this variety to attract customers of all sweet preferences
to allow us to make the most sales. The main issue with our products was competition. However, we ensured to
include unique sale propositions in each product. For instance, the brownies contained a unique caramel filling
which we used for advertisement. Overall, our products were one of the main reasons we were successful and
nearly sold out.

Price: We priced our products 99 cents for lemonade, and everything else $1.99. As humans read from left to right,
reducing the price by one cent provides the illusion of a significantly cheaper product, despite the difference
being minimal. Utilising this price technique working with our strategic location gave us an advantage over our
competitors. Pricing our lemonade less than the other products also sells the illusion of a great deal, despite
the price being reasonable for the product. Toward the end, we reduced our prices for our remaining products
(red velvet cake, cookies, and brownies) by 50%, which allowed us to nearly sell out. Our pricing strategies were a
significant contributor to our success.

Promotion: To ensure we sell as much of our stock as possible, we started a vast marketing campaign. We
initialised our campaign by conducting market research to find out what we can do with our marketing to
appeal to our target audience. We ended up deciding that a colourful and neo-style colour tone would be the
most exciting for the viewers and most likely to trigger sales. We printed 4 posters and placed one on the glass
pane near the entrance of each Whanau. Furthermore, Jasmeet talked about our market day stall to a class, to
increase knowledge of our stall and word of mouth advertising. Our promotion strategy was specifically
designed to attract customers to our market stall.

Packaging: For our products, our packaging was kept cheap and minimalistic to provide disposal and physical
convenience to our customers and to improve the presentation of our products. For our lemonade, the
package was simply a styrofoam cup, while for our baked products our packaging was a serviette. The
packaging for our products cost us roughly $6. Providing a serviette provides convenience for our customers as
they are able to clean their fingers if crumbs were to fall from the product. Our packaging was able to provide
our customers with convenience and an appetising presentation.


The estimated cost of all product ingredients combined would be an estimate of $50-$60. This would mean
individual product ingredients and packaging would cost around $15-25 depending on the ingredients used. We
are estimating to make 2-4 batches of our products, giving us approximately $140 worth of products. We
estimate to make 20% less the maximum (taking into account price reductions and not being able to sell all
products ) at $112.

Plan and Do: Operations:

1. Health and Safety procedures

Sugar Rush Official Health & Safety Plan

Sugar Rush Terms & Conditions

2. Equipment and planning

Equipment and materials that we need:

Assigned food roles Ingredients

Dominic-Chocolate Chip Cookies Ingredients for cookies:
Link: Chewy Chocolate Chip Biscuit Recipe |
Chelsea Sugar ● 2 cups of flour
● 2 eggs
● A splash of vanilla essence
● A teaspoon of baking soda
● 2 cups of brown sugar
● 1 and a half cups of chocolate
● Pinch of salt
● 200g of butter

Jasmeet-Chocolate Brownies Ingredient for the caramel brownies:

Jasmeet- Caramel Brownies. Link:
Caramel Brownies | RecipeTin Eats
● 200g / 7oz unsalted butter
● 200g / 7oz dark chocolate / semi sweet
● chocolate chips
● 1 cup brown sugar
● 3 eggs , lightly whisked
● 1 tsp vanilla extract (or essence)
● 1/2 cup flour , plain/all purpose
● 1/4 cup cocoa powder
● 1/8 tsp salt
● 395g / 14 oz can sweetened condensed
● 2 tbsp golden syrup or maple syrup
● 60g / 2 oz unsalted butter
● 1 tsp salt

Jhian-Red Velvet Banana Cake and Lemonade Ingredients for two loaves:
Link: Red Velvet Banana Bread - Jennifer
Meyering ● 2 (15.5 oz) box red velvet cake mix
● 6 large eggs
● ⅔ cup vegetable oil
● 2 cup banana mashed

Combined group budget: $75 Total expense: $50-60

Clean up

Once students began returning to their classes, we began the clean up. We started by returning our aprons
and removing our boxes and then the tabletop cover. Then, we wiped down the table just to make sure they
were definitely clean. Afterwards, our enviro executive made sure the surrounding area was clean and clear
of rubbish. We then folded and put away our table marking the end of the clean up process.

Logbook (A detailed description of your plan for each session)

Date 04/09/23
Who attended: The entire group
Who was absent: No one
We analysed the results from the Sugar Rush survey and filled out information on our plan.

Date 06/09/23
Who attended: The entire group
Who was absent: No one
Today, we conducted our graph analysis as a group.

Date: 11/09/23
Who attended: The entire group
Who was absent: No one
Today, we worked on multiple tasks including the terms and conditions page and health and safety plan.

Date: 13/09/23
Who attended: The entire group
Who was absent: No one
Today, Dominic worked on the terms, conditions and policies of our group’s stall.

Date 18/09/23
Who attended: Entire Group
Who was absent: No one
Our team finalised multiple key components of the Sugar Rush sale on Thursday. This included the marketing
campaign, terms and conditions, and health and safety plan.

Evaluation of Market Day

We think that collectively, we were successful in some areas on Market Day. Planning, Organization,
and time management played a part in our success at Market Day. Collaboration, Work ethic, effort,
and other things are also areas we think that we handled well. Still, other problems occasionally
arose that could or couldn’t be fixed. Issues that we had on Market Day were situated in close
proximity next to the most popular stalls which were the Boba ice tea and necklaces and accessories
groups. Although one could argue that this would’ve been beneficial for our group, this issue was
sort of a ‘double-edged sword’ as this had a positive which was people could easily be close to our
stall however, this also resulted in overcrowding in our stall. The main issue, however, is our stall
being swarmed by crowds from the popular stalls next to ours which most likely blocked the
consumer’s view of our stall.

Although we had our fair share of successes and problems in different areas, we believe that we
would have learnt many valuable lessons if we were to do Market Day again or activities that are
similar to this in the future whether these lessons were from both successes and failures. One such
lesson derived from our successes was to always be organised and there's no need to
overcomplicate generating product ideas, stall layout, etc. We were able to come up with selling
baked delights because we felt that the best outcomes sometimes don't need sophisticated ideas
that would be hard to execute at the event. We also learnt how to deal with and manage hungry and
eager customers which is a vital skill to have when you’re having to manage long lines of hungry
customers. Another important lesson to conclude this off is we had learnt from Market Day is
enticing customers near the conclusion of Market Day. We did this by lowering prices down on
products that hadn’t sold such as the cookies and the brownies.

We as a group believe that we were quick and pre-prepared for Market Day to start off, we were quick
to decide what category to sell and who brought what. This helped us have an advantage over other
groups as we were already discussing the prices in the same session as we were deciding on what to
sell. Not only that, we were able to come up with a name, a logo, and an action plan (which will be
mentioned later) in the same session. The following session was just us as a group designing and
creating advertisements, stall designs, and our terms and conditions. The following sessions after
that were us buying supplies and researching online for recipes. From our group's perspective, we
believe that we only needed around 3-4 sessions (3-4 hours) in total. When Market Day finally came,
we decided to give our supplies to Jasmeet who we decided was to be in charge of the stall set-up.
Overall, we believe that we did really well in organising things and time management for Market Day.
Our group created an action plan that was a simple yet realistic action plan for Market Day which
had ideas that weren’t over the top. We were able to follow our Action plan with no difficulties
because of this. When setting the prices of our products, we decided to price them at somewhat
reasonable prices as the majority of people would bring around $10-$30. Our products at our stall
were priced at $1.99 with the exception of the Lemonade which was priced at $0.99. We decided to not
inflate our prices as this may stunt profits and attraction from customers.

Our group enjoyed various aspects of Market Day. One of the things that my group enjoyed about
Market Day was serving customers instead of being served to. Another one is the excitement of not
knowing how much profits we made before we counted them up, and the last one is baking and
planning the menu. What made Market Day more enjoyable was that our menu and plans weren’t
complicated and sophisticated which made it easy to follow and execute (as mentioned in the
previous paragraph). This also helped us easily set up our stall as each group member know’s what
their roles are and what to do and what to bring which was all planned weeks prior to Market Day.
The Lemonade was the first item in our menu to sell because people want something refreshing to
drink. Due to this, we believe that as a group, we should’ve made more Lemonade as it was the main
centre of attraction. Another thing we would change about Market Day is changing our location to
somewhere more exposed as our stall was blocked by the queues of the other stalls.

We feel that all our group members have contributed a lot to our success at Market Day. This is
because we all pitched in ideas, didn’t leave all the work to one person and instead distributed the
work throughout our members, and played our agreed parts for Market Day. Jasmeet agreed to
cash out $100 for change, helped with the paperwork, set up the stall, and on top of that, baked the
brownies. Dominic did the majority of the paperwork for our group and even went as far to create a
Terms and Conditions document for our stall and on top of that, baked Cookies. Jhian helped with
the paperwork, helped with the clean-up afterwards and baked Red Velvet Cake and made

We feel that our group equally contributed during and before Market Day. This is because we evenly
distributed the workload on all of our group members to ensure our roles work with our strengths.

We believe that our team displayed multiple team work skills. These skills and the examples of us
displaying these skills are Communication. By communicating, our group was effective in planning
and management. This helped us decide and agree on the planning and perform certain tasks
during Market Day. Another skill is Goal Setting to which we believe that we handled quite well. The
example will refer to previous paragraphs that our ability was not to over complicate things. The last
skill was Collaboration, to which we were able to perform relatively quite well. Our group’s advice to
other groups that have and are participating in Market Day is to not overcomplicate things and to
hear each other’s suggestions and analyse it if it is realistic.

Criteria Working At Above Beyond


Gathering of relevant You have Your sections Your sections Your sections
information/coherent yet to link of the refer to others of the
Process your collaborative in the collaborative
sections of report are collaborative report
the sometimes report, in a way reinforce all
collaborati linked to those that enables others by
ve report to of other team the whole ensuring
those of members. The report to be information is
other team report is largely coherent,
members. occasionally coherent, consistent and
Consequen coherent, consistent and logical across
tly, the consistent and logical. the whole
report does logical report.
not flow as
a coherent,
and logical
Collaboration You have You have worked You have worked You have worked
worked cooperatively collaboratively in collaboratively in
cooperatively and effectively your group your group
and participated in demonstrating demonstrating
participated the role you were flexibility or flexibility and
by fulfilling responsible for in effective effective
the role you your group communication communication
were so the group so the group
responsible meets its’ meet its’
for in your responsibilities responsibilities

Accuracy in writing You have You have made You have You have
made errors some errors, but carefully edited carefully edited
in grammar, minimal reader your writing to your writing to
spelling and inference is ensure you have ensure you have
punctuation needed as the few intrusive no intrusive
and these meaning is mostly errors and errors and
are intrusive clear meaning is meaning is
at times, consistently clear consistently clear
, the reader
has to infer

Time Management You have yet You have You have You have
to complete submitted your submitted your submitted your
and submit assessment by assessment by assessment by
your the due date:11 the due date:11 the due date:11
assessment October at 5 pm October at 5 pm October at 5 pm

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