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4. ADANE TEZERA 0900278


JULY 03/07/2021
Aksum, Tigray, Ethiopia

We declare that the internship practice has been done from May 13/2021 down to June 18//2021.
We would like to make sure that the report is accompanied by us by referring different references
and by asking electricians in the company. We hereby declared that this report and project is the
result of our own effort except as clearly stated in the references of the sources of reference.
Prepared by:


This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief. This report has been submitted for presentation with our approval.
_________________ ___________ ___________
Dept. Head Signature Date

________________ ____ ___

Advisor Signature Date

____________ __________
Examiner 1 Signature Date

____________ __________
Examiner 2 Signature Date


First and for most we would like to thank to God for his blessings because with His permission
and divine guidance, we praise God the almighty for providing this opportunity, and granting the
capability to procced successfully. We take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to MOHA
Share Company for having provided us with an unbelievable practical learning experience during the
training time. It is indeed a pleasure to be a part of such organization. We would like to express
our deepest appreciation to all those who provided the possibilities to complete this report. A
special gratitude to our company advisor Mr. Maru who provides us a practical knowledge about
all electrical instruments, automated control system and about electrical power installation system
in the industry plant. Secondly, we would like to thank our Instruct Mr. g/hiwot M. for him
guidance through this report. We also like to thank Aksum University Institute of Technology
for giving us an internship chance to get practical knowledge. Finally, we would like to thank all
who are involved either directly or indirectly in our project design and provides support until we
complete this report. Thank you for all that was cooperating this project at Gondar, MOHA Soft
Drink Factory.

ii | P a g e

During our two months internship program in addition to practical experience we gained, we
had also the opportunity to develop our skill regarding to communication, leadership and being
a good team player. In this internship report we have included the introduction part,
background, work flow of the company, organizational structure of the company and material
flow. During our stay with the company we got the opportunity to work in the syrup preparation
section, water treatment section, filler and crowner section, boiler section and bottle washing
section. The main products of the company are Pepsi and Mirinda orange. Input materials for
the production of the mentioned products are sourced from local market and abroad. During our
stay with the company we have seen also the industry transformer, generator room and the
electrical controlling devices in main distribution board and in each sub distribution board of
each room of the company and finally we have seen in the work shop room.

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Table of Contents
Contents page
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ ii
ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................... iii
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................... iv
List of figure ............................................................................................................................................... vii
List of table ................................................................................................................................................ viii
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................................... ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................................... 1
BACKGROUND OF THE COMPANY....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Brief history of the company ............................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Main Products and service ............................................................................................................... 1
1.3 main customer or end user ............................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Raw Material of the company .......................................................................................................... 2
1.5 Vision, Mission and Objective of the Company ............................................................................. 2
1.5.1 Vision of the Company ................................................................................................. 2

1.5.2 Mission of the Company............................................................................................... 2

1.5.3 Objective of the Company ........................................................................................... 2

1.6 Organization structure of the Company ......................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER TWO .......................................................................................................................................... 6
OVER ALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Sections of Gondar MOHA Soft Drinks Company that we have been
working .................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Water Treatment Room ............................................................................................... 6

2.1.2 Boiler (steam generator) .............................................................................................. 9

2.1.3 Compressor section..................................................................................................... 10

2.1.4 Washer room section .................................................................................................. 11

2.1.5 Syrup preparation room ............................................................................................ 12

iv | P a g e

2.1.6 Famix Section .............................................................................................................. 14

2.1.7 Filler Section ............................................................................................................... 15

2.2 Power Distribution of the Company.............................................................................................. 18

2.3 Some useful devices ......................................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Protection and Control Devices ..................................................................................................... 22
2.5 Work task we have been execution ................................................................................................ 23
2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks............................................. 24
2.7 Challenges we have been facing while performing our work tasks ............................................ 24
2.8 Measures we taken to overcome the challenges ........................................................................... 24
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................................... 25
BENEFITS GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP .................................................................................... 25
3.1 Upgrading the Theoretical Knowledge ......................................................................................... 25
3.2 upgrading the practical skill .......................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Improving Team Playing Skill ....................................................................................................... 25
3.4 Improving Leadership Skill ........................................................................................................... 26
3.5 Developing Work Ethics ................................................................................................................. 26
3.6 Entrepreneurship skill .................................................................................................................... 27
3.7 Problem Identification /problem solving capability..................................................................... 27
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................... 29
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................................... 29
4.1 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.1 Recommendation for the Company .......................................................................... 30

4.2. 2 Recommendation for the UIL ................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................................ 32

5.1Abstract............................................................................................................................................. 32
5.2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 32
5.3 Problem of Statement ..................................................................................................................... 33
5.4 Objective of the project .................................................................................................................. 33
5.4.1 General objective ........................................................................................................ 33

5.4.2 Specific objectives ....................................................................................................... 33

5.5 Significance of the project .............................................................................................................. 34


5.6 Scope of the project ......................................................................................................................... 34

5.7 Literature review ............................................................................................................................ 34
5.8 Methodology .................................................................................................................................... 35
5.9 System model ................................................................................................................................... 36
5.10 Hardware description ................................................................................................................... 36
5.10.1 PLC ............................................................................................................................ 36

5.10.2 Ladder logic diagram ............................................................................................... 37

5.10.3 Power supply ............................................................................................................. 38

5.10.4 Signal conditioning circuit ....................................................................................... 38

5.10.5 Limit switch ............................................................................................................... 38

5.10.6 Solenoid valve............................................................................................................ 39

5.10.7 DC motor ................................................................................................................... 39

5.10.8 Conveyor system ....................................................................................................... 39

5.10.9 Relay drive unit ......................................................................................................... 39

5.11 Flow chart of the system ................................................................................................................. 40

5.12 Software development diagram ................................................................................................... 41
5.13 Result and discussion .................................................................................................................... 41
5.13.1 Result ......................................................................................................................... 41

5.13.2 Discussion .................................................................................................................. 42

5.14 Conclusion and recommendation ................................................................................................ 43

5.14.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 43

5.14.2 Recommendation ...................................................................................................... 43

REFERENCE.............................................................................................................................................. 45
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................................. 46

vi | P a g e

List of figure
Figure 1. 1 Organization structure ................................................................................................. 4
Figure 1. 2 Work flow of the company ............................................................................................ 5

Figure 2. 1 Water treatment room sample ...................................................................................... 8

Figure 2. 2 Process of water treatment .......................................................................................... 8
Figure 2. 3 Boiler room ................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 2. 4 Air compressor room ................................................................................................. 11
Figure 2. 5 Bottles washer machine ............................................................................................ 12
Figure 2. 6 Syrup manufacturing process flow ............................................................................. 13
Figure 2. 7 Famix section sample ................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2. 8 Bottle filler machine ................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. 9 Capping machine ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 2. 10 Conveyor system sample .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 2. 11 Date coder ................................................................................................................ 17
Figure 2. 12 Electric power distribution block diagram. ............................................................. 20
Figure 2. 13 Conveyor motor........................................................................................................ 21

Figure 5. 1 Methodology of the project ........................................................................................ 35

Figure 5. 2 System model .............................................................................................................. 36
Figure 5. 3 PLC block diagram .................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5. 4 ladder logic diagram ................................................................................................. 38
Figure 5. 5 DC motor.................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 5. 6 Flow chart of the proposed system ............................................................................ 40
Figure 5. 7 Screen captured of the proposed simulation program ............................................... 41
Figure 5. 8 simulation result......................................................................................................... 42

vii | P a g e

List of table
Table 2. 1 The amount of sugar and water in each unit ...............................................14

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CEO Chief Executive Officer
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
DC Direct Current
EEPCO Ethiopia Electric Power Corporation organization.
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
VO Kilo Volt
KW Kilo Watt
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MOHA Mohammed Hussein Ali al Amoudin
SC Share Company.
UIL University Industry Linkage
UV Ultra Violet
KM Kilo meter
EC Ethiopian Calendar
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
MIDROC Mohammed International Development Research Organization Company
GC Gregorian Calendar
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer
BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor
EELPA Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority
UPS Ultra Power Supply
SDB Sub Distribution Board
C Celsius
CPT Control Power Transformer
VI Input Voltage
VO Output Voltage
V Volt

ix | P a g e

1.1 Brief history of the company
Gondar soft drink industry is one of the soft drink company in Ethiopia. MOHA soft drink Sc.
Was established in Emperor Haile Selassie May 4, 1954(GC). In that time the company
employed 62 employers and produce 5000 bottle/day and the products are Pepsi cola and
Miranda. The employer salary had been below 50 birrs.
Gondar soft drink industry (MOHA) is a member of Mohammad International Development
Research Organization Companies (MIDROC). It is Ethiopian technology group companies of
engaged in manufacturing and selling of different types of soft drink in Ethiopia. The overall
activates of the company are managed and administrated by the sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali al
Amoudin and he is the chairperson and owner.
MOHA soft drink sc. holds 52% of the market share in soft drink industry in the country with an
expansion and replacement of absolute machinery production capacity of the plant has increase
substantially. In addition, it is a corporate company, which is located in Amhara national
regional state, North Gondar, Gondar town and 640 km away from Addis Ababa and with a total
land holding area of 10,780-meter square. The modern Gondar Pepsi cola was established in
1986 E.C by the government owned Ethiopian Beverages Corporation under license from the
Pepsi Cola Company. The capacity of bottling line at the time was 6,000 bottles per hour. The
company supplies different soft drinks such as Pepsi cola and Miranda orange to the society.
Other products will be provided due to a new company is being in construction. However, the
products are available from other same company. Standards achieved MOHA soft drink industry
S.C has adhered Pepsi cola international standards and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

1.2 Main Products and service

The main products of the company are Pepsi and Miranda orange. Since the plant uses oldest
technology it produces only 6,000 bottles per hour in each production day. In addition to these,
the company plan to install plant in the new constructed factory for producing CO2 for the
beverage purpose and according to the efficiency of producing CO2 the plant could sale CO2 gas
for customers who need it for food preservation purpose. To produce the mentioned products of

MOHA soft drink factory got a franchised license from international Pepsi Cola Company. This
company, international Pepsi cola controls the quality of the products in the market.

1.3 main customer or end user

The end users (customers) are every person from child to old man. Gondar Pepsi cola plant being
producing and distributing the products for local customers, North Gondar, south Gondar and
west Tigray of Ethiopia. The most customers or end users are: main distributor, hotels,
restaurants, bars, tourist’s destination places (historical places), different entertainment place,
institutes, nongovernmental organization (NGO), cafeterias, shops and individuals. Generally,
the products always are used in local market from main distributor up to the whole seller.

1.4 Raw Material of the company

Production is like a backbone in any manufacturing organization. In MOHA soft drink industry,
the main production materials are Sugar ,Water , Co2 and Concentrates or syrup. The Pepsi cola
international approves all the raw material, which used in the production process.

1.5 Vision, Mission and Objective of the Company

1.5.1 Vision of the Company
 To make the company the central value for quality soft drink celebrities.
 To build the brands that people love and prefer to drink.
1.5.2 Mission of the Company
 It is an endowment (gift) fund established to contribute for the development of Amhara
region by producing and selling customer preferred or contribute quality soft drinks at
competitive price and generate responsibility
 To be best Ethiopian soft drinks company with sustained revenue growth and
consistently improving returns on invested capital.
 To increase employee’s fair commitment ownership feeling
1.5.3 Objective of the Company
 To support the socio-economic development of the Ethiopia.
 Customer focused orientation.
 The company has prevalence of accountability.
 It has well trained and committed work force.


 It gives value for the eco-environment friendly manner.

1.6 Organization structure of the Company

MOHA operates with a head office located at the Addis Ababa led by a chief executive
officer (C.E.O) appointed by the chairman of the board. The C.E.O has empowered to
 Direct, plan, coordinate, organize, control, and administer the overall operation of the
 Hire and fire personal directly through his delegated management team.
 Represent the company in all fields of activities
 Approve annual budget justify to the board chairman Ethiopia
 Keep and maintain proper booking of the company accounts.
 Hierarchically the C.E.O is accountable to chairman of the board.
The following diagram shows the overall organizational structure of Gondar MOHA soft drink



General Manager

Quality Technical Marketing Finance Human Procure

control and manager resource ment
manager productio transport manager manage
n manager
Sanitation manager Purch
and food asing
Marketing Finance Time
and supervis kipper
electrical Store
transport or
and kipper
Quality supervisor Secretary
supervis technical
or supervisor
Sales man account
Chemist electrical Sales Accountant
and team Telephone
Secretary operator
and operators

Figure 1. 1 Organization structure


1.7 work flow of the company

Ground Boiler Sugar
Sugar Air
treatment dissolution compressor
water dissolutio

Empty Bottle Filler Crowner

bottles washer
Flow Famix Product
Heat mixer room
Ammonia Brine Syrup
compressor cooler Store

Figure 1. 2 Work flow of the company




Before we get into the company things came in our mind; how one goes about getting a place in
company, we thought it’s important that we do have a bit of concept. After we joined that
company we practiced as an intern for two months. Beginning from that day we tried to see the
whole process and work flow of the company and also we have seen how the company did its
production. We also have seen each industry room (sections).

2.1 Sections of Gondar MOHA Soft Drinks Company that we have been
There are different sections over which we tried to see in Gondar Soft Drinks Company which
have various functions in the production of soft drinks. These are washer, filler, famix, boiler,
syrup, compressor, generator, transformer, main distribution section and water treatment sections
(rooms). These all of the rooms have their own application and working principles in the
production of soft drinks. By integrating these different rooms, the company produces an
average of 6,000 bottles per hour of soft drinks. Out of these some number of bottles of soft
drinks approximately 8 -16 bottles of soft drinks become non-standard. These non - standard
bottles of soft drinks are considered a wastage which is not supplied to the customers.
As result the company loss these number of bottles of soft drinks per hour.
2.1.1 Water Treatment Room
This is one of the rooms of the company which is used for water treatment process is takes place.
The process makes water more acceptable for a desired end use (hard water is changed into soft
water). Finally, on this treated water the salt added to make soft water. This soften water can be
distributed into different rooms for different purposes to the required rooms like the washing
room, boiler room and so on.
In water treatment, there are two types of water treatment process.
1. Hard water treatment and
2. Soft water treatment.
1. Hard water treatment


In MOHA soft drink there is a main water (hard water) tanker. This water is interning to the
Coagulation Tanker.
I. Coagulation Tank
Is the first piece of equipment in the water treatment plant, in this unit the desired chemical
reaction take place and where the water is synthesized?
The chlorine, calcium chloride, aluminum salphate, and lime forms a heavy flock which trap
particle of debris, dirty, organic matter and other unwanted material in the water and settle
slowly toward the bottom of the tank.
The treated water flow upward to toward treated water drawn of pipe and out of the tank towards
sand and reminder of the system.
II. Sand filter
This is used to remove unwanted material like physical matter or dirty particles that come from
water reservoir tank. The water that comes from coagulation tank gate in to filter tank at the top,
this tank or filters have three layers, thus are large, medium and fine, at the bottom it have gravel
and it’s a large in size followed by medium size and filter that covers a few height above the
III. Carbon filter
It is a filtration method and it used to treat the water that comes from the sand filter tank by using
activated carbon (fine activated carbon). Use of activated carbon is used to trap the chlorine that
comes from sand filter used to catch the suspended matter in the water. The presence of chlorine
changes the color and test of final product (Pepsi and Miranda).
IV .Cartilage filter (polisher)
Is a device that used to trap the carbon that comes from the carbon filter.
V .UV filter
This is the final stage for water treatment by using ultra violate ray that can kill microorganism
or other unwanted things. UV filter have their own UPS battery that supply power when
EELPHA power is gone off.
2. Soft water treatment
There are two softener tanks which are similar size and application but at a time only one of
them will work while the other one will be regenerated using brine tank that holds sodium
chloride. Generally, its application is to change the hard water into soft one and its mechanism is


that to remove calcium which could increase the hardness of the water and plus to this those
minerals could have effect on boiler and bottle washer machines by forming scales on the
machine body. Therefore, removing those minerals made the water soft and safe.

Figure 2. 1 Water treatment room sample

Lime cacl2

Cl2 tank

Brine Softener
Softener tank2
solution tank 1
Sand filter

Soft water

UV Carbon
disinfection Cartilage purifier

Figure 2. 2 Process of water treatment


2.1.2 Boiler (steam generator)

This section is used to produce steam and we will discuss how this section generates steam in
detail. There are two reservoirs or tankers to preserve water and furnace inside this room since
they are raw material to produce steam. But the water must be soft water which is treated from
the water treatment section after it pass the process known as brine(salt) to change raw
water(hard water) to soft water. In addition to this the furnace is in the form of tar which is hard
to flow so in order to decrease the viscosity of the tar there is an electrical heater which melts the
furnace from 600c-700c.hence,it can easy to flow through the tubes that’s easily pump able by
the furnace pumps. There are also other systems which, filter out undesired things from the
furnace. This 60-700c will further melts from 90-1150c by an electrical heater to become less
viscous and changed to vapor form in order to pass through the nozzle of the solenoid.
By using ignition transformer (ignition coil) the ignition electrode produce high current if the
ignition coil gets 220V input power. This high current produces a continuous spark on the
ignition electrode. The high temperature furnace will be sprayed on to electrical ignition
electrode to produce a continuous flame. Finally this flame will boil the water at the desired
temperature. There are two types of risks in the boiler.
If it produces or generate high amount of steam inside the boiler as a result it may burst or
damage the whole system due to high pressure. So in order to compensate its problem there are
pressure sensors (pressure switch) which indicate the amount of pressure that produce inside the
boiler. The pressure sensor senses the pressure in terms of bars hence, above 8 bar the pressure
reaches red point or peak point. That means up to seven bar it can safely produce and accumulate
steam else its danger not only for the property of the company but also for the life expectancy of the boiler automatically switched off.
This type of boiler (that found in Gondar MOHA soft drink)have two types of flame production
the first one is low level flame and the second one is high level flame production. That means if
we want to produce low pressure steam with long period of time we use the former one and the
other one is if want to generate high pressure steam with in short period of time the system use
the later one.

The operation principle of pressure switch

After the ignition coil produce continuous spark and the furnace will be sprayed to the spark, the
second level pressure switch generates steam up to five bar then any increase above this pressure

will allow the contactor to open the electrical circuit of second level and to close the contactor of
the first level pressure switch. This switch can generate steam without any interruption up to
seven bars. Beyond this pressure the contactor of the first level will be open and the whole
system including the flame will be closed. The reverse holds true if we want to produce high
amount of steam for the system.
The second one is if there is no water inside the boiler. Means that the pipes that transport water
to boiler and the area where the steam production become collapsed. So the factory stops its
production and the gets high economic crises. In order to compensate this problem there are
water reservoir and water limiter. By using this device the operator can control the water level.
If the water level inside the boiler becomes lower than the specified level the water regulator
starts the motor in order to pump the water from the water reservoir and stops (open electrically)
the motor after it reaches maximum allowable storing capacity of water automatically.

Figure 2. 3 Boiler room

The use of boiler in Gondar MOHA soft drink is:

 For dissolving water and sugar in the syrup room

 For bottle washer

2.1.3 Compressor section
This room is the supportive department of the company. In this the two main advantages are
applicable. These are cooling the soft drinks by ammonia and brine and revolving the cylinders
up and down by sucking air from the environment using a device called compressor. The
available materials for cooling purpose are, water, brine and ammonia. In this section there is air
compressor which used to sack air from the surrounding. This air is dry by the drier machine.

10 | P a g e

This compressed air can be significant portion of the electrical energy consumption. This
compressed air is used to lift the bottles in the filler section for the bottles to be filled (piston
system) and cooling the soft drinks by ammonia compressor.

Figure 2. 4 Air compressor room

2.1.4 Washer room section

Washer room has a washing machine and drier machine. The washer machine washes the bottles
in different steps to clean the bottles, and use different washing chemicals. These are steam,
caustic soda and water. The washing machine washes the bottles and the overall washing
machine is controlled by the drive machine that have rotates the gears. And it connected in stare
delta connected. The drier machine which dries the bottles and transfer to the conveyor, and then
to the filler machine.
The bottles are transported in rows through the bottle washer. During passage through the
machine the bottles pass different steps. The bottles are rowed in 15 rows before entering to the
washing machine, then runs inside the machine. The steps of the washing machines are: -
Step 1: presoaked in one or more baths at increasing temperature.
Step 2: in this step the bottles sinks in a chemical called caustic soda boiled with temperature of
65-75 degree Celsius. This is controlled by diaphragm valve which senses the temperature from
the boiler in the form of steam. If it goes out of the range it opens and closes the valve by a
pressure that comes from the compressor. If the temperature is out of this range the washing
machine will be stopped.

11 | P a g e

Step 3: the difference from the former step is there is no caustic soda to be added here but it is
assumed to be not free from this chemical due to carry over in it and the most important thing in
this step is more water is used to clean the bottles.
Step 4: The bottles are washed by hot water (the water heated by steam). This is temperate water
which is not very hot but moderate one which is heated by conduction system via steam comes
from boiler.
Step 5: these bottles clean by cold water. In this part the bottles get more cold water to be washed
before it gets in to next step.
Step 6: finally, the bottles washed by fresh and treated water that comes from water treatment
section. Generally, the washing machine can wash an average of 6000 bottles per hour. And it
has the capacity of holding 3300 bottles inside it before the filler machine starts its work. This
machine can work at a temperature range of (65°C-75°C).

Figure 2. 5 Bottles washer machine

2.1.5 Syrup preparation room

Syrup (Latin word: sirupus) is a condiment that is a thick, viscous liquid consisting primarily of
a solution of sugar in water. To prepare this syrup they use the following steps:-
• Firstly the required amount of treated water (which comes from water treatment room
after it passes the UV ray) boils at 800c by the steam generated from the boiler since inside

12 | P a g e

the dissolving tanker. There are two coverage which separate the circulation of steam from
the dissolving sugar. This implies that they are not contact with each other but only
transfer of heat from high temperature to the lower.
• Calibrated of required amount of sugar in kg will be added to this hot water since it
depends on the type of production and the amount of unit they are producing.
• By using electrical motor (induction motor) of its shaft is connected to agitator starts to
rotate in order to mix very well.
• After this simple syrup (only water plus sugar without any flavor) will pass to candle
filter. In this candle filter there is a hyphlome powder which will be dissolved by water.
This powder circulate through the pipes in the candle filter so anything other than simple
syrup just like dust and other particles will be filtered and pumped to another step.
• Up to this step the temperature is at 800c so this temperature will be lowered by tiny plates
which have two sides. The first side allows the simple syrup to pass and the second side
allows the cold water to pass which is cooled by cooling tower of syrup. This process will
lower the temperature of the syrup up to 250c without direct contact but only by heat
exchanger from lower body to higher body.
• Finally this low temperature simple syrup will be pump to mix tank.
• Finished (final) syrup: - In this unit there are huge tankers and they used to store and
convert the simple syrup in to the final syrup, but before these it should be check the brix
and the amount of simple syrup. The next step is adding of flavor and other ingredients in
to the tanker, but those ingredients are different for different soft drinks. Then agitate with
3 phase AC induction motors until the components are mixed and it’s have a manual or
standard for this work, so the labratorists check the quantity and quality in every 4 hours,
after all this process the final syrup will be produced.
Syrup Manufacturing Process Flow chart

Sugar, treated water, Steam at 85 Simple syrup Filtration

0C agitator preparation cooling
concentrates, &filters
Flavor Finished
Syrup storage blending syrup

Figure 2. 6 Syrup manufacturing process flow

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Table 2. 1: The amount of sugar and water in each unit

Simple Syrup (unit) Water(L) Sugar(kg)

Pepsi cola(1) 700 1135

Merinda(2) 400 858

2.1.6 Famix Section

Famix section is one branch of the company which is used to prepare the last product, which
makes the soft drinks. In famix room all the three components soft drinks (water, syrup and
carbon dioxide) are mixed and form a soft drink either Pepsi or Miranda orange, as the type and
amount of their own syrup with carbon dioxide. In this room all the processes are finished except
filling and packaging. The amount of syrup and water mixed at the ratio of 1:5 that is one
percent of syrup with five percent of water. The soft drink produced is cold as that of in the
fridge. This is because of that there is a cooling compressor that cools water inside the famix
room. This process happens before mixing the syrup and water as well as carbon dioxide by
brine simply conduction process of pipe which is coming from cooling room and cools the water
in this room.
This section has four different motors which have different functions.
 Booster motor: - used to pump soft drink from famix to filler.
 Circulation pump motor: - used to pump water from the main water tank to the heat
exchanger and then to the metering pump.
 Metering motor: - used to mix one to five ratios (1:5) of syrup and water respectively.
 Vacuum pump motor: - used to sack moisture and air from the soft drink.
In the famix section there are one tank known as soft drink tank with their volume indicator
sensors (level sensors). When the soft drink level is low, the minimum sensor indicates the
shortage of soft drink by sending message to the metering motor to start the work. And when the
soft drink is high; the maximum sensor indicator sends the message to stop the motor.

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Figure 2. 7 Famix section sample

2.1.7 Filler Section

Bottle filler
The filling room is the area which contains the filling machine and the packaging (capping)
machine. It is the final step in the production process. This machine is a rotating device and it
used to fill the bottle with in soft drink. The filling machine has 16 cylinders or fingers that are
used to fill the soft drinks into the bottle in sequential system and the main drive of filling
machine is three phase AC induction motor. The speed of this ac motor is controlled by
frequency converter device.

Where N-speed of AC induction motor

P-number of pole
By using frequency converter we control the speed of AC induction order to adjust the
filling system.

Figure 2. 8 Bottle filler machine

15 | P a g e

It is a device used to seal the bottle with crown corks after the filler machine full fill the product.
At the top of this machine there is an induction machine whose rotor is connected to the agitator.
The function of this motor is used to separate the crown cork into different side of the disk after
the addition of new cork in feed channel or in the inlet part. After this the cork will go down to
the capping part by the help of air which comes from the air compressor room which will be
ready for capping. The capping machine whose gear is coupled to the rotor of three phase
induction machine of the filler rotates in order to cap at the specified place to fit with the filled
bottle. Finally the capping machine transfers the bottle to conveyer of the chain.

Figure 2. 9 Capping machine

Conveyer system
The conveyer system is included from washing machine to final end product and store. There are
5 AC motors to transport the bottles from starting to the end. Each motor have their own
frequency converter. In order to speed up the transportation by changing the speed.

Where N-speed of AC induction motor

P-number of pole
By using frequency converter we control the speed of conveyor system.

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Figure 2. 10 Conveyor system sample

Date coder
It is a machine used to label the best before date and the factory’s abbreviation name with the
time of production. It has an ink and a makeup used to mix the ink which is used for the labeling
in it. A product without a label of best before date will not be available for market. In other
words, there will be no production if this machine does not work. It is a written type on the neck
of the bottle to express the product for the customers. Date coder have UPS battery When the
ELLPHA power is gone off to supply power to date coder.
It includes:
 The name of the company that the product is produced.
 The date, month and year of the product are produced.
 The time which is the product is produced.
 It used to count the number of bottles which contains produced soft drink.

Figure 2. 11 Date coder

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2.2 Power Distribution of the Company

The power consumed by the company is taken from the EEPCO i.e., around 230kw and
Company power supply is 15kV gained directly from high transmission power lines of Gondar
EEPCO substation. This high voltage is transmitted to a three-phase transformer by connecting
stranded copper wire. The transformer primary winding is star connection and the secondary
winding is delta connection. This transformer step down the supply 15kV voltage in to the
required voltage which is 380V, the transformer has switch gear.
When there is power fluctuation there is reserved diesel A.C generator which generates about
250kW and couples to the transformer by bus coupler in shunt. The AC emergency generator is
standby and it’s controlled by selector switch. But now it operates manually due to the damage
of the selector switch.
Gondar soft drink power house
It refers to the main electric power station for the company which comprises emergency
generator, bus coupler, power factor corrector (capacitor bank) and other electrical control
In the control circuit, over current protection (high current draw and/or a short circuit) is
provided by either fuses or circuit breakers. When fuses are used they can be placed on the
primary or secondary windings. In some cases both primary leads are fused, and in a few cases
the primary and secondary windings are fused. Once we have used these fuses we didn’t use
again and again only replace by other types of fuses. They are use and throw control devices.
Because they are used to control the faults by melting itself.
Breakers, like fuses, provide over current protection for the control circuit. The breaker is usually
wired into the primary side of the transformer and may be part of several breakers used to
provide protection to other electrical components in the pumping installation. In order to allow
power to pass through the breaker, the operating lever is placed in the “ON” position. This
mechanically closes the contacts in the breaker.
The figure below has an input of 15 kV from EEPCO and an input 380v from Generator.

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Power Factor
Our working company power factor is around 0.92-0.96. Therefore; the company may get
admired from EEPCO.
Switch gear: -is the combinations of electrical disconnect switches, fuses, circuit breakers used
to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment’s in an electrical power system (in Gondar
MOHA soft drink at power house).
Bus coupler: -is a device which is used to couple one bus to the other without any interruption in
power supply and without creating hazardous arcs. It is achieved with the help of circuit breaker.
Bus coupler is used in powerhouse for changing the source of supply without interrupting the
Diesel generator: - is a diesel-electric system, a diesel engine (as prime mover) that powers an
electrical generator to produce electricity. A diesel generator is very useful machine that produce
electricity by burning diesel fuel. These machines use a combination of an electric generator and
a diesel engine to generate electricity. Diesel generator converts some of the chemical energy,
contained by the diesel fuel, to mechanical energy through combustion. This mechanical energy
then rotates a crank to produce electricity. Electric charges are induced in the wire by moving it
though a magnetic field.

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Step down
Kwh Power
to 380V
Change over switch Main
Generator circuit

Main Distribution Board Bus Bar


Water Compress
Washer Famix Boiler Filer Syrup
T.R or room
room room room room room


3ᵩ 3ᵩ 3ᵩ 3ᵩ 3ᵩ 3ᵩ 3ᵩ

Figure 2. 12 Electric power distribution block diagram.

2.3 Some useful devices
The transformers used on the control system are normally step-down transformers. They are used
to step the voltage down from the line voltage to the control circuit voltage. Used in this way, the
transformer is called a control power transformer or CPT. The normal control power transformer
is an iron core transformer. For example the turn ratio for a 380V to 220V step-down
Specification of industry transformer
The transformer box contain three comparts.
 High voltage compart – found back of the transformer box that receives 15KV from
 Transformer compart – in which the transformer is placed.

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 Low voltage comparts- which supply 380V and 400A to main distribution board.
 In this transformer there are seven circuit breakers. The one is used and the other
is used as a reserve and placed in the low voltage compart side.
 Clamp Meter- is used for measuring the voltage, the current and the power of low
voltage side of the transformer.
 Transformer earthling box – contains three fuses and the earthling wire is used for
protecting lightening and high voltage.
Induction Motor
Induction motors are the ac motors which are employed as the prime movers in most of
industries; such motors are widely used in industrial applications from small workshops to large
industries. These motors are employed in applications such as centrifugal pumps, conveyers,
compressors crushers, and drilling machines etc. induction motors are classified in two
1. Squirrel cage motor 2. Wound-rotor motor
In MOHA soft drink industry, there are many different induction motors. Those are: -
 Conveyor motors
 Main drive motors
 Pump motors
 Agitator motor
1. Conveyor motors-They are AC induction motors that operate in one direction.

Figure 2. 13 Conveyor motor

2. Main drive motors –used in washing machine and in filler. In washing machine the drive
motor is connected to the gears which run the washing machines like finger crunch shafts that
contain 15 bottles at once and do it repeatedly.
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3. Pump motors
 Boiler room has two pumps-water pump and furnace pump.
 Syrup room has two pumps-sugar pump and syrup pump.
 Famix room has one pump
4. Agitator motor –is a device or mechanism to put something into motion by shaking or
stirring. It helps enhance the pressure in order for the flow a fluid be done.

2.4 Protection and Control Devices

Electrical Circuit Breaker
A circuit breaker is a protective device that interrupts current flow in a fault condition. It is not
intended for routine use to turn the load on and off. It has a small winding that carries the current
in the circuit. When the current is too high, the winding magnetism open the points to open the
circuit. The advantage of the circuit breaker is that it keeps resetting itself.
Contactor is having only one position of rest, operated electromechanically and capable of
making, carrying and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions, including overload
Operations. A contactor does not provide overload protection. Contactors are used to electrically
turn on or off high current, non-motor loads or in motor loads where overload Protection is
separately provided. The contactor operates by applying a control voltage to the Contactor coil.
Overload Relay
A relay is a simple electromechanical switch made up of an electromagnetic coil and a set of
contacts. An electric signal (Voltage) gets sent to the coil creating a magnetic field, closing the
armature, which closes normally Open (N.O.) and opens Normally Closed (N.C.) Contacts. In
MOHA industry the overload relays are adjusted in 5A in order to control motors. That the
motors may be overloaded or the current may be high. So the over load relay will open the
normally closed connection to protect the motor from damage.
Electrical switch
Electrical switch controls a mechanical or electrical or electronic device for making or breaking
or changing the connections in a circuit. In electrical switch is an electrical component that can
break an electrical circuit, interrupting the current or diverting it from one conductor to another.
The most familiar form of switch is a manually operated electromechanical device with one or
more sets of electrical contacts, which are connected to external circuits. Each set of contacts can
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be in one of two states: either "closed" meaning the contacts are touching and electricity can flow
between them, or "open", meaning the contacts are separated and the switch is no conducting.
Pump motor
It is mainly used to pump fluid and air. Pump motor is the main part of the fluid filling system
that controlled by the control circuit according to the level of the fluid in the tank and drives the
fluid pump to fill the tank, when the fluid level goes below the predetermined level of fluid in the
tank. We already discussed in the above it.
Time delay relay
As the name implies time delay relays are used to delay the time for a component to start or stop
when a pump is controlled by pressure in the system, stand by generator and if the motor is
connected in star-delta by setting it for some limited time. It used in power house, washer and
ammonia compressor rooms in Gondar MOHA Soft Drink Factory.
Solenoid valve
Solenoid valve is an electrically actuated on/off valve. The solenoid part of the valve is always in
one of two possible states - it's either energized or de-energized.
The solenoid converts electrical signal into mechanical energy which in turn opens or closes the
valve mechanically.
Heat exchanger
Heat exchangers work because heat naturally flows from higher temperature to lower
temperatures. Therefore, if a hot fluid and a cold fluid are separated by a heat conducting surface
heat can be transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid. In MOHA Soft Drink Industry S.C
syrup are dissolved with 800c in dissolving tank then this dissolved syrup must be cooled within
350c. Therefore, heat exchanger is used to perform this process.

2.5 Work task we have been execution

After we join MOHA soft drink Gondar plant for internship we were pleased in the Maintenance
department. Because in this department there was a chance to observe different machines and
their parts. We saw how some machines especially motor and pumps are built up and how they
work in industry. This department plays the vital role in the company it has two broad category
the workshop group and technical mechanics and also machine operators work in both groups.
After we join the department our task was helping the electricians and mechanics in every job
what they are doing and ask them what is new for us and they let us participate in every problem.
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For instance we have been execution some task:-

 wiring of motor starting method
 we measure the current, voltage, of the transformer using clamp meter
 We also wring of protection device for motor that is fuse- contactor -overload
relay-motor connection in work shop room.

2.6 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks
Procedures while maintaining are: -
 Inspection by sense organs including visual inspection of machines that may lead to
determining the root cause.
 Dismantling if necessary.
 If dismantling is the course action that is to be taken, then dismantle properly as per
maintenance procedure manual.
 Inspecting all machine parts whether the frailer is due to wearing, aging, shortage of
lubricant etc.
 Depending on the inspection criteria that determine the root cause, taking the respective
corrective solution.
 Assembling after the corrective action is taken.

2.7 Challenges we have been facing while performing our work tasks
While we perform our work tasks the maintenance department has no maintenance manual.
Electricians and mechanics do their work through their long-time experience, this makes hard for
us to understand well and to do the task properly. There is no separation of stream (focus area) to
ask some questions, their work is time consumer b/c due to the age of machine manual work is
done then automatic machine.

2.8 Measures we taken to overcome the challenges

We were good enough while performing our work tasks. We consult patiently the mechanics and
operators without prolonging the maintenance and productive time and also follow up mechanics
and electricians. And also, we tried to communicate smoothly and stay more time with them,
through a time we create friendship with them and tell what we want.

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We have seen the real practical world and understood the work flow and interaction between
different levels of the organization. Internship memorizes the important skills and theoretical
concept parts that we have learned among the important ones that the internship upgrades our
knowledge includes.

3.1 Upgrading the Theoretical Knowledge

The contribution of the internship program is not only for practical but it also upgrades our
theoretical knowledge. It increases the ability to apply systematic design procedure to
problems and how to analyses something technically; so, it upgrades our theoretical
knowledge the same as the practical one.

3.2 upgrading the practical skill

We gained much more multidimensional practical skills. Such us: -
 How to soft drink manufacturing working system and we would
see the mechanical parts.
 We also gain benefits on the company how to working flow
 How to identify the problem of certain machine.
 How to solve the problem in recommended ways.
 How to operate a machine safely.
 How to service different machines. Especially: filler and packer

3.3 Improving Team Playing Skill

Team work is very essential to upgrade the knowledge. Really, we understood team work is an
important to strength the effort to accomplish the task. We can perform well using ideas
generated from different directions in group work this increases the angle of thinking because
something visible for one Person is not visible for the other. Working by group provides the
following benefits:
 Increase the speaking ability and the confidence to speak
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 Develop or upgrade social interaction with factory employers

 Adopt abilities to read others feeling
 Create suitable condition to solve something easily are some of benefits gained by
working in group.

3.4 Improving Leadership Skill

As we are being a trainer the tasks assigned to us are not much leadership. We are at the bottom
or near the bottom of the organizational ladder being a trainer especially at the time when we
enter to the company, but we have learnt that the way how the leaders lead the respective teams.
Generally, we have noticed the following important points from the leaders:
 Ability to encourage and motivate workers to do their best.
 The ability to communicate with all workers without any force.
 The ability to accept problems and focus on its solution.
 As leader to have clear and defined goals missions and vision.
 Also learnt how to find solutions for any problems developed.
We know that every leader must be fulfilling the following things. These are: -
 Patient: - there are many people with many characteristics therefore to achieve this goal
the leader must be patient.
 Punctual: - if the leader is not punctual then the worker becomes careless.
 Therefore, the leader must be the best example of the worker.
 Honest: - honest also the other characteristics of good leadership.

3.5 Developing Work Ethics

The benefit of the internship program was interesting in improving ethical work habit. Although
it is difficult to memorize all benefits that are gained about work ethics, it is important to
mention the following:
 Learning and respecting of any work tasks that were important in order to do those tasks
effectively & efficiently.
 Be on time at work and leave work by the right time (punctuality).
 Be responsible in analyzing and interpreting gathered data.
 Being loyal and honest when doing judgments on work.

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Good work ethics often inspire others to act in similar ways. Many people consider efficient
production a hallmark of good work ethics. We understand work ethics is necessary to get any
information about anything and to increase productivity. When we were in the company, we
learnt good work ethics to fulfill the given task.

3.6 Entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship is the ability of a person to create business or an enterprise of his/her own. This
internship program develops our creativity and we detect that the private sector is better than the
public sector to get better business. To be good entrepreneur, we noticed the following abilities
or skills:

 Risk management.
 Self-confidence.
 Innovative skills.
 Market understanding ability.
 Educational background.

3.7 Problem Identification /problem solving capability

In MOHA soft drink we face several problems such as shortage of material or faller of machine
in the production time. Such types of problems are mostly occurred in the company but all
problems have their own solution and not all solution is real solution. We consider the cost and
efficiency of that solution according to this problem are solved in the company. This all helped
us to improve our industrial problem-solving capacity.
 Motor wires are aged. Due to this the insulation will be decrease. So there may be
electrical shock.
 The solution is changing the wires that have best insulated wire with mechanical
 The illumination level of the industry in filler and famix room the illumination level of
the lamp is 100 lux. Due to this large scale industry visual task become dim.
 The solution is use the illumination level recommended of the lamp is that between 200
and 500 lux.
 Most of the industry problems are mechanicals due to breaking of bearing and gears. Due
to this the main drive motors that have a gear may not operate the overall operation.
 The solution is making a schedule for maintaining the bearing and gears by using
lubricant oils (grass).
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 In MOHA soft drink company area there is lighting. Due to this darkness in the night
time there may be thief that stole the industry materials.
 To solve this problem we have to design electrical installation for all the company area to
be secure all the time and may be very easy for the guards when visiting this area during
night time.
 In MOHA building the electric wires and the telecommunication wires are suspended
with each other.
 Due to this the eddy currents from electric wire will affect the telecommunication wire.
So the telecommunication signal becomes noisy.
 The solution is that by rearranging the two wires separately. We use trucking method for
inclosing the separate wires from installation background.

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4.1 Conclusion
From our observation electrical engineering is interesting and advanced for doing in company. It
was a great opportunity for us to do a two-month internship in MOHA soft drink Gondar plant.
The internship was concentrated on all electrical section of the company machines, such that
bottle washer, steam boiler, ammonia compressor, air compressor, diesel generator and EEPCO
power, Videojet, co2 production etc. At the beginning of the internship we had set several
learning goals regarding the improvement of knowledge and skills on MOHA soft drink
Company, on all machines introduces and methodologies. During our stay several activities have
contributed to achieve a number of goals by participated on practical activities during the
problem occurred on the machine or maintenance time. At that time, we can gain a practical
knowledge in addition to university theoretical knowledge gained. Next, we participated in a
workshop, in which the replacement of the material and working area of the company. In this
room we are participated on helping the electrician as we can. In General, the internship was
useful to obtain experience.

 To know what our strengths and weaknesses are.

 To gain new knowledge and skills and met many new people.
 To achieve many of our learning goals.
However, for some of the conditions did not permit to achieve them as we wanted. Working
together with the different stakeholders and by education these threats have to be approached. To
succeed in conservation of the species, the sharing of knowledge, ideas and opinions is
importance. At last this internship has given our new insights and motivation to pursue a career
in electrical parts. To prepare our self for our future career we can improve several things. We
can work on our communication skills so that we are able to present and express our self-more
Generally, we could get some information about the following points. find out what’s like to
work in business environment ,investigate organization cultures and learns career related skill,
identify transferable skill and strengthen written and oral skill ,see if a selected career path is one

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of our truly wish to travel or not, way of approaching to get future employment and bridge
between colleague and work, stimulate new interest in academic course worker ,frequently
develop inter disciplinary perspective and gain an increased awareness of skill, attributes and
personal qualities and values.

4.2 Recommendation
We understand that this internship program has mutual benefit for the student and the hosting
company in many ways. So, we want to recommend for both the company and our university in
order to enable this internship program to be provided continuously for engineering students.
4.2.1 Recommendation for the Company
 The company should full fill the safety material for the students or it should inform the
university to do so.
 Most of the workers do not use manual. This creates challenges for the new employee.
 There is no research and development department, this cause the workers have no a sense
upgrading their knowledge.
 It is better to put each machine module in each department, which makes easy to operate
the machine, especially for new employees as well as internship students.
 In washing room, the bottle lifting system is manual system, it will decrease the bottle
washing machine speed, we recommended that the company should be replace the lifting
system with automatic lifting machine.
 The number of workers in the shifts in the electric work shop and other sections are
small. This will cause excessive down time on machine that is to be maintained.
 We know that worker motivation is a great positive effect for one industry development
but in Gondar MOHA soft drink Company there is no assigned person for this activity.
 The company needs to take care of all the employees regardless of their position in the
organization in terms of „educating and training for quality‟. The company should
arrange tutorials for the low-level work force by those officials who have successfully
completed their tour.
 The company generator works manually, this cause waste time and production.
 In general, the company should take the above comments and find solutions to increase
the company productivity.

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4.2. 2 Recommendation for the UIL

We would like to recommend UIL to communicate the company and fair placement of
students. The UIL office manager has a big problem to made placement of students in any
company or Industry and also creates regret by payment of birr. The university industry
linkage (UIL) should Work with the industries more on
 Preparing proper projects with industries.
 Discussing the way, the internship students are to be treated.
 Concerning the benefits, the industries can obtain from the student.
 The UIL office must check whether the site it founds accepts students or not

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The objective of our project is to “design an automatic control for bottle filling system by plc.”
This work provides with a lot of benefits like low power consumption, low operational cost, less
maintenance, accuracy and many more. This project is based on Industrial automation and is a
vast application used in many industries like soft drinks industries, milk industries, chemical,
food, mineral water and many industrial manufacturers.

Filling is the task that is carried out by a machine and this process is widely used in many
industries. In this project, the filling, capping and cracking rejection of the bottle is controlled by
using a controller known as PLC which is also the heart of the entire system. For the conveyor
system, a dc motor has been selected for better performance and ease of operation. A sensor has
been used to detect the position of the bottle. In our project we have used less number of systems
hence the overall cost has been reduced to an extent. Ladder logic has been used for the
programming of the PLC, which is the most widely used and accepted language for the
programming of the PLC.

Keywords –PLC, Sensors, Automation, Ladder logic

5.2 Introduction
Automation is used for all control systems and the technologies in PLC is use to reduce the
human work and helps in increasing the production. Industry automation becomes a spacious
field in manufacturing which had important role in an extensive range of industries beyond

Nowadays the rapid development of manufacturing and technology has led to an increase in
production level. Where the production managers are faced challenged to reduce the cost of the
product with maintaining product quality within a time framework and due to the increased
demand for on consumer products so competition among manufacturing companies has become

32 | P a g e

dependent on cost, accuracy, time, and quality for that the key to such a problem is the use of
integrated processes in the industry [7].

Programmable logic controller (PLC) is extensively used in industrial automation and it act as a
brain in industry application. PLCs in the industrial field are utilized to control a certain process
in order to get better performance and higher accuracy to give more production in an efficient
manner. This project present design an automatic large and small bottle filling, capping and
cracking bottle rejection system for different sized bottles by using PLC. The soft drink machine
system consists of prototype conveyor section, filling section with sensors and control section
using PLC. The PLC control unit is utilized to reduce the human work and increasing the
production with less time [8].

A soft drink filling machine with PLC controller allows the user to choose the size of bottles
with helping the sensors. The filling process is based on the selection of the size of the bottles by
the user, through which the user can select the size of the liquid to be filled. A laser sensor is
placed on the conveyor to sense the location of bottle under the valve and the corresponding
valve is switched on to fill the bottle by using control unit.

5.3 Problem of Statement

In Gondar MOHA soft drinks S.C the filling machine is operated by electro-mechanical control
system and this existing system has many problems such as under filling, over filling, cracking
bottles, soft drink flows without bottle when fault occurs, and also the company have only one
size of bottle filling .These causes high wastage of soft drink .So in order to minimize this
problems we design an automatic large and small filling bottles ,capping and cracking bottle
rejection by PLC.

5.4 Objective of the project

5.4.1 General objective

 To design an automatic control for bottling system by using programmable logic


5.4.2 Specific objectives

The specific objectives are:

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 Develop a ladder logic diagram by Logix pro simulator.

 Develop a large and small bottle filling system.
 Develop a cracking bottle rejection system.

5.5 Significance of the project

 It avoids under and over filling of the bottle and hence reduces the wastage of soft drinks
during the filling process.
 Such a system provides a high production quantity in small time.
 Enhance effective usage of time in production or limiting down time.
 To increase the reliability of the control system.
 To make easy and fast troubleshooting of the system.
 To reduce circuit complexity of the filler and crowner machine control system
 To maximizing company’s profit and products quality.
 To reduce soft drink flow without bottle during fault occurs.
 To satisfy the customer needs by preferring different size of soft drink bottles.
 To avoid a cracking bottle without fill, so it reduces the wastage of soft drinks.

5.6 Scope of the project

The scope of this project is from observation up to simulation using a ladder logic diagram by
Logix pro simulator software. This project will focus automatic bottle filling and cracking bottle
rejection system for a specific area.

5.7 Literature review

Ameer L.Saleh ,Lawahed F.Naeem, Mohammed J. Mohammed (2017) is studied on, “PLC based
Automatic liquid filling system for different capacity Bottles”. In this paper they find out an
automatic water filling machine system for different sized bottles by using PLC has been
developed and implemented. The PLC is used in this system to achieve more productivity with
less time high reliability for and flexible in work. The system is designed to working with
different capacity bottles by simply change the program. Although the system is an automatic
filling system, this study was prepared without considering whether the bottle is cracking or not

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Md. Abdulla Al Nakib, Md. Rana Ahmmad, Shahruk Osman (2018), is studied on, “Design and
implementation of PLC based automatic bottle filling”. In this paper presents PLC is immensely
useful device in automation system to increase production of goods. Automation increases the
production of goods. Consequently, it can develop economic growth. The main objective of this
paper is to design PLC based automatic bottle filling system. In this, PLC has been used to
control the overall system by using ladder logic. The overall process is more reliable. It also
saving time and operating system of this machine is so easy although the system is an automatic
filling system, this study was prepared without considering whether the bottle is large ,small and
cracking or not [10].

Kala Meah, Timothy Garrison, York college design an automated electromechanical system that
first transports three empty bottles of water, cap each bottle by covering the top with a tennis
ball, and then deliver the capped and filled bottles to an area outside of the operational zone,
although the system is an automatic filling system, this study was prepared without considering
whether the bottle is large, small and cracking or not [11].

5.8 Methodology
The method that have been followed during the development of this project starts from project
title selection up to the complete project submission is presented in this section. First,
appropriately select the project title. After a topic has been selected, additional discussions were
done in order to understand the concept and objective of the project. Then, different literature
review was revised relating to our project and the background of this project was studied by
referring to various sources such as journals, articles, reference books, internet, lecture notes and
data sheets.

Observe Revised different System block

the filling literature diagram and model
bottle literature

Result and Simulation Components Designing of the

discussion analysis system components
Figure 5. 1 Methodology of the project

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5.9 System model

Our methods of work are organized and accomplished through a sequence of stages. Then we
have made the general block diagram for our system that enables as to easily analyze each
components of the system as shown in the following general block diagram below in figure 5.2.

Ladder logic Motor

mable Relay
drive Conveyer
Signal logic
unit belt
Limit condition control
switch ing

Solenoid valve

Power supply

Figure 5. 2 System model

5.10 Hardware description
5.10.1 PLC
PLC stands for “Programmable Logic Controller”. PLCs are used to automate industrial
processes such as a manufacturing plant’s assembly line, an ore processing plant, or a wastewater
treatment plant. All control operations (filling and capping) are done using the PLC. The entire
bottling process is automated by feeding the necessary conditions into the PLC using ladder
logic. Ladder logic is one of the methods of programming a PLC. Thus, depending on the logic
developed the various operations take place and the filling and capping of bottles are done.

PLC consists of an I/O unit, central processing unit, and a memory unit. The input/output unit of
the PLC acts as an interface to the real world. Inputs from real work are given to the input unit
which is manipulated based on the programming and the results are given back to the real world
through the output unit of the PLC.

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All logic and control operations, data transfer and data manipulation operations are done by the
central processing unit. The results and statuses are stored in the memory of the PLC. PLC’s are
used for a wide range of applications especially in the field of control and automation.

Figure 5. 3 PLC block diagram

5.10.2 Ladder logic diagram

It is the fastest way of PLC programming language and is one of programming language used
with PLC. Ladder diagram contains contact rails are connected to switching elements (NO, NC)
via current path and coil elements. Ladder programming is used in programmable logic
controllers (PLC's) and is designed to be easily understood by engineers who are used to relay
systems. It uses symbols for relay coils, timers and contacts. Each rung of ladder language
typically has one coil at the far right. Some manufacturers may allow more than one output coil
on a rung.

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Figure 5. 4 ladder logic diagram

5.10.3 Power supply

A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load. The
primary function of a power supply is to convert electric current from a source to the
correct voltage, current, and frequency to power the load. As a result, power supplies are
sometimes referred to as electric power converters. All power supplies have a power
input connection, which receives energy in the form of electric current from a source, and one or
more power output connections that deliver current to the load.

5.10.4 Signal conditioning circuit

Signal conditioning circuits are used to process the output signal from sensors of a measurement
system to be suitable for the next stage of operation. The function of the signal conditioning
circuits include the following items: Signal amplification (opamp), Filtering (opamp), Interfacing
with µP (ADC), Protection (Zener & photo isolation), Linearization, Current – voltage change
circuits, resistance change circuits (Wheatstone bridge), error compensation.

5.10.5 Limit switch

Limit switches are used to automatically detect or sense the presence of an object or to monitor
and indicate whether the movement limits of that object have been exceeded. It was at this point
that the switch was engaged to control the limit of travel and to count objects passing a point.A
standard limit switch used in industrial applications is an electromechanical device that consists
of a mechanical actuator linked to a series of electrical contacts. When an object (sometimes
called the target) comes in physical contact with the actuator, the actuator plunger’s movement
results in the electrical contacts within the switch to either close (for a normally open circuit) or
open (for a normally closed circuit) their electrical connection.

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5.10.6 Solenoid valve

It is an electromagnetic valve which is used to control the flow of various types of liquids by
opening and closing the valve on the application of current. As the soft drink is filled then the
valve will switch off automatically.

5.10.7 DC motor
DC motor is one type of motor that uses the DC current to convert electrical energy into
mechanical energy. When the electric current passes through a coil in a magnetic field, a
magnetic force will be generated, which produces a torque in the DC motor and thereby a motion
will be created.

Figure 5. 5 DC motor

5.10.8 Conveyor system

A conveyor system is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials
from one location to another. Conveyors are especially useful in applications involving the
transportation of heavy or bulky materials. Conveyor systems allow quick and efficient
transportation for a wide variety of materials, which make them very popular in the material
handling and packaging industries.

5.10.9 Relay drive unit

A Relay driver is an electro-magnetic switch that will be used whenever we want to use a low
voltage circuit to switch a light bulb ON and OFF which is connected to 220V mains supply.

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5.11 Flow chart of the system



Is start Is the
at the cap
Yes Diverter motor OFF
Main conveyer on btl Main conveyor OFF Diverter gate OFF
Cap ram ON No

Is the
Delay bottle

Is a btl is at the No large?

Main conveyor Yes
ON Diverter motor ON

Diverter gate ON

Main conveyor OFF Main conveyer
on and is scrap
fill tube ON bottles? No
Grinder motor OFF
Scrap gate OFF
Delay Grinder motor ON
Scrap gate ON

Figure 5. 6 Flow chart of the proposed system

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5.12 Software development diagram

Software development as a general is to develop programmable logic software required to be
integrated and controlled with the hardware development. Software development also means an
activity on the computer programming required to construct a circuit as a simulation before
doing a fabrication to construct a real physical hardware development. Software programs, called
sketches, are created on a computer using the programmable logic controller integrated logixpro.
The logixpro enables us to prepare the logic and convert this logic into instructions that PLC
hardware understands. The logixpro also transfers those instructions to the PLC processor. In this
system first give the power supply to activate PLC and all the other components that needs a
supply. The sensors are used as an input to the controller to send an instruction the real-world
output device.

Figure 5. 7 Screen captured of the proposed simulation program

5.13 Result and discussion

5.13.1 Result
Simulation result of a system is the imitation of the operation of a real-world system over time
and our simulation shows Figure 5.5 the cracking bottle is removed automatically when the scrap
gate is energized and large and small bottle are filled by soft drink and capped by cork and
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moved by the conveyer belt. The small size filled bottles moved by main conveyer belt and the
large size filled bottle moved by diverter conveyer belt.

Figure 5. 8 simulation result

5.13.2 Discussion
There are three sensors at the start of the line will provide the data and stimulus for loading the
shift registers. The first sensor (LS1) senses the arrival of a bottle on the line and this sensor used
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to trigger the shift registers. The second sensor (LS2) senses the size of a bottle. Large bottles
trip the limit switch causing a digital 1 to be present, since the small bottles don’t reach so the
value will be a digital 0. The 3rd sensor (LS3) detects if a bottle is damaged and must be
scrapped. A digital 1 indicates a damage of bottle at the shift register and a digital 0 indicates
that the bottle can be filled and capped. From our simulation results we have seen the crack
bottle is not filled by soft drinks and rejected when the scrap get (O:2/4)is energized
automatically and the grinder motor(O:2/3) is energized and pass the cracked bottles to storage
boxes after 2 cracked bottles the scrap conveyer(O:2/1) energized and move the storage boxes.
When the large bottles are coming the LS5 (I:1/10) is energized and the fill tube (O:2/6)is
energized and start to fill the large bottles. In the same way the small size bottles are coming the
LS6 (I:1/11)is energized and the fill tub(O:2/6)is energized and start to fill the small bottles.
After that the main conveyer (O:2/0) energized and move the bottles in to the capping system
and the cap ram (O:2/9)is energized and capped the bottle’s. Finally the small size bottles is
continued to move by main conveyer bels and when the large size bottle’s is reaches in diverter
gate (O:2/5) is energized and pass the large size bottle’s moved to continue by diverter

5.14 Conclusion and recommendation

5.14.1 Conclusion
We concluded that in this project we have design an automatic large and small bottles filling,
capping and crack bottle’s rejection. This system is operate filling large and small bottles by soft
drinks and identifies the crack bottle’s and rejects from the scrap conveyer belt by using a ladder
logic programing that simulate on Logixpro simulator. This provides us knowledge and makes us
aware of what all factors we need to consider while designing a project based on automation and
we can conclude that in order to minimize the wastage of soft drink during filling of the bottle.

5.14.2 Recommendation
In this project the filling system is a timer based system because the simulator that is used in this
project doesn’t have a level sensor which can sense the level of the soft drinks that has to be
filled to either of the bottles i.e. large and small bottles since such filling system may results in
undesired level of filling so, we would like to recommend to the future researcher to modify this
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project by designing use the latest version of the PLC software to simulate and the system should
be redesigned for productivity and speed of production. The project given above could be more
efficiently and effectively worked when you use different other types of PLC like as
MITSUBISHI, SIEMENS etc. The project can also be simplified and structured if you use PLC
with SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).

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