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Subject: Health

Grade Level: Grade 7

Objective: Changes in

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - The topic of puberty and physical changes in adolescents can be

connected to the study of human reproductive system in Science. This helps
students understand the biological processes happening during adolescence.

2) Social Studies - The concept of identity formation during adolescence can be

related to the study of culture and society in Social Studies. Students can explore
how cultural norms and societal expectations influence their sense of self.

3) English - The exploration of emotions and self-expression during adolescence can

be connected to the study of literature in English. Students can analyze characters'
experiences and reflect on their own emotions and experiences.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal story about going through changes during

adolescence, such as starting to grow taller or experiencing mood swings.

Anecdote 2: Share a story about a famous Filipino figure who went through
significant changes during their adolescent years, such as Manny Pacquiao's
journey from a young boxer to a world champion.


Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Props or costumes

1) Idea: Divide the students into small groups and assign each group a different
scenario related to changes in adolescence, such as dealing with peer pressure or
managing emotions. Ask them to create a short role-play that showcases how to
handle these situations effectively.

2) Idea: Conduct an interactive quiz using Kahoot or other online platforms, where
students can answer questions about changes adolescence. This will encourage
active participation and competition among students.


Activity 1: "Changes in the Mirror"

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Mirrors, chart paper, markers

Significance: This activity allows students to observe and reflect on the

physical changes they are experiencing during adolescence.


1) Provide each student with a small mirror.

2) Ask them to spend a few minutes examining their reflection and identifying any
changes they have noticed in their appearance.

3) Have them write down their observations on the chart paper.


- Clear and detailed observations: 5 pts

- Accurate identification of physical changes: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What physical changes did you observe in your reflection?

2) How do these changes make you feel about yourself?

3) Can you think of any cultural or societal influences on your perception of these

Activity 2: "Emotional Rollercoaster"

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Emotion cards (happy, sad, angry, etc.), large chart paper, markers

Significance: This activity helps students understand and express their

emotions during adolescence.


1) Divide the class into small groups.

2) Give each group a set of emotion cards.

3) Ask them to discuss and share personal experiences related to each emotion.

4) Have each group create a chart showing the different emotions experienced
during adolescence and the situations that trigger them.


- Active participation in group discussion: 5 pts

- Clear and organized chart showing emotions and triggers: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some common emotions you experience during adolescence?

2) How do you usually cope with these emotions?

3) Can you think of any strategies to manage negative emotions effectively?

Activity 3: "Identity Collage"

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, chart paper

Significance: This activity allows students to explore and express their

evolving identities during adolescence.


1) Provide each student with magazines, scissors, glue, and a piece of chart paper.

2) Ask them to find and cut out images or words that represent different aspects of
their identity.

3) Have them create a collage by arranging and gluing the cutouts on the chart


- Thoughtful selection and arrangement of images/words: 5 pts

- Clear expression of personal identity: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What does your identity collage reveal about you?

2) How have your interests and values changed during adolescence?

3) Can you identify any external factors that have influenced your sense of identity?


Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Explain the concept of changes in adolescence, including physical, emotional, and

social changes. Encourage students to ask questions and share their own
experiences. Use visual aids, such as diagrams or videos, to enhance

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: "Empathy Exercise"

In pairs, students take turns sharing a personal experience related to changes in

adolescence. They should actively listen to each other and try to understand the
emotions and challenges faced by their partner.

Task 2: "Healthy Habits Plan"

In small groups, students create a plan for maintaining physical and emotional well-
being during adolescence. They should consider factors such as nutrition, exercise,
sleep, stress management, and seeking support from trusted adults.


Teaching Strategy: Differentiation

Instructional Materials: Assessment sheets

Question 1: Explain three physical changes that occur during adolescence and
their significance. (5 pts)

Question 2: Describe two emotional challenges that adolescents commonly

face and suggest strategies for coping with them. (5 pts)

Question 3: How does societal pressure influence the perception of body

image among adolescents? Provide examples. (5 pts)


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Case study scenarios

Present students with hypothetical scenarios that involve challenges faced by

adolescents, such as peer pressure to engage in risky behaviors or conflicts with
parents over independence. Ask them to analyze the situations and suggest
appropriate actions based on their understanding of changes in adolescence.


1) Assignment Overview: "Personal Reflection"

Reflect on your own experiences of changes in adolescence. Write a journal entry

discussing the physical, emotional, and social changes you have observed in
yourself. (Teacher's Guiding Overview)

2) Assignment Question: How have the changes in adolescence influenced your

sense of identity and relationships with others? (Actual Assessment Question)

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