Chapter4part2 Arithmeticoperation Class

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Students should be able to:

Understand concepts and fundamentals in

expression / operator
Write expression in C programming language

2 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Given the following statement:

2x + 3 – z = y


3 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Process involves in money withdrawal scenario

balance – drew out money = current balance

Expression in C :

currentBalance = withdrawMoney – balance;

4 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

x+3 - z

Consists of
5 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Known as
Mathematic Expression

Arithmetic Operator

Unary Operator Binary Operator Ternary Operator

Represents by Represents by
Operator Meaning
Operator Meaning
* multiply
- Negative
/ divide
+ Positive
% modulus
-- Decrement
+ add
++ increment
- subtraction
6 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Arithmetic operators can be used with any numeric type.
They operate on numbers and the result is a number.
The type of the result depends on the types of the operands.
If the types of the operands differ (e.g.: an integer added to
a floating point number), one is “promoted” to other.
The “smaller” type is promoted to the “larger” one
char  int  float  double
Result of an operator depends on the types of operands
If both operands are int, the result is int
If one or both operands are double/float, the result is

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Unary Operator Operates for one operand

Computer memory cell
a = -20
a -20
b = +15
b +15

Increment Decrement
Prefix ++h --h
Postfix h++ h--

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10 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

int A = 5;
printf(“%d”,A); // output??
printf(“%d”,A); // output??
printf(“%d”,A); // output??
11 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

int B;
B = 2;
printf(“%d”, 3 + --B); // output??
printf(“%d”, B); // output??
B = 9;
printf(“%d”, 3 + B--); // output??
printf(“%d”, B); // output??

12 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid


Given the value of num1 = 8. Determine the

value of num2 after the execution for each of the
following statements:
num2 = num1++ - 2;
num2 = num1;
num2 = ++num1 – 3;
num2 = num1-- +1;
num2 = num1;
13 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Located between constants or variables
Binary operator
or both combination

A + z



14 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Multiplication Use symbol " * "

A * z



Mathematic Arithmetic Expression

2x + y 2*x+y
15 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Division Use symbol " / "

A / z



Mathematic Arithmetic Expression

2÷y 2/y
16 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
int x = 5;
float y = 2.0, result; The result of the “double
result = x / y; division” is 2.5.
printf(“%f”, result);

Before the division

result = 5.0 / 2.0 process, 5 is promoted
result = 2.5 from integer 5 to float

17 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

int x = 5, y = 2, result;;
result = x / y; The result of the “integer
division” is 2.
printf(“%d”, result);

There is no promotion
result = 5 / 2 occurred. Both operands
result = 2 are the same type.

18 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Modulus Use symbol " % "

A % z



Return a balance when 2 numbers is divided

Can only be used with an integer variable

19 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
int A, B;
float C;
A = 2;
B = 5;
C = 2.4;
B % A; Valid answer is 1
C % A; Invalid! C is float
20 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Output for

int A, B;
float C; 2 5
A = 2; 4
B = 5; 1
Output for
B % A;

21 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Has two parts and requires three
Ternary operator

2nd operand
is a value

(a > 2) ? 1 : 0

1st operand 3rd operand is

is a condition another value

22 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Store value or result of process to variable
Use operator symbol “=”

Assignment statement

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variable = value;

variable = constant; or variable = variable;

variable = expression;

1. average = (6 + 4) / 2; average 5

2. grossSalary = 1800; grossSalary 1800

nettSalary = grossSalary + 300; nettSalary 2100

3. price = 55.00; price 55.00

pay = price; pay 55.00

24 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

int a = b = c = d = e = 250;
int b = 2, number = 0, total = 0, average = 3;
int age = workhour = 0;

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26 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Operator Expression Meaning
+= total + = 300 total = total+ 300
-= total - = count+ 300 total = total - (count + 300)
*= total *=300 total = total * 300
/= total /= count– 10 total = total / ( count –10)
%= total % = 7 total = total % 7

27 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

To determine the order in which different operators.
The higher precedence will done first followed by the lower
Compiler will follows the following precedence to execute the
arithmetic expression based on priority.
Operator Priority
() First
++, -- Second
*, /, % Next
+, - Last
If the operators have the same precedence, then follows the rules
of associativity

28 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

1. 5 + 2 * 6 – 4 / 2 2. 3 * 4 / 2 + ( 3 – 1 )

5 + 12 - 4 / 2 3*4/2 + 2

5 + 12 - 2 12 / 2 + 2

17 - 2 6+2

15 8
29 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
3. Prefix unary arithmetic expression

int kira = 5, nilai_pertama = 10;

nilai_kedua = 5 * --kira + nilai_pertama;
printf(“%d %d”, kira, nilai_kedua);

4 30

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3. Prefix unary arithmetic expression

int kira = 5, nilai_pertama = 10;

nilai_kedua = 5 * kira-- + nilai_pertama;
printf(“%d %d”, kira, nilai_kedua);

4 35

31 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Associativity can be form either the left or the right
Left associativity evaluates expression by starting
on the left and moving to the right
Right associativity –from right to the left
Associativity is used only when the operators all
have the same precedence level
Example: Associativity from left to right
((((3 * 8) / 4) % 4) * 5)

32 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Compiler will follows the following associativity to execute the
arithmetic expression if the operators have the same precedence.
Operator Associativity
() Left to right
+ (unary), - (unary), ++, --, ! Right to left
*, /, % Left to right
+, - Left to right
<, <=, >, >= Left to right
==, != Left to right
&& Left to right
|| Left to right
?: Right to left
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %= Right to left
33 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Example: Left associativity


34 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Example: Right associativity

a += b *= c -= 5

35 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Header file designed for basic mathematical
operations (math.h)
Syntax #include <math.h>
Below are lists of some common math
Function Description
sqrt(x) compute the non-negative square root of x
pow(x,y) computes x raised to the power of y
cos(x) compute the cosine of x (measured in radians)
sin(x) computes the sine of x (measured in radians)
tan(x) compute the tangent of x (measured in radians)
36 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()
int x = 25, y;
y = sqrt(x);
printf(“%d”, y);

37 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

1. Convert the following mathematic expression to a valid
arithmetic expression :

a) b = 3 + b b) x = (a – b)(a – c2)

c) d = (3e – d) - ( 4 – 3c3 ) d) r = 2s + 3(s – 9)

x–9 4y s

2. Given a= 3, b = 5, c=1. What is the output of the following

a. ( 6 * c – 6 / a) - b b. (5 * c) +( a* b / b)

c. ++a d. c + a * c / (3 * c)

38 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

3. Assume i, j and k are integer variables with i = 5 and j = 3.
Determine the value for each of the following statement:
a) k = j++; b) k = i * j--;
c) k = j + i * j++; d) k = ++j;
e) k = i * --j; f) k = 27 / j++ - 16 % i;

39 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Relational Operator

Combination of more than one statement

Consists of


40 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Operator Description
== Equal to

> Greater than

< Less than

>= Greater than or equal

<= Less than or equal

!= Not equal

41 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

a, b and c are variables.
Replace with the given values

int a=6, b =1, c = -2;

1) a+ b == c 2) a != b

6 + 1== -2 6 != 1
7 == -2

Answer: 0 (False) Answer : 1 (True)

42 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

int a=6, b =1, c = -2;

3) b < c 4) b + c <= a

1 < -2 1 + -2 <= 6
-1 <= 6

Answer: 0 (False) Answer : 1 (True)

43 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Relational operator has less
priority than other operators.
int a=10, b = 3, c = 7; Start evaluating from left to right.

(a+b >= 3*c)==( a != 2*c+b)

(10+3 >= 3*7)==(a != 2*c+b)

(13 >= 21)==(10 != 14+3)
(13 >= 21)==(10 != 17)
0 == 1
0 (false)

44 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

An Example program which uses Relational Expression

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int age;
printf(“Please enter your age: ”);
scanf(“%d”, &age);
if (age > 21)
printf(“You are qualified to vote”);
return 0;

45 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Logical Operator

Combination of one or more expressions

Consists of


46 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Operator Description

&& AND

|| OR


Logical operator && and || is used between 2 or

more relational expression

47 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Logical operator truth table for AND

AND (&&) Logical Operator Result

False AND False False
Value 0 1
False AND True False
0 0 0
True AND False False
1 0 1
True AND True True

48 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Logical operator truth table for OR

OR (||) Logical Operator Result

False OR False False
Value 0 1
False OR True True
1 0 1
True OR False True
1 1 1
True OR True True

49 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Logical operator truth table for NOT

NOT (!)
Logical Operator Result
Value Result
False OR False False
!0 1
False OR True True
!1 0

50 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

Evaluate the following logical expression:

a) (2 < 5 ) && ( 5 < 10) b) (7 % 2 < 2) || ( 2 * 3 == 6)

1 && 1 (1 < 2) || (6 == 6)

1 1 || 1

51 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
Evaluate the following logical expression:

Given a = 3, b = 4;

c) !((5 * b <= 23 - a )) d) ! ((b +3 != 8) && ( 3 * a < 2))

!((5 * 4 <= 23 – 3)) !(( 7 != 8 ) && ( 9 < 2 ))

!(20 <= 20) !( 1 && 0 )

!(1) ! ( 0)

0 1
52 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid
An Example program which using Logical Expression

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
int marks;
printf(“\nPlease enter your marks >> ”);
scanf(“%d”, &marks);
if (marks >= 85 && marks <= 100)
printf(“\nGred A”;
else if (marks >= 80 && marks <= 84)
printf(“\nGred A-”;
return 0;

53 Prepared by Norhamreeza Abdul Hamid

1. Given with i = 2, j = 5 and k = 15. Evaluate each of the following expression:
a) i>j–k g) k == j + i * j
b) i != k h) k <= k / j
c) (i >= 1) && (j == 5) i) (j < i) || (k > j)
d) ! (i > j) j) (i > 0) && (j < k) || (k < i)
e) i<j<k k) i * k < k / j
f) (i < j) && (j < k) l) i–j>k
2. Complete the following statements with suitable logical expression.
int angka1, angka2;
if (angka1 is less than or equal to angka2)
printf(“%d is less than or equal to %d”, angka1, angka2);

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