C4 - HBO - Life Stories of Recent MBAs - Motivations

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C4 : Life Stories of Recent MBAs: Motivations

1. Monica Chi:
- Motivated by family expectations and the desire to make her family proud.
- Inspired by her parents' example of hard work, making a difference in the world, and having
an impact in the community.
- Values learning and growth as significant motivating drivers.
- Prefers breaking down challenges into smaller goals and tackling them one at a time.
- Not highly extrinsically motivated and finds working with great colleagues on meaningful
work more important.

2. Ann Gildroy:
- Draws motivation from the impact she can have on people, especially those she worked with
in Iraq.
- Judges herself based on whether she has helped others become more capable and
improved their lives.
- Finds motivation in providing safety, security, and a better life to people in challenging and
dangerous situations.
- Relies on peers and colleagues for support during tough times.
- Mentions that her persistence and tenacity are inspired by her brother's example of hard
work despite facing learning disabilities.

3. Jaime Irick:
- Motivated by the idea of helping others and making a positive impact on people's lives.
- Believes in the importance of serving and giving back throughout one's life, not just in the
later stages.
- Values service and helping people as fundamental to his purpose.
- Doesn't see a strict divide between making money and being involved in service.
- Advocates for making an impact early in life.

4. Sachin Jain:
- Motivated by a family culture of service and giving back.
- Inspired by family members who initiated various projects and initiatives to help others.
- Values contributing to both the immediate community and on a larger scale.
- Applies the lessons learned from family members in his daily life and career choices.
- Embraces entrepreneurship and leadership as ways to make a positive impact.

5. Alex Mandl:
- Motivated by shedding light on overlooked areas and bringing legitimacy to unconventional
methods and strategies.
- Enjoys solving complex problems and gaining satisfaction from offering fresh perspectives.
- Values helping people navigate difficult situations and believes in the importance of being
comfortable with discomfort.
C4 : Life Stories of Recent MBAs: Motivations

- Advocates for exploring areas of unfamiliarity and vulnerability.

- Finds motivation in applying his strengths and talents to causes where they are needed.

6. Daniel Salvadori:
- Motivated by the opportunity to make a difference in people's lives, especially in the
healthcare field.
- Believes in helping people live better-quality, longer lives.
- Values continuous learning and education, inspired by his family's emphasis on learning.
- Enjoys meeting new people and gaining insights from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
- Sees business as a way to bring better cures and treatments to a wider audience.

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