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Tndustrial Electricol = bean fn A | TssignmenkK 3? NAME = Savalives Pritul 2 EN Wd: 200140109109 Draw a schematic sketch shauna the muin ixtnibution haand and 37 | cincuits with switches and cling nase connection Qt} Oudline the ““faclans do he canideel’ in 31 e -design af. a ene ae —— Pequtines conefil_considencels. Designing” —1n__ effective © Lig ht iag_scheme dion oF venlous | tacdons to achieve the clesined _illumineeing ambiance andar cliomallily . ep 2 Punpose and _femctionalidy = > Uadestand the functions on OTe of_the_space_, is i+ fon vane ‘nelgadle -on_ententainment! The lighting should align wih the imtended uncSion Task lighsing_s- 2 2_Tdenti pectic asks that vill be perfonyred in the pace and provide adequate task lighting fon each uc a agetd ing coal bag on carbene 3) Enos ef-ficiency_!- CT . 5 snengy efficient light -fixtenes cond bulh = Ee LED ‘On CEL) do eneng consump} ion and Lowen _apenectidnr costs 4) Colon Rendening_!- Se ies aaa AE, > choose Light sounce ith good coloun nendening pnopenties to ensuxe that solown appear accamate and _uibnont. Page. ete. Dnaw and_explain dhe _contno| cincuit of utametic stan eM ich i delta starter =! Wonleing af semi cuthoretic stan delty tomkeS_comtnal _cincurk ‘ Bourltaay Pre ON Pash brd-ton ¢ The an _comtbuctan cail ged: upply thaough phase R~ off pusia_bthton = SN pu hh button = stan conbructonr coil ome - * The stan contacton became energized * A cam as: th-e Ws auxilien tan contaudds GAL. \ 1 Nc and sz" beamey NO flu ilicamay covttacat S11 fram Na +0 Nc tian Contact $2 = From Nc +o NO + The main con oh_coil_gets upp ly though phase _R- off pushy Intton Yor pusla butdan-Si = main contactan cai] M-phase Y. . e main _contyctan becomes energ jx The anxili a combuct hecome Nc. Barxiliany combact Mi Erom NO +o J Nc ® cD) [mma | |bEvia ‘ [stak] : ae ¥ jf eh i condo ae of Semi ao STAR DEITA STARTER Oo contacto eal ye + As soon _as the ON push _brdtan is ed cont: = i i a Pose: (ge oa | Develop a _blocle- tegana ee basic components Yand thei n—Bunction. Pawsed = — upp hy aN om Y Ty = D L 0 — a f 7 ces an tL? ie rom - = 2 c 1a autout seansahy | Progen Device | = Blac diag ron _of a PL Pnocesson sec -Hon (Cpu) 2 2 The processor section is brain of PLC hich consists of RAM, Rom ® logic olven and Usen memory» The ceratnral processing anit is he cht of PLC. CPU__comtno\s onions and _supenvise al] _opencrtion within PLC. The CPU makes decision and execartes_camtnol imnstouctions instouction im _memopy Input and ouckpuct snadule 2+ >The i ‘inoput module is a medicitor belnen input device eeod_—centnell pencess ing wit _Cceu) which ix ured +o conver a 6 Pog =—0) oe ae aces smddule_is ad Prelicdo® belween vices and central pnocessi: oni _C¢pu) uhich_is convert digital | 1 Signcth jrvla amnetlag— igancil Power supply 2+ > Pawen Vv is provided to the panacea) amit in and” output mnadwe rnit. Ronen” supply nem be integral om Separately sooruvited unit? Most of the Plc operte 4eS_ oN O volts Nc and. 24 volt Memonu section :» > The _niemony section ir the aneaat CPU in which) dette, cand information ®) is__stoned ond retrieved. Naty meen ony i stone numentcel toni) i aud ban code deter etc. Usen memony ~ contains _dsen's appliccbion_praqadin Proanamm ing device s- > Pn, g \ ‘ OGD: mY mg device used Yfon loading the aren Phoanam into the Pragaum memory on” edit i ond do wemnitnn theY execution of +he pnogsum of the PIC Poge ———— His_abso arsed to tnoubleshadt the Pic ladden \C__pregncam__ \neld “hememlmncde Cub): on dedicated teamimeah eee eal tm mast nt of the Plc ray

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