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Banks play an important role in local and foreign trade. The “high street” banks offer a
variety of services to private customers. The most important types of account offered are
current accounts and deposit accounts. Whereas deposit account is for people who wish to
leave their money in it for a longer period of time and earn interest, a current account is to
enable customers to handle their finances on a day-to-day basis, e.g. to receive their salaries
and make cash withdrawals. Current account holders can make payment by writing cheques,
or transfer money from one account to another. Every month you can receive a bank
statement showing your transactions and the final balance.
Cashless payments are frequently made using plastic cards. Among the most important
of these are debit cards and credit cards. A debit card uses funds from the bank account,
while a credit card uses a credit line that can be paid back later either by the whole amount
owing or in installment, usually with a high interest rate. Plastic cards can be used to make
withdrawals from cash dispensers/ cash point / cash machine (ATM).
You can arrange an overdraft (= a temporary negative balance) for a small fee. If you
have a negative balance, you are “in the red”. In business the phrase “line of credit” is more
common than “overdraft”. A line of credit can be given by a bank or a supplier.
You may need to take out/get a loan from the bank. Note that the bank lends you
money; and you borrow money from the bank. The bank charges you interest on the loan.
The interest rate is usually given as an APR (annual percentage rate) which shows the overall
cost of credit including bank charges as well as interest. You repay the loan in monthly
installments. To buy your own house you need to take out/arrange a special type of long-
term loan called a mortgage.
Banks also offer their customers foreign exchange. The most important services
offered to business customers are to discount bills of exchange, to honour drafts, open /
advise / confirm letters of credit, make and collect payments for business partners, to act as

1. Check the meaning of the new words and phrases:

сurrent account – текущий счет loan (to lend/to borrow) – заем
deposit account – накопительный счет mortgage – ипотека
interest – процент to discount – дисконтировать
to withdraw money – снимать деньги draft/ cheque – чек
to transfer money – перечислять деньги foreign exchange – обмен валют
bank’s transfer – банковский перевод local/foreign currency – местная / иностранная
bank statement – выписка из банка валюта
transaction – транзакция, банковская операция currency exchange office – обменный пункт
balance – баланс, остаток rate of exchange (exchange rate) – валютный курс /
debit card – дебетовая карточка курс обмена
credit card – кредитная карточка to honour draft – обналичивать чек
credit line – кредитная линия Bill of Exchange – вексель
installment – часть, взнос, рассрочка Letter of Credit – аккредитив
rate – процент, ставка
cash point/ cash machine / cash dispenser / ATM – funds – денежные средства
банкомат trustee – доверитель
overdraft – превышение кредита

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