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Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology

This chapter present the research method and process used in conduct the study. This

section of study explains the research locale, research design, respondent, data

gathering procedure, research instrument, null hypothesis and statistical treatment.

Research Locale

This study was conducted in Jomalig National Highschool where the Grade 11 student

must assess their level of awareness about Sexual Reproductive Health. The

researcher choose the school for the reason that respondent was more accessible and

available on the present address of the researcher.

Research Design

Research Design is the detailed outline of the study is conducted. This is

the research which evaluate the overall strategy that the researchers chose

to integret the level of Awareness of Grade 11 Artemis student towards

Sexual Reproductive Health will be gathered and analyzed.Specifically in

this study descriptive quantitative design will be used where the Level of

awareness of Grade 11 student towards Sexual Reproductive Health will

be describe and analyzed through on survey. This approved is to analyze

the student awareness on Sexual Reproductive Health.

Respondent of the Study

The respondent of the study will be the Grade 11 Artemis student who enrolled at

Jomalig National Highschool in the academic year 2022-2023. The respondent will be

composed of Grade 11 artemis only. It wil be using slonis formula stratified and Random

sampling. The grade 11 student will be chosen share it is the first level of severe

highschool and they are expected to be capable of adapting information with regard to

the decision of sexuality.

Sampling Procedure

The grade 11 student were purpose chosen using Random Sampling

Instrument of validation

The researcher asked their about the face of content validation instrument to be

conducted in Jomalig National High school the grade 11 student as respondent. The

researcher adviser checked the grammar and the connection of the questionnaire to the

objectives of the study. The wrote a formal letter and gave to the Principal of Jomalig

National High school for his approval to use the Grade 11 student as respondents and

also approval for conducting the research.

Data gathering procedure

The data gathering for this study will be done by following a step-by step procedure to

attain a satisfactory result. First the researcher will make a draft of close-ended type

question based on the sexual reproductive health, second the researcher will ask their

research adviser to check the questionnaire if it contains appropriate question to be

filled up by the selected respondent. The researcher will then finalize their question and

ask for a permission to the authorized personnel that they will conduct the study. Then
the researcher will gather data from the questionnaires given to the selected grade 11

senior high school student of Jomalig national high school. The result will be analyzed

and classified after gathering all the descriptive and statistical data needed. Then the

researchers had their final papers checked for the approval by their research adviser.

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