QualityThought - Azure 2022 1

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AE VEARS, Quality Thought® )®) qttworld www.qualitythought.in AVES Quality Thought? Course Duration Total Sessions Hours 90 Days 120 Hrs OTS Networking& Computer& Identity Operations Databases & Developer& Migrations& Storage Security Templating «IP Addressing +> ATURE Express Route «Networking Basics «Public P prefix ~ Operating Modes «Virtual Network « [p6 for Azure Vnet Portal «> Subnets «2 DDoS protection meu = Network Security Groups = Cross network Connectivity “PowerShell + Application Security Groups «> Backend Connectivity Interoperability ARM Templates Routing > Trouble shooting «2 Service Endpoints 2 VPNGateway «2 Service Endpoint Polices Creating & Managing aVPN Gateway <= NET Peering Site to Site Connections «Virtual Network TAP Z Multiple Site to Site Connections «> Virtual Networking for Azure Services [AVNET to VNET Connections «> Container & Kubernetes networking Zone Redundant Gateways += VNET Replication for Business Continuity ABGP and VPN Gateway Cr Maen aert faveRS, Quality Thought? < Overview > Default User Permissions > Public DNS Organization Zones & Records = Groups Mi Alias Records > Users Revers ONS > Authentication M Disaster Recovery Multifactor > Private ONS: Self Service Password Reset > Azure RBAC Azure Load balancers & Application Gateway +» Custom Roles in Azure « Privileged Identity Management «Azure Load Balancer Overview ~ Basic Load Balancer + Standard Load Balancer EAT Uc Cla ya) <> Health probes = High Availability ports +» B2B guest user access «> Multiple frontends +> Compare B28 with E20 ere +» B2B licensing Simvitations Doutand niles «2 Conditional Access & User Tokens «Load Balancer Metrics oF ~ Azure pplication Gateway Dverview Azure Active Directory B2C «+ Application Gateway Components «2 What is AAD B2C = Routing +> Application Types © SSL «© Authentication Protocols °WAF auth «Health Monitoring ZOpenid «2 App Service Web app & VMSS integrations iokens = WebSocket Support User flow & Policy + App integration Tae F q zure Traffic Manager TT «> Overview «> Routing Methods > What is hybrid Identity = Traffic Manager Profiles > Azure AD Connect = Endpoint Types + Password hash synchronization Traffic View > Pass-through authentication « Disaster Recovery using Azure DNS & Traffic Manager > Federation « Single-Sign On eT Clay DUE Eras ee CRS) @ Overview ‘© How Azure V's Work internally 2 VM Types & Sizes > Virtualization technologies in azure Creation & Management of VM's » Creating VM Images <2 Whats Azure Active Directory «Group and Access Management +» Group-based licensing <2-zure AD architecture Cr Peete faveRS, Quality Thought? «= High Available VM's « Availabilty Sets & Availabilty Zones = VM Scale Sets «> VM Scale Sets with Load balancers & application gateways «2 Dedicated hosts Maintenance & Updates = VM Extensions «= Cloud-Irit = Maintenance & updates + Accelerated Networking +2 Operating Modes MCL PowerShell <= ARM Templates Operations Tr = Overview © Creation of Batch Job Execution of Batch Job Azure Monitor © Overview © Creation of Batch Job «> Execution of Batch Job 2 Overview Log Analytics «= Log Queries Visualize log data Alerts MMetricAlerts Log alerts M Activity log alerts Change analysis «2 Application Insights 2 Metrics «= Continuous monitoring with Azure Monitor Tce y = Overview -» Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) «= Replication of Azure VMs to different Regions « Failover of Azure Vs «Disaster Recovery for Apps Azure Backup Service 2 Overview «> Backup Azure Vs «Restoring disks 2 Backup from On-premto Azure Te a] © Overview + Policy Definitions «Policy Effects «Custom Poicy Definitions TS Overview + Creating blueprints + Stages of Blueprints > Lifecycle of Blue Prints + Protecting & Locking resources Azure Storage Azure Storage Accounts © Overview +» Storage account types - Blob Storage + Page Blobs > Block Blobs «Table Storage + Queue Storage File Storage + Data Redundancy «Access Tiers + Performance & Scaling + Concurrency + Static Websites using Storage Accounts > Event Handling + Page Blabs «Transferring Data using AzCopy Maer Quality Thought? &» Azure Managed Disks Tey) 2 Overview 2 Overview «Benefits of Using Managed Disks + Boba distribution = DiskTypes «= Partitioning throughput Disk SKUs 2 SOL query reference Temp Disk + Cassandra APL «ata Disk ‘> MongoDB APL 20S sk «> Backup & Recovery of Disks au oS Azure StorSimple and Data Box oon « StorSimple Overview + Resources « StorSimple Virtual Array + Parameters « StorSimple Data Manager Variables «Azure Data Box + Functions + Resources __Azure Sal tats «Template ile Structure «Overview «Template reference «Azure SOL Database «Template Funtions «> Azure SOL Mange instance > Linked Template = Single Database inked Templates + Deployment Manager Elastic Fel - Linked Templates + Purchasing Models Misiemren teen Service Tiers TEL TO TEL > Overview 2 Overview «> Database & Servers > Migrate On-premise VMWare VMs to Azure = Resources + Migrate On-premise Hyper-V VMS to Azure « Data access & Security > Migrate physical servers and VMs «Backup & Replications Te Azure Database Migration Service = Overview Cache Tier > Overview Geo-Replications > Migrate On-premise SQL Server to Azure SQL DB = Import/Export Data @ Migrate On-Premise SQL Server to Schedule Updates Azure SQL Managed Instance Maer faveRS, Quality Thought? Azure Platform as a Service Lo Gee koa LT aa eye «Event Grid c «Notification Hub «2 Overview «Event Hub «= App Service Environments 2 Service Bus App Service Plans 1 Azure Relay «Virtual Network Integrations «= Hybrid connections Creating App Service Web App API Gateways CLI WPortal Overview = APIGateway Policies es API Gateways Docker Hub What are Mobile Apps e Overview Android Apps > APIGateway Policies Cordova ‘ 108 Foundation Course for me DevOps, AWS & AZURE @ Overview res > Creating Functions > Overview Python PowerShell > Understanding Linux Architecture MiJava MICH +> Shell and Kernel Overview = Triggers and Bindings © Linux Distributions ° ee ae be «> Using Shell. forage @ZCosmos : 1 Seale & Hosting Exploring Filesystems «2 Working with Text Files paecore Sasso > Process Management Bae ig + Package Management MRPM [DEB © Overview FAYUM EA APT -= Create and Manage a Cluster snap «= Create a standalone cluster + Managing User Accounts «2 Deploy a NET app + Disk & Filesystem management «= Deploy a Java app MiskStorage Partitions «Application Scenarios TALVM EZ1Mounts «Linux Networking 7 . rr Service M itin Li Authentication and Data Security it Cys «= Managed entity +2 Server Configurations in Linux < Key Vault (Web Server © Azure Disk Encryption Application Server A syslog “Database Servers +2 Troubleshooting in Linux Maer . ° Quality Thought UST] Message-hased Services » Why and What of Shell Scripting > Event Grid © Shell Terminals Notification Hub © Creation & Execution of Shell Scripts > Event Hub: > Variables & Variable Scopes Service Bus Conditions in Shell Scripts > Azure Relay = Iterating with loops = Functions in Shell Scripts API GING «> Regular Expressions «> Command Piping with grep = Overview © Stream Editor > APIGateway Policies Seeman y_APGateways Sed commands COTTE @ AWK Fundamentals > Overview «2 APIGateway Policies ~ hvodetion Foundation Course for Why Python? DevOps, AWS & AZURE olnstalling Python rn Types in Python. Overview Integers & Floats > Understanding Linux Architecture String ~MBooleans > Shell and Kernel Overview None Mists Linux Distributions Dictionary 1 Other Data Types > Using Shell Statements in Python «» Exploring Filesystems Mit Mloops = Working with Text Files Break & Continue Process Management ZMhile > Package Management = Exceptions in Python RPM (DEB Functions MyuM = MAPT = File Management in Python, Psnap Yield +» Managing User Accounts © Lambda Functions Disk & Filesystem management > Object Oriented Programming with Python MDiskStorage Partitions WClasses [i Methods MLM Mounts Constructors: Linux Networking ‘Instance & Class Attributes > Service Management in Linux @ Inheritance & Polymorphism Mit Asystemd = Python Tips & Tricks « Server Configurations in Linux Strings & Collections Web Server = Modularity Application Server > Handling Exceptions Syslog “Database Servers +2 Troubleshooting in Linux Maer faveRS, ‘ © Quality Thought Le Pee «2 Basic Networking Concepts «Introduction to PowerShell Computer Network What is PowerShell © PowerShell Editors Terminology A Getting Help Network Protocol Command Naming & Discovery [Ping & Traceroute Parameters & Parameter Sets Whats P address Introduction to Providers ZNetwork Categories and Components +» Modules & Snap-ins Domain Naming System Introducing Modules <= 0SIModel PowerShell Core & the Windows Layers Compatibility Module Zi Application Layer ()Snap-ns Presentation Layer = Objects in PowerShell eicesen ate “Pipelines Members © Enumerating & Filtering WZ Transport & Other lower layers Selecting & Sorting MITCP vs OS! Model iF “Grouping & Measuring (Zi Comparing «Binary Compute Basics 4 «+ Hexadecimal Compute Basics erator Onn Arithmetic Operators «IP Addressing A Assignment Operators Overview & Demonstration comparison Operators ZIPV4 Address Format Network vs Host portion WClass A BCDE address Regular Expression based Operators Binary Operators Wi Logical Operators MA Type Operators [Other Operators Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) Notation «Variables, Arrays and Hashtables IP Subnetting > Branching & Looping « Routing + Strings, Numbers & Dates « Switching «Files, Folders & Registry NAT Server +2 Web Requests & Web Services ONS + Remoting & Remote Management <= DHOP Server + Scripts, Functions & Filters +> Parameters, Validation & Dynamic Parameters Te + Testing. Troubleshooting & Error Handling «Setup eT «= Understanding the Client Server Architecture Group Policy Management = Vagrant © Windows Server Backups Overview Virtualization -» Groovy Seripting Maer woot — |G) vsewarounno amazon Sunseaz | carpus PERVACIO) vgn, “% Btechforce.ai] envision |[zssplashBl Student's. ) Enrollment | Bato Neadvi RABEL JOP) Training ) Z Interview oN Interview | Resume Schedule Preparation ) Cognizant Medtronic Collabera erwin bigHNoon Consulting archents 3-6 Months Internship Interview Schedule HE Microsoft | servicenow meslova 9) @, stic soft @ ValueLabs SOLIX {) techolution| cS)

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