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a,b,c are real numbers

Graph of Linear: Open upward:+ positive

Opens downward:- negative

Definition of parabola
-a parabola is the set of points equidistant from a fixed point(focus)and a fixed line(diretrix).

Parts of Parabola
 Vertex-the turning point of the graph equidistant from the focus and the directrix.
 Axis of symmetry-the line perpendicular to the directrix.It passes through the vertex and the focus.It also
the line that divides the parabola equally or is the “mirror” of the graph.
 Latus rectum-a segment connecting two points of the parabola and passes through the focus.This
segment is perpendicular to the axis of symmetry.
 General formula:Ax²+Cx+Dy+E=0 and By²+Dy+Cx+E=0

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