Chapter 4 - Results & Discussion

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Chapter 4


This chapter presents and discusses the result of the study. Specifically, it

discusses the mean and standard deviation that will be used to determine the level of

influence of mobile gaming to the students and their academic performance.

Mobile Legends

Video Game Frequency No. Percentage

Never 23 48.94%
1-3 19 40.43%
4-6 4 18.51%
7-9 0 0%

10 1 2.13%

TOTAL 50 100%

Table 1. Mobile Legends

The table presents the frequency of playing Mobile Legends of the students. As

shown in the table, 23 students out of 50 respondents never played Mobile Legends,

which composed of 48.94% to our total population. While 19 students or 40.43% of the

total population played in 1-3 hours in a day. And 4 students or 18.51% among the total

respondents said that they play 4-6 hours a day. No one answered that they play 7-9 hours

a day, but 1 respondent played more than 10 hours.

The higher the frequency a student play, the significant it affects its own

Academic Performance. Much more research has been done to investigate the connection
between video gaming and school performance. Most researchers have reported negative

correlations, based on time spent gaming, game content, and levels of player dependency.

Clear and negative correlations have been found between the amount of time that a

student spends playing video games and his/her school marks (Gentile, Lynch, Linder, &

Walsh, 2004; Hastings et al., 2009; Sharif & Sargent, 2006).

Academic Performance

Score Interval N Percentage Mean Score SD Interpretation

90-100 17 34% 91.71 1.66 Outstanding

85-89 24 48% 87.66 1.34 Very Satisfactory

80-84 9 18% 83.28 0.97 Satisfactory

Total 50 100% 88.13 3.30 Very Satisfactory

Table 2. Academic Performance

The table presents the level of Academic Performance of the students. Based on

the result, some of the students had reached the outstanding grades achieving outstanding

grades achieving an average grade of 91.71 which means they actively participate in their

own tasks in school and did an outstanding job in their own works. Most of the students

achieve the very satisfactory level having an average of 87.66; this means that many of

the students did a good job unto their schoolwork. Lastly, some of them achieved a

satisfactory level with an average of 83.28 which entails that they still need to give hard

work on studying.

Video gaming has always an impact to something, it could be either short-term or

long-term and positive or negative. Anand (2007) found that video game addicts tended
to fall asleep in class and fall behind in their assignments. Gentile (2009) reported

correlations between pathological gaming and attention deficits in class. Griffiths (2010a)

and Sharif and Sargent (2006) found that video gaming creates time conflicts that reduce

the amount of time that gamers devote to homework. In other research, video gaming has

been found to benefit school marks, skills, and behaviors (Barber, Eccles, & Stone, 2001;

Blum-Dimaya, Reeve, Reeve, & Hoch, 2010; Sutherland, Facer, Furlong, & Furlong,

2000). While Ferguson (2011) conservatively concluded that gaming does not necessarily

jeopardize school performance, other researchers have found positive correlations

between gaming and educational development, including reading and math (Bowers &

Berland, 2013; Wittwer & Senkbeil, 2008), cognitive processing (Abrams, 2009;

Ferguson, 2007); imagination and creativity (Durkin & Barber, 2002; Steinkuehler &

Duncan, 2008), nonverbal intelligence (Subrahmanyam, Greenfield, Kraut, & Gross,

2001), and general literacy and learning skills (Gee, 2004; Jenkins, 2006). But In other

research, video gaming has been found to benefit school marks, skills, and behaviors

(Barber, Eccles, & Stone, 2001; Blum-Dimaya, Reeve, Reeve, & Hoch, 2010;

Sutherland, Facer, Furlong, & Furlong, 2000). While Ferguson (2011) conservatively

concluded that gaming does not necessarily jeopardize school performance, other

researchers have found positive correlations between gaming and educational

development, including reading and math, cognitive processing; imagination and

creativity, nonverbal intelligence, and general literacy and learning skills.

Relationship between Mobile Legends and Academic Performance of the Students

Academic Performance
Pearson R Degree of Correlation Interpretation
Mobile Legends -0.4439302876 Moderate correlational Fair Correlation

Table 3. Relationship between Mobile Legends and Academic Performance of the


The table above showed the relationship between Mobile Legends and Academic

Performance of the students. The Influence of Mobile Legends is -0.4439302876 which

correspond to a fair linear relationship that means there is significant correlation between

variables considered to have a significant relationship between Mobile Legends and

Academic Performance of the Students. It means that Mobile Legends significantly

affects the Academic Performance of the students in a way that it doesn’t make the

Academic Performance of the students decrease but increase instead.

Instead of having a negative impact on the Academic Performance for those

students who play Mobile Legends, the results shows the opposite. This finding reflects

the apparent contradictions in the literature, wherein some researchers correlate video

gaming with lower school marks (Gentile et al, 2004; Hastings et al, 2009; Sharif &

Sargent, 2006), and others correlate it with higher school marks (Bowers & Berland,

2013; Sutherland et al., 2000; Wittwer & Senkbeil, 2008).

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