Lawrence Kohlberg

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Non-Nursing & Nursing Theories Relevant to Nursing Practice

Theorist Full Name Lawrence Kohlberg

Theory Theory of Moral Development

● Kohlberg's theory of moral development explores how children learn
morality and moral reasoning. According to Kohlberg's theory, there
are three levels of moral development, with each level divided into two
stages. The three levels of moral reasoning include preconventional,
conventional, and postconventional.
● Kohlberg's theory was based on a series of moral dilemmas provided
to his research subjects. People can only progress through these
levels in the order listed. Each new stage replaces the previous stage's
logic. Not everyone completes all stages.
● Level 1: Preconventional Morality. Comprises the first stage,
Obedience and Punishment Orientation, and the second stage,
Individualism and Exchange Children lack a personal moral code,
therefore moral decisions are formed by the standards of adults.
● Level 2: Conventional Morality. Comprises the third stage, Good
Interpersonal Relationships, and the fourth stage, Maintaining the
Social Order. We begin to internalize the moral principles of valued
adult role models at this phase.
● Level 3: Postconventional Morality. Comprises the fifth stage, Social
Contract and Individual Rights, and the 6th stage, Universal
Principles. This is defined by a person's understanding of universal
ethical standards.
Biography of the Theorist ● Lawrence Kohlberg is an American psychologist born on October 25,
1927 in Bronxville, New York. He earned his reputation in the field of
psychology through his Theory of Stages of Moral Development
● He studied at the University of Chicago and earned his bachelor’s
degree in 1948. He earned his PhD in the year 1958
● He was an assistant professor of psychology at Yale University from
1958 to 1961.
● He was appointed Professor of Education and Social Psychology at
Harvard University in 1968.
● Lawrence Kohlberg suffered from depression for a long time and on
January 19, 1987, he took his own life by drowning in the Boston
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