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Chairperson Mr. Udaya Nepali Shrestha (Nepal)

Co-Chairperson Mr. Semisi Fonua Fifita (Tonga)
Rapporteur Mr.Cheung, Yim-fui (Hong Kong)
Co-Rapporteur Mr. Yasutaka Harada (Japan)
Advisers Professor Yuzuru Takahashi (UNAFEI)
Professor Kayo Konagai (UNAFEI)

I. INTRODUCTION international co-operation in criminal

matters, such as extradition and
Under the theme of the 108th
mutual legal assistance.
International Seminar “Current Problems
in the Combat of Organized Transnational
In our examination, a total of 22
Crime”, our group was assigned to explore
countries’ criminal justice systems were
the legal framework against organized
studied, namely: Bangladesh, Colombia,
transnational crime in different countries’
Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Madagascar,
criminal justice systems. The scope of our
Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal,
exploration was identified and finalized
Nicaragua, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea,
with the following issues being focused on:
Philippines, Korea, Saudi Arabia,
Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Venezuela, and,
(1) s p e c i f i c c r i m i n a l p r o v i s i o n s
Viet Nam. Our study was conducted by
(substantive and procedural) for
ways of referring to the individual
efficient countermeasures against
presentation reports of participants
crimes committed by organized
attending this Seminar, holding of
transnational crime groups;
interviews with participants, of general
(2) provisions for the confiscation of illicit
discussion in forum, and, examining of
proceeds derived from the specific
concerned law books.
organized transnational crimes;
(3) provisions specifically directed at
organized crime groups;
(4) provisions for pro-active and/or non-
traditional strategies, such as,
undercover operations, wiretapping,
immunity, controlled delivery etc., in
investigating organized transnational A. Efficient Countermeasures
crimes; Defining the term “efficient
(5) provisions for witness protection countermeasures” in legal justice systems
programmes; is difficult , the group is nevertheless of the
(6) special provisions with regard to opinion that it should be a formalized
sentencing policy; and system or arrangement facilitated either
(7) e x p l o r a t i o n o f p r o v i s i o n s f o r by provisions or executive action


(procedural) which is to speedily and timely provisions for confiscation of illicit proceeds
deal with the suspect in the course of derived other than from drug trafficking.
investigation and/or offender upon his/her
arrest.Performance indicators are Of note, some countries have already had
therefore placed upon: simplified provisions in the final draft to regulate the
procedures in investigating and detecting confiscation of illicit proceeds derived from
offences; timely process of request for drug trafficking and/or organized crimes,
assistance; and speedy trial. although they are yet to be enacted, such
as the Anti-Organized Crime Law of Japan,
Upon examining the legal justice the Proceeds of Crime and Money
systems of these 22 countries, it was Laundering (Prevention) Act of India, and
revealed that only the Philippines has the the Money Laundering Control Act of
set-up of ‘Special Dangerous Drug Court’ Thailand.
to speed up the criminal proceedings for
drugs trafficking cases. In this court, trials C. Criminalization of Organized
can be concluded within two months, Crime Groups
following the arrest of the offender. In Hong Provisions for criminalizing members of
Kong, authorization in conducting raid at organized crime groups can be divided into
premises for firearms is delegated to police two categories: the first being provisions
officers of the rank of superintendent criminalizing the MEMBERSHIP of an
(under the Firearms and Ammunition organized crime group which making it an
Ordinance) to speed processes. In addition, offence of being a member; the second
under the Police Force Ordinance of Laws category is described as provisions
of Hong Kong, banking institutes upon criminalizing SPECIFIC OFFENCES
receipt of the request from the police have COMMITTED BY MEMBERS of an
to supply information whether the subject organized crime groups. By this criteria,
has any accounts drawn on the bank and the “Society Ordinance” of Hong Kong and
all account records, if any, within 28 days. the “Act for the Punishment of Violent
It is noted that some countries, such as Crimes” of Korea are under the first
India and Malaysia, will make use of the category; while the “Anti-Boryodukan Law”
internal security provisions to speed up of Japan, and, the “Uttar Pradesh
proceedings against criminal, however the Gangsters and Anti-Social Activities
group is of opinion that these kinds of (Prevention) Act” which is only applicable
countermeasures should not be in the State of Uttar Pradesh of India
encouraged. should be within the second’s.

B. Confiscation of Illicit Proceeds D. Provisions for Pro-Active

Provisions for confiscation of illicit Strategies in Investigating
proceeds, although confined to illicit Organized Crimes
trafficking in drugs, are in force in more For easy reference, pro-active strategies
than half of the 22 countries assessed; in investigating organized crimes are
namely Bangladesh, Colombia, Hong Kong, confined to those assessed to be the most
India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, reliable and effective evidence-gathering
Madagascar, Mexico, Nepal, Nicaragua, techniques, such as undercover operations,
Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. wiretapping, immunity, and controlled
Amongst them, Bangladesh, Colombia, delivery.
Hong Kong, Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan,
Saudi Arabia and Turkey further have


1. Undercover Operations effective and reliable tactics. Immunity, in

Under the laws of Colombia, Malaysia, term of its types, can be divided into two
Mexico, Pakistan (for drugs offences only), categories in accordance with the approach
Madagascar, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and of U. S. A.. The first type which is granted
Viet Nam, in the course of investigation and through legislation is called “formal”
detection of criminal activities, the immunity, while the second type is granted
mounting of undercover operations by the by way of negotiation carried out between
deployment of operatives is legally the defense counsel and prosecutor with
permitted and governed. Evidence so the acknowledgment of the presiding judge.
adduced is admissible in court. While in In respect of “formal” immunity, it can be
Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Japan, further divided as “use” and “transaction”
Philippines and Turkey, undercover immunity.
operations are common practice and legal
in the sense that there is no laws to rule it (i) Use Immunity: briefly protects a
illegal. Undercover operations are basically witness from prosecution in respect of
illegal in the countries of India, Korea, their testimonial evidence in court from
Nepal, Nicaragua, Thailand, Tonga, and incriminating themself for a particular
Fiji. offence.
(ii) Transaction Immunity: is a blanket
2. Wiretapping protection to a witness from
The definition of wiretapping in our prosecution regarding their testimonial
study is defined to the interception and/or evidence in court for a particular crime,
the tapping of conversations over the or a series of crimes (transaction), in
telephone without the knowledge of both which s/he is incriminated.
the calling and receiving parties.
“Informal” immunity is basically an
Provisions permitting the wiretapping in agreement as a result of the bargain and/
the course of investigation exist in or negotiation between the defense counsel
Colombia, India (mainly for information/ and prosecutor, with the cognisance of the
intelligence gathering and evidence so presiding judge. By this agreement the
obtained is not admissible in court), witness is protected from prosecution.
Madagascar, Malaysia (applicable only to
drug trafficking and kidnapping offences), Our study of these 22 countries’ legal
Mexico, Pakistan, Philippines, Turkey justice systems revealed that provisions to
(subject to the prior approval of the court), regulate immunity exist in Colombia, Hong
Venezuela, and Viet Nam. Kong, India, Mexico, Pakistan, the
Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Saudi
3. Immunity Arabia, Venezuela and Viet Nam, although
In view of the difficulties encountered the circumstances under which it is
in prosecuting the master-minds of granted may be defferent.
criminal syndicates (principal offenders),
especially for victimless crimes, due to the 4. Controlled Delivery
secret operation of most of the organized “Controlled Delivery” is an effective tool
crime groups, the granting of immunity to in combating illicit drugs trafficking and
members of the criminal syndicate or is defined in the 1988 United Nations
operatives in undercover operations, so as Conference for the Adoption of the
to obtain their testimonial evidence in Convention Against Illicit Trafficking in
court, is assessed as one of the most Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic


Substances, as “the technique of allowing Kong, Korea and Nepal.

illicit or suspicious consignments, or (3) This group consists of those remaining
substances substituted for them, to pass countries in which the witness
out of, through or into the territory of one protection issue is not formalized nor
or more countries, with the knowledge and legislated, but may be provided in case
under the supervision of their competent of need.
authorities, with a view to identifying Of note is that despite witness protection
persons involved in the commission of the programmes in force in law or otherwise
offence”. in some countries, the extent and
standards varied. Some countries only
Out of the 22 countries, adopting the confine their protection to the trial period,
tactics of controlled delivery in tackling although some countries provide a full
illicit drugs trafficking, handling stolen range of protection including physical
goods, etc. is legalized in Hong Kong, India, protection, relocation of residence, financial
Japan, Madagascar, Malaysia, Pakistan, support, change of identity, and the
Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and extending of the scheme to cover the
Vietnam. Nevertheless difficulties has been witness family and relatives. However it
experienced in some countries affecting the is unfortunate to note that some are
success of these operations, due to the hampered by the lack of financial and
inadequate cooperation and coordination of human resources to afford a comprehensive
involved countries, especially destination witness protection programme.
F. Special Criminal Punishment/
E. Witness Protection Programmes Sentencing Policy
The importance of witness protection is Sentencing policy is basically a decision
particularly pertinent in the success of making process for the authority to
combating organized crimes, not only determine the treatment of a convicted
because of preventing threat and/or offender. It nevertheless implies the
violence to the witnesses but also as a message of deterrence, punishment and
guarantee in gaining the confidence of rehabilitation, in accordance with the
witnesses in support in of organized crime priority allocated and nature of the offence.
prevention and detection. Of course, the background of the offender
should be taken into consideration as well.
Most of the countries studied realize the
essential need of protecting witnesses. Under this scope, a lot of factors such as
Their witness protection programmes can the characteristics of the country, social,
basically be categorized in to three types: political economic, development stage,
(1) Countries with witness protection phenomenon of the country, may be
programmes regulated by legislation brought up. For the sake of our study, focus
are: Colombia, Mexico, Philippines, is placed upon the issue of sentencing policy
Saudi Arabia and Turkey (applicable to with regard to organized crime offenders.
terrorist matters only). While in Hong Amongst the countries studied, Hong Kong
Kong (Witness Protection Ordinance) (Society Ordinance, and, Organized and
and Nepal (Witness Protection Act) are Serious Crime Ordinance), Japan (Anti-
in the draft stages. Boryokudan Law) and Korea (Act for the
(2) Countries with the witness protection Punishment of Violent Crimes) have
programme formalized by way of special provisions to criminalize the
executive action are: Bangladesh, Hong members of an organized group by


enhancing the sentence for the offence Despite in some countries undercover
committed, although in Japan being a operations and/or wiretapping are yet to
member of Boryokudan itself is not an be legally permitted (of course in this sense
offence under the Anti-Boryokudan Law. it should not be assumed as illegal), law
Whereas Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, enforcement agencies adopt them as a
Pakistan, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia common practice for information/
and Turkey, has capital punishment in intelligence gathering. This sort of practice
force for drug trafficking offences. apparently brings out a question of
temptation and entrapment, should the
G. Provisions for International law enforcement agent lack supervision
Cooperation and coaching. Meanwhile the belief that
There is no dispute that international the law enforcement agency, as part of the
cooperation becomes a “must” if organized social justice system, should reflect justice
transnational crime is to be combated by maintaining the law and order with
effectively and efficiently. The effective honesty and integrity, these practices are
means are the surrender of fugitives and no doubt putting the law enforcement
mutual assistance in criminal investigation agent(s) in a dilemma. It is easy to imagine
by the facilitation of national provisions the next question of credibility of the
and/or bilateral/multilateral agreements; officers concerned in their testimonial
although difficulty is experienced by evidence under which the informational
requesting countries due to lack of bilateral evidence is gathered. Should the officer
agreements with the requested countries, intentionally deny or conceal the truth, or
or, in view of the principle of speciality and should s/he be holding to the ethic of
of dual criminality. honesty and tell the whole truth?

Upon studying the 22 countries, those Immunity was another hot issue during
with national provisions to facilitate the the discussion session. By adopting the
international cooperation are Bangladesh, approach of the U.S.A., immunity (as
Colombia, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, described earlier), both formal or informal,
Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, basically puts a suspect under exemption
the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, from prosecution. This tool seems to be one
Thailand, Turkey and Venezuela, while of the most effective countermeasures in
Hong Kong is in the stage of drafting the bringing the heads of organized criminal
fugitive offenders bill. syndicates before justice. The question of
abuse (such as what can be done if the
III. QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED witness whom the immunity has been
granted turns hostile in court) should
Amongst the above seven issues,
however become another concern of the
adoption of pro-active strategies such as
undercover operations, wiretapping,
immunities, and controlled delivery in
In the course of the forum, the meaning
investigating organized crimes attracted
of immunity also attracted active
active discussions in the forum; not only
discussion although it was eventually
in the scope of human rights, individual
clarified that by adopting the U.S.A.’s
freedom, personal privacy but also bringing
approach and other countries’ approaches,
up the dilemmas being encountered by law
the application and circumstances under
enforcement agents, the issue of
which it is granted might be different. In
entrapment, and the issue of police ethics.
Hong Kong, the immunity (called Public


Interest Immunity) can be granted either realization of provisions for confiscation of

before the commission of the offence, or illicit proceeds derived from specific
after the commission of the offence. The organized crimes becomes urgent.
former applies to police officers (operative)
and/or witnesses (Informer) who have been Provisions providing undercover
tasked to take part in the undercover operations, wiretapping, immunity,
operation, while the latter can be granted controlled delivery and so on have been
to a suspect so as to testify against a discussed in length. Most of the countries
principal offender. have these sort of practices in their
countries, necessary to overcome criminal
Unless undercover operations, activities, but very few countries have
wiretapping, and immunity are formalized according legal provisions (without which
and founded with clear and specific the law enforcement agencies are
legislation, the question of dilemmas and handicapped to combat the targeted crime
abuse remain to be answered. and criminals). It is almost a consensus
that such laws should be materialized and
The tactics of controlled delivery also formalized so as to enable crime combatting
causes concern upon the issue of lack of agencies, but with full respect for
effective and efficient cooperation and recognized human rights, individual
coordination. In this aspect, the setting up freedoms and personal privacy.
of a joint action task force which not only
involves law enforcement agencies of Protection of witnesses is needed for
affected countries, but also includes legal cases to be actioned effectively. By such,
counsel of concerned countries, appears to witnesses as can not only be protected from
be a possible solution. the danger of threat and violence, but can
also be confident in their support of
IV. CONCLUSION organized crime prevention and detection.
Coming across the aforementioned
Many countries are found to have
scenario of organized crime, it is realized
domestic laws providing extradition and
that perhaps there is no country in the
mutual legal assistance in criminal
world left free from organized crime one
matters. Some of the countries, although
way or other. The problem of crime has
there is no such laws, have entered into
been faced by all countries irrespective of
mutual assistance agreement with many
economic and technological development or
countries, especially neighbouring
nation size. However, the crimes have
countries, for the arrangement of
flourished all over the world wherever
transborder as well as international
there is a favorable atmosphere in respect
crimes. Beside this, countries studied have
of economic benefit and legal lacunas.
links with interpol, by which capability in
combatting organized transnational crimes
On the basis of general discussion of this
are further enhanced. Moreover, United
group, it may be commented that there is
Nation’s instruments relating to drugs and
no specific law in each country dealing with
other transnational organized crimes are
all transnational organized crime, that has
in effect in almost all participating
substantive and procedural legal provisions
countries, such as Vienna Convention
for the efficient countermeasures against
Against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs
such crimes. In view of the rapid
and Psychotropic Substances, 1988. The
development of globalization, the
Seminar was in consensus to make an


effort to adhere to such international

arrangements and cooperation, either in
bilateral or multilateral ways.

In sum, it is noted that the law

enforcement authorities would require
legal room to accommodate effective
methods against organised crime, either
through national or international means.
Being transnational in nature, proper
information, law and law enforcement
agencies, as well as proper adjudication are
a l w a y s d e e m e d n e c e s s a r y. To d a y,
commitment has been shown by the world
in such matters in many forums. However,
proper arrangements for uniform and
efficient countermeasures are still needed
to be realized and explored as early as
possible before new crimes come.


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