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the questions carefully then choose
the letter of the correct answer.
Write the
answer in your answer sheet
the questions carefully then choose
the letter of the correct answer.
Write the
answer in your answer sheet
the questions carefully then choose
the letter of the correct answer.
Write the
answer in your answer sheet.
1. One important goal in
conducting research is to:
A. Produce evidence-based
B. Focus a direction of the
C. Describe characteristics of a
D. Advance the personal and
professional qualification of a
the questions carefully then choose
the letter of the correct answer.
Write the
answer in your answer sheet.
1. One important goal in
conducting research is to:
A. Produce evidence-based
B. Focus a direction of the
C. Describe characteristics of a
D. Advance the personal and
professional qualification of a
the questions carefully then choose
the letter of the correct answer.
Write the
answer in your answer sheet.
1. One important goal in
conducting research is to:
A. Produce evidence-based
B. Focus a direction of the
C. Describe characteristics of a
D. Advance the personal and
professional qualification of a
One important goal in conducting
research is to:
A. Produce evidence-based
B. Focus a direction of the
C. Describe characteristics of a
D. Advance the personal and
professional qualification of a
One important goal in conducting
research is to:
A. Produce evidence-based
B. Focus a direction of the
C. Describe characteristics of a
D. Advance the personal and
professional qualification of a
1. One important goal in conducting research is to:

A. Produce evidence-based practice

B. Focus a direction of the research

C. Describe characteristics of a population

D. Advance the personal and professional qualification of a practitioner

he first step in research process

begins with generating research
ideas for research problems and
A. Formulating research designs
and methodology C. Collecting
data and interpreting
B. Establishing research problems
and synthesis D. Drawing
conclusions and recommendations
3. The first step in research is
identifying a topic.
Conceptualizing a research topic
would include:
A. Title of Research C. Finding a
B. Where to start D. Writing an
4. One important basic question
asked about the research title is:
A. Do they meet basic questions
B. Does the title describe what the
study is all about?
C. What are the factors that affects
the skills of teachers?
D. Think of a topic in research
which can be made and used as the
title of the study
2. The first step in research process begins with generating research ideas for research problems and

A. Formulating research designs and methodology C. Collecting data and interpreting

B. Establishing research problems and synthesis D. Drawing coDnclusions and recommendations

3. The first step in research is identifying a topic. Conceptualizing a research topic would include:

A. Title of Research C. Finding a focus

B. Where to start D. Writing an abstract

4. One important basic question asked about the research title is:

A. Do they meet basic questions asked?

B. Does the title describe what the study is all about?

C. What are the factors that affects the skills of teachers?

D. Think of a topic in research which can be made and used as the title of the study

A. American psychologist C. modern linguists

B. scientists and chemists D. arts and language

10. What information must your ‘the review of literature’ have?

A. The use of all relevant sources and resources or evidence from the literature.

B. The results obtained from the analysis of a literature topic.

C. The use of all relevant research instruments existing in the literature.

D. The results obtained from the application or research instruments and data analysis.

11. Which of the following MLA uses in in-text citation?

A. (Castro, 2016, p.58) C. (Castro 387)

B. Castro (2016) D. (Castro, 2016)

12. Which of these is an example of an in-text citation?

A. Robert Stevens Branson

B. Academia writing

C. (Silva and Matsuda, 2002 p.259.)

D. Leki, I. (1998). Academic writing: Exploring processes and strategies. (2nd Ed). UK:

CambridgeUniversity Press.

13. Which of the following is an example of APA referencing style?

A. (Lizardo 257) B. Lizardo, 2016 C. Gregorio: 1:58-80 D. Fortuna et al. 24-29

14. Which of the following is properly cited reference using APA style?

A. Fajardo, J. (2017). The Ebola Virus. Quezon City:GB Express.

B. Oropesa, N. Palawan Penal Colony, Baguio City: KLM Company

C. Reyes, Mario. Collegiate Athletic Competitions. (Manila: National Book Store, 2016)

D. Norman, Vivian, et al. Entry-level Workers’Pay. (Pasig City: Hope Press. 2017)

15. Which of the following research questions is most appropriate to answer the research below?

A principal wants to know if it is beneficial to keep class size small in kindergarten to grade 2.

A. What is the effect of class size in grades K-2 on students’ academic performance?

B. Why it is beneficial to keep class size small in kidergarden to grade 2?

C. Why does the principal want to know if it is beneficial to keep class size small?
D. What are the beneficials of having a small size class?

16. Which of the following is NOT an example of qualitative research?

A. Analyzing the transcripts of trials involving gun violence.

B. Analyzing the correlation between the number of guns sold and the number of gun crime victims.

C. Analyzing the diary of a person who has committed multiple accounts of gun-related violence.

D. Analyzing how the legal frameworks regarding gun control have changed over the past 30 years.

17. What is the key element of participant observation?

A. Ensuring that the group does not suffer from “group think”.

B. The researcher immersing themselves in the situation that they are observing.

C. Making sure that the sample is representative of all ages, genders, and ethnic backgrounds.

D. The researcher remaining completely subjective and not attempting to contaminate the study with


18. Which of the following is the systematic process of conducting a research?

I- Processing and analyzing data

II- Planning a research design

III- Developing a research problem

IV- Reviewing a related literature

V- Gathering a necessary data

VI- Formulating generalization

VII- Defining a new problem


B. III, I, II, V, I, VI, VII D. VII, III, IV, II, V, I, VI

19. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research?

A. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.

B. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted.

C. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult.

D. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

20. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is expert in grammar and literature. The former
wants to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family background, how
he achieved his success in life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.” What type of
qualitative research should a student employ?

A. Historical B. Narrative C. Content D. Phenomenology

21. “A female student with an exceptional memory is identified. She is capable of recalling major events,
the weather, and what she did in any given date.” What type of qualitative research design is used if a
psychologist conducts an in-depth investigation of this student including open-ended questions, brain
scans and memory tests?

A. Historical B. Phenomenology C. Ethnography D. Case

22.“A college counselor met a student who was experiencing depression due to family problems. During
lunch, the counselor shared with her friend of the session she had with the student and the family issue
the student was facing.” What Research Ethics did the counselor breach?

A. Informed Consent B. Confidentiality C. Intellectual Property D. Social Responsibility

23. Which of the following is an example of the American Psychological Association (APA) format of
writing a reference list?

A. Mohamad, M.M. (2015).Moro Leaders’ Perspectives on Islamic Laws for Homosexuals in

Bangsamaro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Master’s Thesis, Notre Dame University ,

Cotabato City.

B. “Implementation of STEM Curriculum in the Division of Naga City.” Carolina National High School.


C. Mohamda T. Simpal. 2021. Use of Physics Model in Problem Solving. University of Southern


D. Addullah, S.N. Kulitang Ensemble of Maguindanaon: Reflection and Preservation of their Cultures

and Traditions. Qualitative Research, Sultan Kudarat State University, Access Campus, EJC Montilla,

Tacurong City. 2016

24. Which of the following research titles is an example of qualitative research?

A. Effects of using Social Media to Academic Performance of Students

B. Emotional Intelligence and Social Competence:Antecedents of School Administrators’

Transformational Leadership Qualities

C. T’nalak: Reflection of T’bolis Dreams, Beliefs, Myths and Cultures

D. Social Media Impacts to Physical Social Engagement of Teenagers in Barangay Carolina

25. Which of the following sampling techniques is commonly employed in conducting a qualitative
A. Stratified B. Clustered C. Purposive D. Systematic

26. Which of the following BEST describes quantitative research?

A. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem.

B. It is an activity concerned with finding new truths in education.

C. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals.

D. It is a systematic process for obtaining numerical information about the world.

27. Which research design seeks to describe “what is”?

A. Correlational B. Descriptive C. Experimental D. Survey

28. What type of research tries to probe the significance of relationship between two or more factors or


A. Correlational B. Experimental C. Ex post facto D. Survey

29. Given the research question below. What is the dependent variable?

Does heating a cup of water allow it to dissolve more sugar?

A. water temperature C. amount of dissolved sugar

B. heating a cup of water D. dissolving sugar

30. Which of the following choices is NOT a continuous data?

A. A person’s height each year C. Cars finished in a factory each day

B. A person’s weight on each birthday D. The volume of water in a swimming pool each day

31. By recording the number and type of questions asked by students you can measure their confusion
with new subjects. Which of the following is the independent variable in the given situation?

A. number and type of questions C. confusion

B. students D. new subjects

32. Which of these is NOT discrete data?

A. Height of a sunflower as measured each day

B. How many students are absent from school each day

C. How many widgets a business sell each day

D. The number of people who drive through a red light

33. The changes that occur in an experiment that are directly caused by the researchers are called:

A. Independent variable C. Dependent variable

B. Controlled variable D. Continuous variable

34. What is the purpose of delimitation of the study?

A. to state the objective C. to explain the sampling plan

B. to present the respondents D. to describe what is to excluded in the research

35. The question “how” in the scope of the study answers the _________ of the study.

A. period of the research B. methodology C. objectives D. respondents

36. What should be considered in formulating a statement of the problem?

A. All objectives in declarative statement C. describe the informants

B. present the general and specific objectives D. explain the methodology

37. The scope covers the overview of the contents of the study in terms of contents, subjects,

and ______________.

A. terminologies B. period of the study C. statistical treatment D. legal basis

38. Which of the following is an excellent source for a research topic?

I. Library searches II. Personal Experiences III. Replication of prior research

A. I only B. II only C. III only D. I, II, and III

39. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good research topic?

A. It is ethical.

B. It can be investigated through the collection and analysis of data.

C. It focuses on a philosophical or ethical issue published researches.

D. The written component of research study that discusses the existing literatures the researcher

45. Your direction of RRL is given by your research __________________.

A. data B. design C. problem D. question

46. Which step in writing the RRL of your research study is essential for you to avoid large, irrelevant
literature which are not needed or are useless in your study?

A. Listing criteria for considering the values of written works

B. Searching for literature

C. Evaluating the quality of previous research studies

D. Clarifying the research questions

47. Why it is important that a researcher practice ethical standards in writing the literature-review of a
research study?

A. Being unmindful of these ethical practices, there is a danger that you may fall into a dishonest way of
reviewing and writing related literatures.

B. Practicing ethical standards in writing your RRL is your way of freeing yourself from plagiarism.

C. Practicing ethical standards makes you avoid people from casting doubts on your honesty and
integrity as a researcher

D. All answers are correct

For numbers 48-50, refer your answer to the options below.

A. Research Problem C. Research Topic

B. Research Questions D. Research Purpose

48. It is a specific issue, difficulty, contradiction, or gap in knowledge that you will aim to address in your
research A. Research Problem

49. This is a statement of "why" the study is being conducted, or the goal of the study.
D. Research Purpose

50. The subject or issue that a researcher is interested in when conducting research.
C. Research Topic

51. It is a chapter of your research paper wherein it is focused on giving an overview of all the writings
relative to your specific topics.

A. Introduction C. Methodology

B. Review of Related Literatures D. Results and Discussion

52. It is a source of your literature that is categorized by printed publications or writings wherein a
researcher reports the results of their own studies.

A. Primary Source C. Tertiary Source

B. Secondary Source D. General references

53. It is defined as a means of informing your readers that a certain information came from a specific
source and you just borrowed it to widen the explanation of a certain situation or data of your research.

A. Literatures B. Review C. Citations D. Sources

54. It is a manner of citation that is commonly refers to all of the citations that an found in all of the
chapters in the research paper.

A. In-text citation B. Bibliography C. Out-text citation D. Referencing List

55. This guideline in citation secures that all data and information, facts, ideas or principles from your
sources are discussed or explained separately.
A. By Topic B. By author C. Chronological D. Bibliography

56. This is a citation style that uses author-date format only.


57. This is a citation style that uses notes and bibliography and author-date format.


58. This is defined of extraction of information and discussion from one or more relevant literatures.

A. Synthesis B. Summary C. Conclusion D. Explanation

59. It is the guideline that is used in making synthesis.

A. Synthesis guide B. Synthesis matrix C. Synthesis Chart D. Synthesis graph

60. This is defined as the norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable

A. Attitude B. Ethics C. Humor D. Behavior

61. A plan of how the study will be conducted.

A. Research Plan B. Experimental C. Descriptive D. Research Design

62. Which design of research that would evaluate effects, look into the cause and effect, and relationship
or difference between or among factors?

A. Research Plan B. Experimental Design C. Descriptive Design D. Research Design

63. Gathers information about the present existing conditions, that finds the answer to questions who,
what, when, where, and how.

A. Research Plan B. Experimental C. Descriptive Design D. Research Design

64. The researcher periodically observes or measures the subject.

A. One shot case study C. Posttest only control group

B. Time series design D. Solomon four group design

65. A design in which subjects in the experimental and comparison groups are given a posttest after the
experimental group receives the study treatment.

A. One shot case study C. Posttest only control group

B. Time series design D. Solomon four group design

66. In data gathering on qualitative search for life, it __________________.

A. Abounds with words, and visuals C. Query on numbers and calculations

B. Talks about statistics D. None

67. Which one is the study on how people understand their experiences meaningful?

A. Case Study B. Ethnography C. Phenomenology D. Historical analysis

68. An analysis of how successfully a project can be completed, accounting for factors such as economic,
technological, legal and scheduling factors.

A. Feasibility study B. Content Analysis C. Case Study D. Problem-Solving

69. A process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a
particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.

A. Feasibility study B. Content Analysis C. Case Study D. Problem-Solving

70. Homogenous strata, ensure representative proportions, wherein the researcher includes the
specified number of samples like 5 samples only.

A. Convenience Sampling C. Purposive Sampling

B. Quota Sampling D. Snowball Sampling

71. Sampling method that is handpicked by the researcher based on qualities for purposes of study.

A. Convenience Sampling C. Purposive Sampling

B. Quota Sampling D. Snowball Sampling

72. Questionnaire is to data-collection instrument; observation is to data-collection _______.

A. Method B. analysis C. Process D. results

73.A self-directing instrument structured with questions & indicators.

A. Questionnaire B. Observation C. Interview D. Instrument

74. A conversation where questions are asked and answers are given.

A. Questionnaire B. Observation C. Interview D. Instrument

75. The process of observing something or someone carefully in order to gain information.

A. Questionnaire B. Observation C. Interview D. Instrument

76. What does quantitative data refers to?

A. graphs and tables

B. numerical data that could usefully be quantified

C. any data you present in your report.

D. Statistical analysis

77. Which measure of central tendency is obtained using the middle score when all scores are organized
in numerical order?
A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. None of these

78. Which measure of central tendency is obtained by calculating the sum of values and dividing this
figure by the number of values there are in the data set?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. None of these

79. Which measure of central tendency is derived from the most common value?

A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. None of these

80. What method is used to compute average or central value of collected data?

A. measures of positive variation C. measures of central tendency

B. measures of negative skewness D. measures of negative variation

81. What does standard deviation refers to?

A. a way of measuring the extent of spread of quantifiable data.

B. inappropriate in management and business research

C. a way of describing those

phenomena that are not the norm.
D. a way of illustrating crime
C. a way of describing those phenomena that are not the norm.

D. a way of illustrating crime statistics

For question 82 – 85, refer to the

following problem A survey was
conducted to know the audience
on a dance presentation. It asked
this question:
“In your opinion, the dance
presentation was entertaining,
boring or neither?”
82. What percentage of the
respondents said that the dance
presentation is entertaining?
A. 50% B. 70% C.60% D. 20%
91. It is a conversation between two or more people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where
questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee following a structured
guidelines or pointers.

A. Individual Interview B. Questionnaires C. Observation D. Vlog

92. Which of the following best describes qualitative data analysis?

A. It is an awkward, haphazard process.

B. It begins after all data has been collected

C. It builds from abstraction to specific, concrete examples.

D. It is ongoing, cyclic process integrated into all phases of research

93. Which of the following is not included in qualitative data preparation and analysis?

A. Getting familiar with the data C. Revisiting research objectives

B. Identifying patterns and connection D. Describing relationship between two variables

94. It is used to analyze content from various sources, such as interviews of respondents, observations
from the field, or surveys. It focuses on using the stories and experiences shared by people to answer the
research questions
A. Content B. Narrative C. Grounded Theory D. Thematic

95. It a step in qualitative analysis of data which simply means converting all the data into a text format
by either exporting the data into a spreadsheet or manually typing in the data or choose from any of the
computers assisted qualitative data analysis tools.

A. Arranging data B. Validating Data C. Coding Data D. Setting a Code to the Data Collected

96. Which of the following is not included in the main stages of thematic analysis?

A. Coding the data B. Identify themes C. Summarize data D. Develop a coding scheme

97. Which of the following does NOT describe qualitative data interpretation?

A. It must also be remembered that interpretation does not necessarily depends on the point of view of
the researcher

B. Interpretation of findings is making sense of the data collected, and an act to identify the lessons
learned from the study

C. Interpretation of qualitative findings is a process of intellectualizing beyond the emerging themes to

broader perspectives of the data

D. In interpreting results, it is helpful to group similar responses into categories then identify usual
patterns to derive meanings from what may seem unrelated and wordy responses

98. Which of the following does NOT describe a qualitative data?

A. It uses statistical data

B. Mostly non-numerical data like texts

C. An exploratory way of finding the explanation of “how” and why of a certain event or phenomenon

D. Collected through methods of observations, one-to-one interview, conducting focus groups and
similar methods.

99. What step should not be followed in data interpretation?

A. Think beyond the data

B. Consider the data from various perspectives

C. Disregard outlying data or data that seems to be exception

D. Make visible the assumptions and beliefs that influence your interpretation

100. These are series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from

A. Questionnaires B. Blog C. Interview D. Survey

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