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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Sta.Rita II

Name of the Learner: ___________________ Quarter: ___________________

Grade Level: ___________________ Date: ___________________
GRADE 11/12 Introduction to World Religions & Belief System
Quarter I Week 8
MELC: Examine the brief history, core teachings, fundamental beliefs, practices, and related
issues of Islam.
I. Directions: Read and answer the questions carefully. Shade your answers on the answer
sheets given.
1.___________ is considered to be the founder of Judaism.
A. Abraham B. Moses
C. Saul D. David
2. ___________ leads the Israelites out of Egypt and parts the Red Sea.
A. Abraham B. Moses
C. Saul D. David
3. What is it called when you keep with the Jewish dietary laws?
A. Holy B. Kosher
C. Kisher D. Kolic
4What are the moral code of laws that were given to the Jews to live by called?
A. Ten Laws B. Ten Commandments
C. Ten Rules D. Eleven Commandments
5. As a Jews, how did they find ways to maintain their traditions in foreign lands?
A. attend church every Sunday in an attempt to maintain traditions.
B. unable to maintain the traditions.
C. kept the practices of the traditions in a secretive way.
D. build strong communities around the world that helped preserve the culture and religions.
6. Why do Jews set aside a holy day each week?
A. it is used for rest and prayer.
B. it is set aside for feasting and leisure activities.
C. it is set aside for charitable giving.
D. they set it aside for rest and prayer.
7. According to the Torah, where did Abraham and his Family move to?
A. Egypt, the Pharaoh didn’t want them to go
B. the Americas in order to escape the Roman Army.
C. Mecca and Medina, the two cities in modern day of Saudi Arabia.
D. Canaan, late later called the land of Israel, a region of land along eastern coast of the
Mediterranean Sea.
8. This means that God is composed of three persons: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
A. Holy Cross B. Eucharist
C. Holy Trinity D. Advent
9 Christianity were developed around 100 C.E in ______________.
A. Israel B. Egypt
C. Jordan D. Palestine
10. A sacrament wherein two people commit themselves with each other for life with God as the center.
A. confirmation B. ordination
C. matrimony D. reconciliation
11. Which sacrament celebrates the Last Supper?
A. Baptism B. Ordination
C. Eucharist D. Confirmation
12. It is considered as the most popular religion in the world with the most number of adherents among
all religions.
A. Islam B. Christian
C. Judaism D. Buddhism
13. A set of laws given by God to the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai.
A. Ten Commandments B. Seven Sacraments
C. Eight Beatitudes D. Apostle’s Creed
14. On which day do Christian remember Jesus’ resurrection?
A. Good Friday B. Palm Sunday
C. Easter Sunday D. Easter Monday
15. A sacred scripture of Christianity and the basis of the religion’s teaching.
A. bible B. creed
C. trinity D. holy cross
16. Who was the founder of Christianity?
A. Moses B. Jesus Christ
C. Muhammad D. Abraham
17. As a Christian we celebrate Jesus Christ resurrection from the dead, Christian believed that;
A. he died again
B. he had been exalted to heaven.
C. He would remain on earth until the Son of God came.
D. He would wait with Christians in purgatory until the Son of God came.
18. People have different place to worship their God(s).But for Abrahamic Religions they have their
sacred place as where to worship their God. For Jewish people they usually pray or worship in the
synagogues but if you are a Christian where did you usually pray or worship God?
A. mosque B. temple
C. church D. mountain
19. What does the cross symbol represent in Christianity?
A. A symbol of Jesus Christ’s body.
B. A symbol of Christian’s belief for Jesus Christ as the Son of God.
C. A symbol used by persecuted Christians as a secret sign when meeting other Christians.
D. A symbol of Jesus Christ’s victory over sins when He died for humanity’s redemption & salvation.
20 Ten Commandments is one of the belief systems of Christianity. The statement below are parts of
the Ten Commandments EXCEPT ONE.
A. “You shall not commit adultery”.
B. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighborhood”
C. “Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long upon the land which the
Lord Your God is giving you”.
D. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of
bondage. You shall have other gods before Me”.
21. Why did they claim that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah threaten the Roman?
A. it questioned their life.
B. It questioned their abilities.
C. it questioned other rulers.
D. It questioned their political power and authority.
22. Muslims believe that_______________.
A. there are many different gods in the universe.
B. Muhammad was the only prophet.
C. Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were all prophets.
D. Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad were all disciples.
23. Where did Muhammad establish the first mosque?
A. Medina B. Mecca
C. Jerusalem D. Kaaba
24. What is Sharia?
A. Islamic book B. Islamic religious law
C. pilgrimage to mecca D. record of Muhammad’s life
25. Which term refers to a follower of Islam?
A. Allah B. Arab
C. Mecca D. Muslim
26. What is the Arabic term for Mosques?
A. Masjid B. Musa
C. Church D. Wudu
27. Muslims are not permitted to gamble or drink alcohol by the legal code known as the _________.
A. Hajj B. Quran
C. Sunnah D. Sharia
28. What is one way Islam is different from Judaism and Christianity?
A. Islam does not recognized the bible.
B. Islam teaches that people should give to charity.
C. Islam teaches that Muhammad was the only prophet.
D. Islam requires fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.
29. Which statement is true about Islam?
A. Muslims worship Allah. B. Muslims worship the Quran.
C. Muslims worship many gods. D. Muslims worship Muhammad
30. Which do you think was the result of Muhammad’s death?
A. Arabs that were related to Muhammad were persecuted.
B. Non- Arab Muslims were forced to leave the empire.
C. Surrounding territories defeated the Arab Muslims.
D. Muslims argued over who should be caliph, causing a split in the community.
31. How are the Five Pillars in Islam and Ten Commandments in Christianity similar?
A. they are the guide for praying.
B. they are the guide for afterlife.
C. they are the guide for moral and ethical living.
D. they are the guide for achieving God’s forgiveness.
32. What caused Islam to spread throughout Arabia?
A. wealthy Meccan leaders lent support to the new faith.
B. people in Arabia joined Islam while Muhammad was in Hijah.
C. people in Arabia were inspired to join Islam after reading the Quran.
D. followers of Islam promoted their message while traveling to other cities.
33. What do Muslims believe about the afterlife?
A. the soul continues to exist.
B. souls are judged upon death.
C. all believers will experience paradise.
D. all souls will be judged by Muhammad.
34. If you are a Muslim and during the month of Ramadan, you are required to fast from dawn to dusk
which means...
A. you are abstain from food and drinks.
B. you are abstain from food, drinks and sex.
C. you are abstain from eating meat.
D. you are abstain from food, but may consume liquids.
35. Why did Muhammad move from Mecca to Medina?
A. he preached in Mecca and was ready to move on.
B. he did not want to interfere the existing worship at the Kaaba in Mecca.
C. he was not free to preach Islam in Mecca, but he was able to do so in Medina.
D. He already established a Muslim community in Mecca and wanted to spread his teachings.

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