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MATERIALS Yarns YarnArt Jeans: 50g- 160m (sport weight) Version Version 2 Version 3 ‘A: yellow YarnArtJeans 84 ‘A: turquoise Alize Cotton Gold 610 A: grey brown Yarnart Jeans 48 B: brown YarnArt Jeans 70 8: beige YarnArt Jeans 07 B: brown YarnArt Jeans 70 CC: white Yarnart Jeans 03 C: white YarnArt Jeans 03, C: white YarnArt Jeans 03 D: pink YarnArt Jeans 36 D: pink YarnArt Jeans 36 D: pink YarnArt Jeans 36 E:hot orange YamArt Jeans 61 —_E: yellow YarnArt Jeans 35, E:hot pink YarnArt Jeans 59 Other materials Crochet hook size 2.5mm 3 pairs of wooden buttons size 12mm Tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, scissors, polyester fiberfil ABBREVIATIONS ~ USTERMS ABBREVIATIONS ~ USTERMS ch Chain (.) Work all stitches in the same stitch Sc Single Crochet Repeat instructions in Inc Single Crochet Increase brackets...times Dec Single Crochet Decrease Bobble Bobbie stitch Hde Half Double Crochet BLO Back loop only Sist_ —SiipStitch FLO Front foop only Mr Magic Ring Rnd Round Dc Double Crochet Sts Stitches, Tr TrebleCrochet 2021 Aquariwool Crochet. Allights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of't) may net be reproduced, distributed or translated, published an internet or offline INSTRUCTIONS. Head (yarn A) ind sts Note: Yarn A: black jeter, Yarn B: red letter tnd sts i ch 20, start on the 2nd ch | (38) from the hook, sc 18, inc 1 on the last st, continue to crochet on the other side of the 2Ochs, sc 2, change to yarn B, sc 7, change to yarn A, sc | 23 sc 21, sc 9, sc 8 (2 rnds) | (38) 4 sc 23, sc 7, sc 8 | (38) 5 sc24,sc5,sc9 | (38) 8. ae 10, break yarn B | (38) _ 7 ine 1, sc17, ine 2, sc 17, inc 1 | (42) 810 | sc42 (3rnds) | (42) pine 1 | (46) _ | (46) 15 | inc4,sc 21, inc 2, sc21, inc1 | (50) 16-18 | sc50 (3 rnds) | (50) _ 19 | inc4,sc 23, inc 2, sc 23, inc1. | (54) 20-25 | sc54 (6 rnds) | 64) 26 se3 1@) Break the yarn, leave a longrrest. Use the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together, sew to % of the edges then stuff fiberfill (just stuff enough, not too much). Break the yarn, hide the remaining yarn Muzzle (yarn C) ind sts 1) ch 8, start on the 2nd ch from the | (38) hook, inc 1, sc 15, inc 2 on the last st, continue to crochet on the other side of the 18chs, sc 15, inc | 2 inc 2, sc 15, inc 4, sc 15, inc 2 (46) 3. [sc 1,inc 1] 2x, sc 15, [sc 1, inc 14x, | (54) 8c 15, [se 1, inc 1] 2x A) [sc 2,ine 1] 2x, se15, [sc 2, inc 1] 4x, | (62) ssc 15, {sc 2, inc 1] 2x 5 | sc62 (62) 6) [sc 2,dec 1] 2x, sc 15, [sc 2, dec 1] | (54) 4x, sc 15, [sc 2, dec 1] 2x | Break the yarn, leave a long rest to sew later, Body for Version 1&2 (yarn A) rnd sts Note: Yarn A: black letter, Yarn B: red letter rnd sts 1 ch 30, start on the 2nd ch | (58) from the hook, sc 19, change to yarn B, sc 8, change to yarn A, sc 1, inc 1 on the last st, continue to crochet on the other side of the 30chs, sc 28 2 sc 19, s¢ 8, s¢31 (58) “3 5020, sc6,s32 68) 4 S621, sc 4, se 33, break yarn B | (58) 5-8 | sc58 (4 mds) (58) 9 | scldsc2,sel.sc2,sc39_| (58) _ 10-12 _| sc 13, sc 7, s¢ 38 (3 rnds) (58) 2B sc14, sc5, sc 39 (58) 14 (58) 15 (58) 16-20 | sc 58 (5 rnds) (58) Break the yarn, leave a long rest. Use the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together, sew to % of the edges then stuff fiberfill (ust stuff enough, not too much). Break the yarn, hide the remaining yarn ind sts 1 | Magic loop, sc 1, hde 1, de 3, hde 1, | (7) sc 1, change to yarn A 2 | ine 1, [hde 2}, [de 2], [de 4], [dc 21, [hdc 2), inc 1 Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later. (16) INSTRUCTIONS. Body for Version 3 (yarn A) ind sts Note: Yarn A: black jeter, Yorn 8: red letter 3__| {sc 2,ine 1] 4x (16) 45 | sc.16 (2rnds) (16) Break the yarn with a long rest. Crochet 4 small breasts to attach on tnd sts 1 _ | sc6intoamagicloop | ¢6) 1-4 | Crochet as rnd 1-4 for the | (58) 23. | sc6 (2 rnds) 6) Body ver 1&2 | Break the yarn with a long rest. 5-7__| sc58(3rnds) 58 8 sc 15, sc 4, sc 39 (58) Mouth for ver 1&3 (yarn D) 9-10 | sc14, sc 6, sc 38 (2 rnds) (58) 11 | sc 15, sc 5,sc 38 (58) rnd sts 12 __| sc 16, sc 3, sc 39, break yarn B | (58) 13-14 | sc 58 (2rnds) 58} 1 | ch6, startonthe 2ndch fromthe | (14) 15 | sc28,sc5,sc25 (58) hook, inc, sc 3, inc 2 on the last st, 16 | sc27,sc7,sc24 (58) continue to crochet on the other 17 | sc28,sc5,sc 25 58) _ side of the 6chs, sc 3, ine - 18 | sc29, sc 3, sc 26, break yarn B | (58) 2 | inc2, sc 3, inc 4, sc 3, inc2 (22) 19-20 | sc58 (2rnds) (58) Breakthe yarn with a long rest. Break the yarn, leave a longrest. Use the tapestry Mouth for ver 2 (yarn D) needle to sew 2 edges together, sew to % of the edges then stuff fiberfill (just stuff enough, not 1d _ sts too much). Break the yarn, hide the remaining yarn. 1 | ch14,slstonthe ist ch toforma | (14) ring Jaillyarn 2 |scld (1s) Break the yarn with a long rest. md sts Legs (yarn B, X4) 1__| sc5 intoa magic loop (5) 2 JincS (oy md sts 3 scl0 (10) 4 | dec5, change toyarn A [(5) 2__|sc6intoamagicloop | (6)__ 5-8 sc 5 (4 rnds) (5) 2 inc 6, change to yarn E | (12) Break the yarn with a long rest, 3 (BLO) se 12 (12) 4 | sed /(22) Breast (yarn D) 5 | dec6, stuffon the shoes part | (6) only, change to yarn A md sts 6 _| (BLO) sc6 116) 7-9 | sc6 (3 rnds) 16) 1 | sc6 into a magic loop (6) 2 [incé (12) Breakthe yarn with a long rest. (2021 Aquariwool Crochet. Allights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may net be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline. ASSEMBLING Crochet the head as instructed Use the tapestry needle to sew Stuff just enough, not too much 2 egdes together Hide the remaining yarn Use pins to locate the muzzle —_Use the tapestry needle to sew on the head the muzzle on the head Use the tapestry needle to sew Stuff the muzzle the muzzle on the head This is the mouth for ver 1& 3 Fold as the below phota Use pins to locate the mouth ©2021 Aquariwool Crochet, Allrights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline, ASSEMBLING Hide the remaining yarn Sew 2 buttons on the muzzle Use black thread/yarn to ‘embroider the eyes Use black threadjyarn to Use black threadyarn to Crochet the ears as instructed embroider the eyes embroider the eyes Attach the ear on each side of Crochet the body as instructed Use pins to locate the head the head and the body together Use pins tolocate the head ——_—Use the tapestry needle to sew Repeat sewing several times and the body together the body and the head together ©2021 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! ‘This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline, ASSEMBLING Repeat sewing several times Hide the remaining yarn This is the body & the head after sewing together Thisis the body &the head —_—_—This is the body & the head Crochet the tail as instructed after sewing together after sewing together Pee 4 Attach the tail to the body Crochet the breast as Attach the breast in the middle instructed of the lower body Attach 4 small breasts on the Attach 4 small breasts on the Crochet the legs as instructed big breast big breast ©2021 Aquariwool Crochet. All rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline. ASSEMBLING Attach 4 legs oF the below ph he body as This is the back of the cow Embroider the eyes & sew the mouth for the ver.2 cow This is the ver.2 cow Embroider the eyes & sew the —Thisis the ver.3 cow mouth (turn the mouth up side down) MATERIALS Yarns Color A: purple Varnart Jeans 72 (50g, 160m) Color B: beige YamArt Jeans 07 (SOg, 160m) Color €: white YarnArt Jeans 03 (50g, 160m) Other materials © Crochet hook size 2.5mm © 1 pairs of woaden buttons size 12mm. Color D: pink YarnArt Jeans 36 (50g, 160m) Color E: hot pink YarnArt Jeans 59 (50g, 160m) Color F: plum Yarnart Jeans 91 (50s, 160) Color G: green YarnArt Jeans 29 (50g, 160m) © Tapestry needles, pins, stitch markers, scissors, polyester fiberfill ABBREVIATIONS ~ USTERMS Ch Chain Sc Single Crachet Ine Single Crochet Increase Dec Single Crochet Decrease Hde Half Double Crochet SIst_ Slip Stitch Mr Magic Ring Dc —_DoulleCrochet Tr ‘Treble Crochet ABBREVIATIONS ~ USTERMS, Work all stitches in the same stitch Repeat instructions in brackets...times Bobble Stitch Back loop only Front loop only Round Stitches ©2021 Aquariwool Crochet. All ights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline, INSTRUCTIONS. ‘Head (yarn A) ind sts Note: Yarn A: black jeter, Yarn B: red etter md sts 1 ch 24, start on the 2nd ch | (46) from the hook, sc 22, ine 1 on the last st, continue to crochet on the other side of the 2dchs, sc 4, change to yarn B, sc 7, change to yarn A, sell 2 sc 26, sc 11, s¢9 | (46) 3A | s¢25,sc14,se7(2/mds) | (46) 5 s¢27, sc 12, se7 | (45) 6 5028, sc2,sc2,sc5,sc9 | (46) 7 s¢29,sci,sc3,sc3,sc10 _| (46) 8 sc 34, sc 1, sc 11, break yarn B | (46) 9 inc 1, sc 21, inc 2, sc 21, inc 1_| (50) 10-12 | se 50 (3rnds) | (50) 13__| inc 4, se 23, inc 2, se 23, inc 1_| (54) 14-16 | sc 54 (3 rnds) (54) 17__| ine 4, sc 25, ine 2, se 25, inc 1 | (58) 18-20 | sc58 (3 rds) | (58) 21__| ine ,sc27, ine 2, sc 27, ined | (62) 22-24 _| sc 62 (3 nds) | (62) 25 | inc, sc 29, inc 2, sc 29, inc 1 | (66) 26-31 _| sc 66 (61nds) (66) 32 | sc3 8) Break the yarn, leave longrest. Use the tapestry needle to sew 2 edges together, sew to % of the edges then stuff fiberfil (Just stuff enough, not too much). Break the yarn, hide the remaining yarn. Muzzle (yarn C) md sts 1 | ch22,startonthe 2ndchfrom | (46) the hook, ine 1, sc 19, inc 2 on the last st, continue ta crochet on the other side of the 22chs, sc 19, inc | 2__| ine 2,8¢29, ine 4,519, inc 2__| (54) 3° | [sc 1, ine 1) 2x, sc 19, [se 4, inc 1) | (62) 4x, s¢ 19, fsc 1, inc 1] 2x 4 {sc 2,ine 1) 2x, sc 19, [se 2, inc 1) | (70) 4x, s¢ 19, [sc 2, inc 1] 2x 5-6 sc 70(2rnds) (70) 7 (sc 2,dec 1} 2x,sc 19, (se2, dec | (62) 1) 4x, s¢ 19, [sc 2, dec 1] 2x Break the yarn, leave a long rest to sew later Ears (yarn 8, x2) ind sts 1 | Magic loop, sc 1, hde 2, de 4, hde 2, | (10) | sc 1, change to yarn A 2 | se 2, hdc 2}, (de 2}, (tr 3] 2x, (18) {de 2}, [hdc 2), se 2 Break the yarn with a long rest to sew later. Cheeks (yarn £2) tnd sts 1 __| sc6intoa magic loop (6) 2 | inc 6, sist on the Ist st 12) Break the yarn with a long rest Tail(yarn ©) ind sts 1 _| scGintoamagic loop (6) 2 ines (2) 34 | se 12 (2 mds) (2) 5 | dec 6, change to yarn A 6) 6-10 | se 6 (5 rds) (6) Break the yarn with a long rest INSTRUCTIONS. Body (yarn A) Breast (yarn O) tnd sts md sts Note: Yarn A: black letter, Yorn B: red letter 1__| sc7into.a magic loop a md sts 2 | inc? (14) 3 | fsc 1 ine 1) 7x (21) 1 ch 36, start on the 2nd ch | (70) 4-7 | sc21(4rnds) (21) from the hook, sc 22, change to yarn B, sc 10, change to Break the yarn with a long rest. Crochet 4 small yarn A, sc 2, inc 1 on the last breasts to attach on st, continue to crochet on the other side of the 36chs, sc 34_| 1__| scBinto.a magic loop (8) 2 ‘sc 22, sc 11, sc 37 |(70) 2-4 | s¢B (3 rnds) (8) 3 | (70) Break the yarn with a long rest. 4 sc 23, sc 9, sc 38 | (79) 5 5,sci,sc1,sc39 | (70) Mouth tyarnD) 6 8625, sc 3, sc 42, break yarn B | (70) 78 | sc 70(2mds) (70) md sts “9 | sc 18, sc 2,sc.50 (70) 0 (70) 1 | ch7,startonthe 2ndch fromthe | (16) 11 se 15, se 7, sc 48 | (70) hook, inc 1, sc 4, inc 2 on the last st, 12 | se14,se9,sc 47 (70) continue to crochet on the other 13_|sc14, se 11, sc 5 (70) | side of the 7chs, sc 4, inc 1 14 | sc15, sc10, sc 45 [70-2 ine2, sc, inc 4, sc, ine 2 (24) 15-16 | sc16, sc10, sc (2rnds) | (70) 17 |sc17,sc8,sc45 | (70) Breakthe yarn with a long rest 18 | sc 18, sc 7,sc45 (70) __ 19 sc 5, sc 46 (70) begs-{yarn £4) 20 sc 21, sc 2, sc 47, break yarn B | (70) 21-24 | sc 70 (4 rnds) (70) a Break the yarn, leave longrest. Use the tapestry —1 | s¢ 7into.a magic loop needle to sew 2 edges together, sew to % of the 2 | inc 7, change to yarn E eqges then stuff fiberfill (just stuff enough, not too much). Break the yarn, hide the remaining yarn. 3 | (BLO) sc 14 45 | sc 14 (2 rds) 6 dec 7, stuff on the shoes part —_| {7) only, change to yarn A 7__| (e0)sc7 \ B-12 | sc 7 (Srnds) 7) Break the yarn with a long rest. @2021 Aquariwool Crochet. All ights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts ofit) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline. ASSEMBLING Embroider the eyes as below Embroider the eyes as below Embroider the eyes as below photo (5 sts for each eye, the photo photo distance between 2 eves is 3 Lm Embroider the eyes as below Embroider the eyes as below Embroider the eyes as below photo photo photo rl | ma | Attach the cheeks under 2 eyes Attach themouth asbelow _—_‘Thisis the body for mommy photo cow 3 ; ‘i | il i Attach other parts as the calf cow 2021 Aquariwool Crochet. Allrights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only! This pattern (or parts of it) may not be reproduced, distributed or translated, published on internet or offline,

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