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PAKET SOAL : 157-22


MATA PELAJARAN : 157 - Bahasa Inggris



TAHUN 2014

Based on the news, what should the residents of Jakarta do to contribute to providing
green spaces in Jakarta?
A. To encourage residents to support city forest
B. To make the children plant trees
C. To make the residents create garden in their house
D. To encourage people to love their environment

2. When the learning objective is Students are able to identify linguistic features
of a procedure or expository text, the teacher can determine the
following technique and instrument of evaluation.

A. Oral test – project product

B. Oral test – portofolio product
C. Written test – multiple choice test
D. Written test – portofolio product

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 1 .

3. An instructional objective which states Students are able to write a narrative text
using accurate structures and punctuations with analyzing narrative texts as
the learning experience leads an English teacher to determine the following
learning material.
A. examples of simplified short stories
B. examples of interpersonal expressions
C. examples of kinds of written texts
D. examples of the linguistic realization of a narrative

4. The trend toward giving electronic items as holiday gifts is also growing. The old-
fashioned approach to holiday celebrations is giving way to the ..... for new
A. enthusiast : Noun (Person)
B. enthusiastically : Adverb of Manner
C. enthusiasm : Noun (Thing)
D. enthusiastic : Adjective


It can be inferred from the passage that ….

A. Wilder’s daughter made negotiation for her mother’s books
B. Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote scripts for the television series
C. Laura Ingalls Willder started writing in Ozarks
D. the Wilder books have a universal appeal

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 2 .


The word "pool” in paragraph 2 refers to….

A. a group of people
B. a negative attitude
C. a general direction
D. an increase in influence

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 3 .


What is the general idea of the text?

A. Kabayan and his wife went for meditation.
B. Kabayan went to Mount Gede.
C. Kabayanand his wife’s wishes were granted.
D. Kabayan and his wife wanted to be rich.


When does a change of government occur in Canada?

A. When the prime minister advises the governor-general to appoint a new government
B. When the voters do not return majority support for the government in a
general election
C. When the governor-general decides to appoint a new government
D. When the House of Common votes for a new government

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 4 .


The purpose of this passage is . . . .

A. to tell the reader about the role of government in Canada
B. to explain the function of Canadian parliament
C. to describe how the general election is conducted in Canada

D. to inform the readers about the system of government in Canada

10. The Hesseltine Corporation is moving 60 technical and management-level

employees to their new manufacturing plant in the western United States. Before
the move, the company will prepare employees for the cultural changes they
will encounter when moving from urban Europe to a small town in the
American West. The employees and their families will attend special seminars on
the habit of Americans. They will learn about the regional vocabulary and the
daily life. Without this training, even small cultural
difference could cause big misunderstandings.

What important part of the moving process is discussed?

A. Teaching cultural differences
B. Attending cultural seminar
C. Arranging airline tickets
D. Getting the office furnishings

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 5 .


Which one of the following statements is not the benefit of using mobile phone?
A. People should not necessarily grasp a land line phone to make a call.
B. People can talk as loudly as they like as they get a call.
C. Peoplecan contact overseas friends and colleagues using text messaging.
D. People can communicate with each other effectively.

12. With an indicator which states Mampu merespon makna tindak tutur yang
menyatakan meminta maaf, which of the following instructional objectives may
an English teacher formulate?
A. Students are able to request information for apologizing.
B. Students are able to identify the meaning and function of the expressions of
C. Students are able to respond to the expressions of apologizing.

D. Students are able to respondto expressions of showing gratitude

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 6 .


The word 'these' in "In my opinion, use of cell phones in classes has these drawbacks:"
(paragraph 3) refers to how many points of the writer’s concern?
A. 5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3

14. When the indicator is To respond to an instruction given in a class context, such
as 'close your book', 'open your book', 'put down your pen or pencil' and 'raise
your hand' by taking an action suitable with it, an elementary school English
teacher may determine the following teaching strategy to be adopted.
A. Total Physical Response
B. Dramatizing
C. Presentation, Practice, Production
D. Roleplaying

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 7 .

15. Andi helped his teacher distribute some handouts to his classmates. The teacher
would likely say ". . . .”
A. I’m very proud of you, Andi.
B. It’s very kind of you, Andi.
C. It’s really very aweful, Andi.
D. It’s really very wonderful to have you, Andi.


It can be inferred from the passage that the voters in Canada . . . .

A. vote in general elections
B. choose the prime minister and the Cabinet
C. trust their representatives in the House of Common to vote
D. determine when a change of government should occur

17. When teaching a procedure text about "How to Make Delicious Ice cream", a
teacher should be sure that the students have some adequate knowledge of the
concept and use of . . . verbs.
A. transitive : Verb yang membutuhkan object
B. intransitive : Verb yang tidak membutuhkan object
C. infinitive : Imperative V-1 tanpa to
D. present participle : Verb-ing

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 8 .


Which of the following events is not true in the life of Laura Ingalls Wilder?
A. Her daughter owned a publisher.
B. She lived in Ozarks since her marriage.
C. She went west by covered wagon.
D. She graduated from one-room school.


Why are the careers mentioned in the article increasing in importance?

A. Most marketing will occur on the Internet
B. High-tech sales are growing.
C. The careers are marketable.
D. Companies follow the job trends.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 9 .

20. This holiday season, computer retailers hope to increase the … of
notebook PCs (personal computer). A heavy advertising campaign began this
week, with several computer manufacturers placing ads on TV, radio,
newspapers and the Internet. The advertising campaign will continue through the
holiday season.
A. selling : Noun (thing)

B. sales : Noun (person)

C. sold : V-2
D. sell : V-1


In which paragraph does the writer describe Ms Lily’s personality?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 2
D. 1

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 10 .


The main idea of paragraph 3 is …

A. Kabayan turned his wife into a monkey.
B. Kabayan was discussing the wishes with his wife.
C. Kabayan’s chance to ask one more wish was rejected.
D. Kabayan and his wife were arguing about the two wishes.

23. The principles of developing a school-based curriculum are the following, EXCEPT
A. meaningful and integrated
B. adopting the life-long education philosophy
C. student-centered
D. teacher-centered

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 11 .


When the writer states that "...then we as teachers have failed." (paragraph 4), she/he
wants to emphasize that …
A. cell phones in schools become a serious challenge for teachers.
B. students’ feeling safe will be secured without cell phones in school
C. she does not agree with the use of cell phones in schools.
D. teachers need to warrant that students’ safety from cell phone use.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 12 .


The word "enhance” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to

…. A. activate
B. improve
C. keep

D. push

26. Which of the following teaching media is sometimes not applicable for classroom
A. Photos
B. Picture series
C. Flashcards (for vocabulary games, not for presentation)
D. Real objects

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 13 .


What made Kabayan become upset to his wife?

A. They could not agree to their wishes.
B. They could not discuss the wishes.
C. They could not stay in Mount Gede.
D. They could not get a great amount of money.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 14 .


The word "advances” in paragraph 2 has a synonym in meaning to …

A. development
B. expectance
C. increase
D. contribution

29. Which of the following aspects should be assessed by a teacher in a group

discussion activity?
A. Student's participation

B. Student's experience
C. Student's talk
D. Student's persistence

30. Having seen all his students answer the questions correctly, a teacher
complimented using the following expressions EXCEPT . . . .
A. Fabulous!
B. Terrible!
C. Marvelous!
D. Awesome!

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 15 .


What does the text mainly discuss?

A. The relationship between Canada and England
B. The Canadian system of government
C. The process of general election in Canada

D. The power of parliament

32. From: Mazola Sawarani

Sent : Thursday, June 03, 2011, 9:30 AM

To: All employees

Sub: Vacation

Supervisors must approve any and all vacation periods longer than one week.
Approval is not automatic if (1) your absence would create a heavy workload for
your team, or cause your team to miss deadline; (2) you fail to give at least one
week 猀 advance notice; (3) there are problems with your job performance; or
(4) you have had other frequent absence, your request could be denied. In that
case please contact the Personnel Review Board.

The purpose of this memo is….

A. to tell the supervisors to make vacation proposal
B. to warn the employees for not asking for vacation
C. to make supervisors check the vacation of their staff
D. to inform the employees the conditions of asking for vacation

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 16 .

33. Arrange the following jumbled words into a correct sentence. attend - to ጀ it ጀ an
ጀ is ጀ accepted ጀ guest ጀ for ጀ custom ጀ gifts ጀ the ጀ to ጀ the ጀ to
ጀ wedding
when - reception – couple – the – them – invites
A. To attend the wedding reception, an accepted guest to take the
custom gifts when the couple invites them
B. It is an accepted guest for custom to take the gift to the wedding reception
when the couple invites them to attend
C. It is an accepted custom for guest to take the gifts to the wedding
reception when the couple invited them to attend
D. To attend the custom wedding reception, the accepted guest to take the gifts
when an couple invites them to attend

34. A student wrote: 'When I was taking a walk along the river last week, I saw two
oxes and four sheeps’. It is apparent that the student still has a difficulty with ...
A. irregular plurals (oxen and sheep)
B. conjunctions
C. adverbs of time
D. tenses

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 17 .


What does the news mainly discuss?

A. That Jakarta will transform its lands into green places
B. That interactive garden has been requested by the residents in Jakarta.
C. That the administration of Jakarta supports green open spaces
(interactive parks masuk dalam kategori green open spaces, tetapi
tidak semua green open spaces berbentuk interactive parks)
D. The need of interactive parks to enhance the city’s greenery in Jakarta

36. An instructional objective which states Students are able to read speeches of
famous figures with correct pronunciation, intonation, and stress can generate
the following learning experience.
A. Practicing reading speeches of famous figures
B. Analyzing the lives of famous figures
C. Interviewing famous figures
D. Analyzing the speeches of famous figures

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 18 .


What did the voice suggest Kabayan to do before making the wishes?
A. He talked to his family about the wishes.
B. Hewent to Mount Gede with his wife.
C. Hemade a list forappropriate wishes.

D. He discussed the wishes with his wife.

38. To expose her or his students to regular English uses, an English teacher will
most possibly do the following.
A. Multiplying the number of currently published books written in English in her
or his school library
B. Changing her or his classroom into a language-rich classroom
C. Taking her or his students regularly to tourism resorts where they can practise
speaking with native speakers
D. Inviting a native speaker of English to visit her or his class regularly

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 19 .


The main idea of the second paragraph is ….

A. the Wilder books are translated into many languages
B. LauraIngalls marriedAlmanzo Wilder
C. the Wilder books were published and popular
D. Rose Wilder wasthe editor of her mother’s books


The word avenues in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to . . . .

A. tricks
B. sales
C. ways
D. skills

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 20 .

41. To make her or his students accustomed to using the technology of
information and communication, a teacher can ask her or his students to
submit their assignments via . . . .
A. teleconferencing
B. twitter.
C. email.
D. facebook.


What is the moral value that the readers can learn from the story?
A. Two wishes could bring wealth.
B. Greed will bring us to ruin.
C. A husband should be good to his wife.
D. Opportunity might not come twice.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 21 .


The expression 'play the fool' in "...any student tries to play the fool in her
class..." (paragraph 4) is closest in meaning to …
A. make fun of
B. waste time
C. make noise
D. mess about

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 22 .

44. Man : Will that be cash or charge?
Woman : I want to pay by checks if I
may? Man : Certainly. That’s cash then.
Woman : Cash?
Man : Yes. Both money and checks are considered cash. Only credit cards are
Woman : Oh.
Man : Just make the check out to the Family Store.
Woman : Okay.
Man : And I need two pieces of identification. A driving license and a major
credit card.
Woman : Well, here is my driving license. I don’t have any charge cards, but I do
have my student ID card from my college. Will that be all right?
Man : I think so, I need two numbers. Your student number is on the ID card, isn’t
Woman : Yes, it is. Do you need anything else?
Man : Just put your telephone number on the front of the check.
Woman : Okay.
Man : Good. Now let me give you your license, your ID card, and your package.
And thank you for shopping at the Family Store
Woman : Thank you

What is the purpose of the conversation?

A. To register the woman for a course at the college
B. To help the woman make a purchase
C. To request the woman’s identification
D. To explain the woman how to use a check

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 23 .


What is the communicative purpose of this type of text?

A. To entertain the readers with the information
B. To reveal the readers that something is the important case
C. To show the readers how to get something
D. To persuade the readers to do something


The communicative purpose of the text is ….

A. to tell the events in a place

B. to suggest the readers how to stay in a place (Advertisement)

C. to inform the readers about a place
D. to describe what a place looks like

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 24 .

47. The Hesseltine Corporation is moving 60 technical and management-level
employees to their new manufacturing plant in the western United States. Before
the move, the company will prepare employees for the cultural changes they will
encounter when moving from urban Europe to a small town in the American
West. The employees and their families will attend special seminars on the
habit of Americans. They will learn about the regional vocabulary and the
daily life.
Without this training, even small cultural difference could cause big

Who will attend the seminars in addition to the employees?

A. The managers
B. The technicians
C. The employees’ families
D. The staff

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 25 .


It can be inferred from the passage that the word "graying" in paragraph 1 is
a reference to ….
A. the colour hair typical of older people
B. the person who has studied the population
C. The dismal outlook for the future because of popular trend
D. the condition of the death rate in America

49. Curriculum 2013 recommends teachers to employ student-centered

learning (Kemendikbud, 2012: 25) in their teaching learning process.
Which of the following classroom activities do you think is suitable with this
A. The teachers give an English text, discuss the grammatical features and the
meaning, then ask the students to answer questions about the text
B. The teachers read an English dialog, ask the students to memorize it, then
perform in the class
C. The teachers read an English text, translate it into Indonesian, then ask the
students to answer questions about the text
D. The teachers explore an English dialog in a group discussion, ask the group
to create a similar dialog then perform in the class

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 26 .


It can be inferred from the passage that ….

A. the author does not have mobile phones
B. mobile phones give many benefits
C. people tend to use mobile phones carelessly

D. mobile phones should be used wisely

51. A student wanted to tell about his friend and he wrote: 'She is from a wealth
family; unfortunately, she almost never looks health. She once wrote a length
letter to me describing about her physical condition'. The student has a difficulty
in differentiating ......
A. ‘once’ meaning ‘as soon as’ from ‘once’ meaning ‘ever’
B. a simple present tense from a past tense
C. a word functioning as an adjective from that as a noun (length seharusnya long)
D. an irregular verb from a regular verb

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 27 .

52. The Hesseltine Corporation is moving 60 technical and management-level
employees to their new manufacturing plant in the western United States. Before
the move, the company will prepare employees for the cultural changes they will
encounter when moving from urban Europe to a small town in the American
West. The employees and their families will attend special seminars on the habit
of Americans. They will learn about the regional vocabulary and the daily life.
Without this training, even small cultural difference could cause big

The word "encounter" in the text is closest in meaning

to…. A. bring
B. fight
C. take
D. meet

53. With an instructional objective which states Students are able to use
interpersonal expressions to convey feeling of pleasure and relief an
English teacher selects the material showing interpersonal expressions such as
A. “Please leave me alone”.
B. “It’s difficult to appreciate”
C. “I really feel terrible about it”.
D. “Isn’t this great?”

54. Notebook PCs are gaining popularity because of their …. They are lighter and
smaller than laptops and much easier to carry around.
A. convincing : Verb-ing
B. conveniently : Adverb of manner
C. convenience : Noun
D. convenient : Adjective

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 28 .

55. From: Mazola Sawarani
Sent : Thursday, June 03, 2011, 9:30 AM

To: All employees

Sub: Vacation

Supervisors must approve any and all vacation periods longer than one week.
Approval is not automatic if (1) your absence would create a heavy workload for
your team, or cause your team to miss deadline; (2) you fail to give at least one
week 猀 advance notice; (3) there are problems with your job performance; or
(4) you have had other frequent absence, your request could be denied. In that
case please contact the Personnel Review Board.

If approval is not given, an employee can ....

A. ask the personnel in charge
B. check his or her attendance list
C. propose new deadline
D. ask his or her group member to replace him or her

56. The principles of a learning design can be classified into the following EXCEPT....
A. analysis of condition
B. development of learning outcome measurement procedure
C. development of teacher’s teaching competence
D. development of learning strategy

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 29 .

57. The Hesseltine Corporation is moving 60 technical and management-level
employees to their new manufacturing plant in the western United States. Before
the move, the company will prepare employees for the cultural changes they will
encounter when moving from urban Europe to a small town in the American
West. The employees and their families will attend special seminars on the habit
of Americans. They will learn about the regional vocabulary and the daily life.
Without this training, even small cultural difference could cause big

Where is the new manufacturing plant?

A. In urban America
B. In a small urban town
C. In the western America
D. In Western part of Europe

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 30 .

58. From: Mazola Sawarani
Sent : Thursday, June 03, 2011, 9:30 AM

To: All employees

Sub: Vacation

Supervisors must approve any and all vacation periods longer than one week.
Approval is not automatic if (1) your absence would create a heavy workload for
your team, or cause your team to miss deadline; (2) you fail to give at least one
week 猀 advance notice; (3) there are problems with your job performance; or
(4) you have had other frequent absence, your request could be denied. In that
case please contact the Personnel Review Board.

What is the memo about?

A. Requesting absence
B. Problem in absence
C. Work shortage
D. Holiday

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 31 .


Based on the information from the text, the main concern of the writer is . . . .
A. school’s prestige
B. student's convenience
C. teacher's success

D. student's safety

60. Which one of the following sentences has correct spelling, capitalization, and
A. When sultan Hamengkubuwono III died in 1814, Prince Diponegoro was passed
over for the succession to the throne in favor of his younger half brother who was
supported by the dutch.
B. De kock claims that he had warned several javanese nobles to tell
diponegoro, he had to lessen his previous demands or that he would be forced
to take other measures.
C. Prince Diponegoroa Javanese prince who opposed the Dutch colonial rule
played an important role in the java War (1825-1830).
D. The Dutch colonial rule was becoming unpopular by the local
farmers because of tax rises, crop failures, and Javanese nobles’

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 32 .


The word "massive” in paragraph 2

means… A. many
B. huge
C. increase
D. elder

62. To achieve an instructional objective which states Students are able to write a
text based on the content of a song they have listened to , an English
teacher can determine the following learning experience.

A. Analyzing and paraphrasing the content of an English song.

B. Finding the difficult words in an English song.

C. Listening to an English song.
D. Finding the moral value contained in an English song.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 32 .


What is the main topic of the passage ?

A. Wilder’s movie
B. Children’sliterature
C. Wilder’s career
D. American pioneer life


One of the facilities in many current mobile phones that the author is worried about
people’s privacy is ….
A. the picture
B. the wallpaper
C. the ringtone
D. the camera

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 33 .

65. The result of a test shows that the students still perform poorly in identifying the
language features of procedure and descriptive texts. Making use of the
data, the teacher can . . . .
A. explain the language features and giving exercises
B. test the students using the same test
C. omit the difficult test item
D. ask the students to initiate a new learning objective


The communicative purpose of this type of text is . . . .

A. to tell what someone looks like and acts
B. to retell a series ofpast events
C. to reveal an important case to the readers
D. to amuse the readers and to tell a story

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 34 .


Which of the following does NOT reflect the characteristics of Ms Lily?

A. Being firm but kind-hearted

B. Thorough understanding of science
C. Openness to criticism
D. Interesting teaching methods

68. The English teaching procedure recommended in curriculum 2013 follows the
following learning stage or cycle, namely. . . .
A. Beebe’s 5 E model modified into observe, relate, question, sum
up, communicate
B. Howard’s model (engage, study, activate)
C. Cognitive model (presentation, production, practice)
D. Hummond’s model (BKoF, MoT, JCoT, ICoT)

69. Although laptop and notebook computers are more expensive than desktop
computers, more and more people are buying them. They are filling a
… need for mobility.

A. growing : Adjective
B. grown : Adjective / Verb 3
C. grew : Verb 2
D. growth : Noun

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 35 .


What is the topic of the text above?

A. Misuses of cell phones by elementary school students
B. Threats in the cell phone use in the school context
C. Downsides in the use of cell phones in the classroom
D. Cell phone wrong uses among students in the classrooms

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 36 .


Based on the news, what should the residents of Jakarta do to contribute to providing
green spaces in Jakarta?
A. They should contribute to plant the city forest.
B. They should encourage their children planting trees.
C. They should try to provide a small garden in their house
D. They should join Greenery groups.

72. A student who likes to stay alone and tends to have just few but very deep
friends. This student commonly likes to be quiet and enjoy working with problem
solving and tasks involving long-term memory. Such student can be categorized
as . . . learner.
A. a tolerant of ambiguity
B. an intolerant of ambiguity
C. an introvert
D. an extrovert

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 37 .


What is the general idea of the passage?

A. The Internet is the primary source for advertising and marketing.
B. Sales and marketing need willingness to travelling.
C. Sales and marketing will be the future job trends.
D. International sales are growing because of high technology.

74. The students still have limited number of vocabulary so that they have
various problems in writing. Wanting to do a classroom action research to
solve the problem, a teacher formulates her research title like the following.
A. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Using Skimming and Scanning Technique
B. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Using SQ3R Strategy
C. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Using Roleplaying Strategy
D. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Using Semantic-Mapping Strategy

Skimming : reading comprehension : main idea

Scanning : reading comprehension : detailed information
SQ3R : reading comprehension : detailed information
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review
Roleplaying : speaking : pronunciation, intonation, fluency
Mapping : writing : vocabulary, sentence, paragraph outline

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 38 .


Laura Ingalls Wilder began writing novels…

A. when she was a child of the frontier
B. when she was a young mother
C. before settling permanently in South Dakota in 1879
D. after her sixty- fifth birthday


The word "sporadically” is closest in meaning to ….

A. come on stages
B. for a particular time
C. with great success
D. at irregular interval

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 39 .

77. Arrange the following procedures into the correct order for withdrawing money
from your Bank ATM:
1. Enter the amount of withdrawal on the numbered button, and wait for
your receipt to be printed.
2. Enter your four-digit identification number on the numbered buttons.
3. Insert your card face up into the card slot on the machine teller.
4. Remove your card from the slot. The drawer will open with receipt and your
cash withdrawal.
5. Press the withdrawal button for checking or the button for savings
A. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4
B. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
C. 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 - 4
D. 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4


What does the writer intend to discuss?

A. The examples of using mobile phones in daily life
B. The importance of mobile phones in communication
C. The advantages and disadvantages of using mobile phones
D. How to be wise in using mobile phones

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 40 .

79. An English teacher always emphasizes on the teaching of grammar because
she believes that language components (competence) must be mastered prior
to language skills (performance). His view is in line with the concept of . . . theories
of learning.
A. Constructivism
B. Cognitivism
C. Behaviourism
D. Pragmatism


Why is the District appropriate for business travelers?

A. There is a good taxi service.
B. Public transport is very conducive.
C. It is close to business centre.
D. It offers various tour packages.

KSG - Bahasa Inggris - 157-22 Hal. 41 .

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