Keywords Progress in Learning (Tingkat Ketercapaian Siswa) Harus Untuk Memperbaiki Proses Pembelajaran Selanjutnya Answer

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Keywords  Progress in learning (tingkat ketercapaian siswa) harus dapat dipahami

dan dijadikan tolok ukur untuk memperbaiki proses pembelajaran

Answer 

Assessment of learning : Digunakan oleh sekolah untuk menentukan kelulusan siswa

Assessment for learning : Digunakan oleh guru untuk mengetahui tingkat ketercapaian siswa
dan memperbaiki proses pembelajaran selanjutnya
Assessment as learning : Digunakan oleh siswa untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan
kelemahannya dalam pemahaman pembelajaran sehingga dapat
memilih cara belajar yang paling cocok untuknya
Keywords  This is a significant effect (Paragraph 2 Line 2)
Answer  B
Keywords  Trial pada paragraph 1= percobaan yang bersifat ilmiah
Answer  B
Keywords  Pronoun reference : This, they, their, it
Repetition : Children, internet, students
Transition : In addition, on the other hand
Answer  C
Keywords  Semua merupakan syntax (urutan proses) dari Discovery Learning
Answer  D
Keywords  Sight : Penglihatan
Diorama : Miniatur keadaan suatu tempat
Ipod : MP3 player
Podcast : Downloadable radio channel
Headset : Hearing aid
Answer  A
Keywords  Make a photo book with subtitles (Project)
Answer  C
Keywords  Feedbacks : manfaat yang dirasakan siswa (Paragraph 2 line 2 & 4)
Answer  D
Keywords  A study by researchers : Penelitian / percobaan
Answer  D
Keywords  Make a photo book with subtitles (Project)
Answer  C
Keywords  Manipulating objects : Mengotak-atik benda : Menyentuh
Global : Keseluruhan hal
Analytic : Berfikir kritis dan analisa
Tactile : Benda yang bisa disentuh
Visual : Benda yang bisa dilihat
Answer  C
Keywords  75% x 20 questions = 15 questions
Answer  C
Keywords  Danger = Warning = NO + V-ing!!!
Answer  B
Keywords  Students may find links that slip through the system (Paragraph 1 Line 7)
Answer  B
Keywords  Employment opportunity … experience in teaching
Answer  D
Keywords  Without losing sight of our readers (Paragraph 1 Line 4-5)
Answer  B
Keywords  as a matter of fact ( ALSO in (actual) fact )
used to add emphasis to what you are saying, or to show that it is the
opposite of or different from what went before
… desirable … completed in two months … VS … invalid
Answer  D
Keywords  This is a significant effect (Paragraph 2 Line 2)
Answer  D
Keywords  Procedures … easily administered and scored … fair, valid, reliable,
meaningful results and can eliminate bias and prevent unfair advantages
Answer  A
Keywords  Study = Experiment = Hypothesis
Answer  B
Keywords  Make a photo book with subtitles (Project)
Answer  D
Keywords  … the movement of the travellers suspicious.
Answer  A
Keywords  Inculcate : Menanamkan
Instill : Menanamkan
Impose : Memaksakan
Cram : Menjejalkan
Pinch : Menjepitkan
Answer  A
Keywords  Nonetheless, nevertheless, on the other hand = Discussion = Plus Vs Minus
Answer  D
Keywords  Class Action Research (PTK) Title = … reading comprehension …
Meningkatkan … dengan alat … pada siswa …
Answer  B
Keywords  … personalities that are unsuited to the requirements of the job
Answer  C
Keywords  Her GPA is above average … she needs to see her academic advisor
enak gak enak
Answer  B

1. Cause = Akibat + Cause + Sebab = Karena King Kong : Karena

- Because + Clause di-Be-ca-As-Now sing Due-Wi Si-For
- Because of + Noun Phrase
- As + Clause
- Now that + Clause
- Due to + Noun Phrase
- Owing to + Noun Phrase
- Since + Clause
- For + Clause

2. Effect = Sebab + Effect + Akibat = Jadi King Kong : Jadi

- Therefore + Clause The-Co-S tha-He-S yang bisa update
- Consequently + Clause
- Such + Noun + that + Clause
- Hence + Clause
- So + Clause
- So + Adj / Adv + that + Clause
- Thus + Clause

3. Contrast = Enak + Contrast + Gak Enak = Di Balik King Kong : Di balik

- However + Adjective / Comma + Clause H-Al-T-E De-In-N-N-as yang Bu-S-Yet
- Although + Clause qita No mat-how-what-what
- Clause + Though
- Even though + Clause
- Despite + Noun Phrase
- In spite of + Noun Phrase
- Nevertheless + Clause
- Nonetheless + Clause
- Whereas + Clause
- But + Clause
- Still + Clause
- Yet + Clause
- No matter how + Adjective
- No matter what + Clause
- Whatever + Clause
4. Addition = Enak + Addition + Enak = Tambahan King Kong : Tambahan
- Moreover + Comma Mo-Be-Al In-a yang Fur As-We
- Besides + Clause / Comma + Clause
- Also + Comma
- In addition + Clause / Comma + Clause
- Furthermore + Comma
- As well as + Clause

5. Condition = Hasil + Condition + Syarat = Jika King Kong : Jika

- Only if + Clause O-ly Un-If-ersitas wise Pro-t-Or
- Unless + Clause
- If + Clause
- Otherwise + Clause
- Providing that + Clause
- Or + Clause

6. Time = Waktu King Kong : Waktu

- When + Clause Whe-le Af-Be-an, Si-For U-Till Duri-an
- While + Clause
- After + Clause / Time
- Before + Clause / Time
- Since + Clause / Time
- For + Duration
- Until + Clause / Time
- Till + Clause / Time
- During + Noun Phrase / Time

7. Combination King Kong : Depan Belakang Sama Saja

- And
- Both … and …
- Not only … but also …

8. Choice King Kong : Depan Belakang Sama Saja

- Or
- Either … or …
- Neither … nor …
Keywords  … more and more discussions about the real benefits of homework.
(Paragraph 1 Line 1)
Answer  A
Keywords  … get the gate pass … (Paragraph 1 Line 4)
Answer  C
Keywords  Pronoun reference : This, they, their, it
Repetition : Children, internet, students
Transition : In addition, on the other hand
Answer  C
Keywords  Honest, honestly, wisdom, behaviours both good and bad
Answer  D
Keywords  Assessment as learning
Assessment of learning : Digunakan oleh sekolah untuk menentukan kelulusan siswa
Assessment for learning : Digunakan oleh guru untuk mengetahui tingkat ketercapaian siswa
dan memperbaiki proses pembelajaran selanjutnya
Assessment as learning : Digunakan oleh siswa untuk mengetahui kekuatan dan
kelemahannya dalam pemahaman pembelajaran sehingga dapat
memilih cara belajar yang paling cocok untuknya

Answer D
Keywords  Pervasive : Tembus pandang
Unavoidable : Tak dapat dihindari
Extensive : Luas
Obvious : Jelas terlihat
General : Umum
Answer  C
Keywords  Untuk menganalisa text structure dan language features sebaiknya
menggunakan Discovery Learning
Answer  C

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