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OmniScan Dual Linear Array Probe for

Corrosion Inspection
PART 3 – Clock Inspection

MXU 4.3R2
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – File Open
 This presentation assumes that the OmniScan setup file (Ops file) for the dual
element corrosion probe has been configured and saved on the SD card with default
 After OmniScan boot up, press and hold the file area on the touch screen and open
the configuration file that was prepared in previous section.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Inspect. Preparation Overview
 Configuration of the OmniScan for inspection with the dual linear array corrosion
probe requires the following:
– Enter part thickness.
– Change screen mode to full screen.
– Adjust UT gain (Inspection sensitivity)
– Start inspection and clear C-scan.
– Scan, pause and save data.
 These parameters will be adjusted based on the material thickness, surface condition
and damage mechanism such as corrosion, pitting, HIC, creep, etc.
 Inspection of materials other than carbon steel requires a velocity to be calculated
through the OmniScan velocity wizard described in another section.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Enter Part Thickness
 Select the > Group\Probe & Part menu and enter the nominal part thickness if known.
 If unknown at time of inspection, couple the probe to the part and measure the back wall
reading. (T reading)
 The part thickness entered here will determine the % material loss during the inspection using
the T reading and is explained in detail in the analysis section.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Enter File Name
 Select > File > Data Settings > File Name and enter a name for the inspection.
 This will be the name of the data file (Opd file) that will be created on the SD memory card in
:\User\Data folder when the save data button on the OmniScan is pressed.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Auto A-scan (Thinnest)
 Select the > Display > A-Scan Settings and select Thinnest.
 This feature is also called auto A-scan and will display the thinnest A-scan within the probe.
 The blue data cursor in the S-scan will automatically snap to the thinnest A-scan so the most
relevant readings are displayed in the header.
 When set to normal the blue data cursor in the S-scan or C-scan must be moved manually to
the indication using the touch screen.
 In some cases where corrosion
or back wall conditions are
severe, the rapid update of the
A-scan during inspection is
undesirable and in those cases
it is best set to normal.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Full Screen Layout
 From the interactive title bar, select > Layout > Full screen.
 Couple the probe to the component and using the touch screen make any adjustments to the
UT range if necessary so that the back wall is visible in the A-scan and S-scan.
 If the inspection is through a coating or if gate A and B functions are used increase the UT
range so that two back walls are visible.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – A-C-S Layout
 From the interactive title bar, select > Layout > A-C-S.
 The default setup files are configured for a clock C-scan that will build from left to right at the
speed of the PRF.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Inspection Sensitivity
 Move the probe on the component and increase or decrease the UT gain as necessary.
 Adjustment of the UT gain or inspection sensitivity is a balance between maintaining good back
wall imaging, detecting small indications like pitting or cracking in the volume of the material,
and minimizing missed data points (No detection in acquisition gate)
 Surface condition, part thickness, material attenuation, and type of flaws will affect how much
UT gain is needed for detection and imaging.

 A white pixel indicates no

detection in the gate at that data
point and depending on surface
and back wall conditions this can
be minimized with high gain and
good coupling but not entirely
eliminated in most corrosion
 It is not unusual to adjust gain
during the inspection or where
conditions change on the part
surface or back wall.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Start Inspection \ Clear C-scan
 On the OmniScan select the start acquisition button.
 This will clear the C-scan of any data and start a new clock inspection. The C-scan will display
data continuously based on the thickness reading of each A-scan in the probe aperture as it is
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Pause Inspection
 Observe the S-scan and C-scan during inspection to monitor back wall conditions or any
indications in the volume of the material.
 To create a data file, position the probe on the component, select the start acquisition button
again to clear the C-scan and scan the probe over the indication area.
 Select pause on the OmniScan.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Save Data File
 Make any changes to the color palette and gate position prior to saving the data.
 A common inspection strategy is to increase the minimum range of the color palette until the
first red pixel or series of red pixels appears in the C-scan indicating the low area or reading.
 The color palette range is available from the purple scale on the right side of the C-scan at all
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Save Data File cont.
 Select the save data button on the OmniScan to create the data file on the SD memory card.
 A file name was entered prior to inspection start and a warning is given to prevent accidental
overwriting of any data file on the SD memory card using the same name.
 The size of the data file, the length of the acquisition visible on the C-scan, and the number of
data points in the C-scan are a function of the settings in the > Scan > Area sub menu.
 Deselect pause to activate C-scan and continue inspecting.
OmniScan Dual Linear Array Corrosion Probe – Analysis
 The analysis section provides detailed information regarding the OmniScan indication table,
zone functions, readings definitions and manipulating cursors and data for reporting.
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