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286 Upper Thomson Road 574402

+65 6497 2873 | |


8 - 15 OCTOBER 2023

7:30 – Low Mass & Confessions

Sun Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 – Sung Mass & Confessions
8 Oct 2nd Class, Green
11:30 – Low Mass & Confessions

St. John Leonardi, Confessor

Mon 3rd Class, White 18:30 – Rosary
9 Oct (Comm: Sts. Dyonisius & Companions, 19:00 – Mass

7:15 – Mass
Tues St. Francis Borgia, Confessor
18:30 – Rosary
10 Oct 3rd Class, White
19:00 – Mass

Maternity of the Blessed Virgin

Wed 7:15 – Mass
11 Oct 8:00 – Mass
2nd Class, White

7:15 – Mass & Confessions

Thur Feria in time after Pentecost
18:20 – Benediction & Rosary
12 Oct 4th Class, Green
19:00 – Mass & Confessions

7:15 – Mass & Confessions

Fri St. Edward, King & Confessor 18:30 – Rosary
13 Oct 3rd Class, White 19:00 – Mass & Confessions, followed
By spiritual conference

7:15 – Mass & Confessions

Sat St. Callistus I, Pope, Martyr
11:00 – Rosary
14 Oct 3rd Class, Red
11:30 – Mass & Confessions

7:30 – Low Mass & Confessions

Sun Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 – Sung Mass & Confessions
15 Oct 2nd Class, Green
11:30 – Low Mass & Confessions

Donation: “Friends of the SSPX” (cheque and bank transfer)

DBS 0039073844 | PayNow UEN S94SS0009DAVE
UOB 1433004952 | PayNow UEN S94SS0009D
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Marriage: invitation, garment and king

The marriage feast is the work of redemption. What do we think of when we think
of marriage? We think of the indissoluble and permanent union of a man and
woman. Man, by his sin, made a huge separation between himself and god. Our
lord jesus christ, by becoming man and offering himself on the cross united man to
god again. Or, as we normally say, christ united himself to his church. Christ is the
groom, and we are the bride.
“The marriage” is a figure that has been used throughout all history to refer to
god’s union with man through his son. St. John the baptist said he was “the herald
of the bridegroom”. St. Paul says that marriage is a great mystery which shows the
union between christ and his church. And our lord called himself the bridegroom
of the church.
The union that christ has caused between man and god is the most intimate
imaginable. Not just servant and lord, not just friend and friend, but bridegroom
and bride.
Of course, christ united himself to us by his incarnation and further by his
redemption. But that was only his objective redemption. We still remain with the
obligation of the subjective redemption. That is to say: our baptism and the
sanctification of our soul. How we respond to grace. Confession, mass, rosary, life
of grace, life of loving god in study and all our acts. Don’t leave the obligation of
the redemption just in the hands of our lord.
A modernist loves the idea of universal salvation. It means that as long as jesus
became man, we’re all saved. This leaves all the responsibility out of our
hands. It’s a great lie, and it’s very deadly. Millions of souls have gone to hell
because of it.
As we know, the first people invited refused the invitation. This symbolizes god’s
own people who would not accept the redemption of our lord. So, god opened it
up to the whole world: rich and poor, good and bad.
Now, the topic of the wedding garment. Everyone has to prepare his own
garment. It is first given to us at baptism. But it is our responsibility to keep it
clean all our life. It will have to be washed regularly, and it will have to be mended
from time to time. This is the sacrament of penance and this is the virtue of
practicing penance. If we don’t practice this penance in both forms, the garment
will become filthy and full of holes. In tears and penance, by fastings, by
almsgiving, and by prayer the wedding garment is washed and woven.
On easter day the marriage feast is full, all the guests are seated, clothed in
immaculately resplendent wedding garments.
The king goes in to see the guests. This is the second advent of our lord. It is
either our particular judgment or the general judgment at the end of time,
depending on when that will happen. Only if you have on the nuptial robe of
sanctifying grace can you stay at the banquet. Those who don’t have it will hear
those dreadful words from our lord: “depart from me ye cursed into the exterior
darkness, where there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.”
The eucharistic banquet sunday after sunday preserves and cleanses the baptismal
robes. Like we were saying last sunday, we constantly have to fight against the old
man in us. This man that wants to be selfish and angry, proud and domineering
over his neighbour. This is true justice and holiness.
Our greatest desire should be that we be present without blame or guilt on the
day of the lord’s advent.
My lord, I thank you for inviting such a wretch as me to the wedding feast. May I
come to the feast clothed in you. Amen.

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