Bing Vs Google

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Bing and Google are two of the most popular search engines in the world. While
both search engines aim to provide users with relevant and accurate search results,
there are some differences between them.

According to a recent article by Search Engine Journal, Google has a much

larger market share than Bing, with Google accounting for 86.6% of the global
search market, while Bing accounts for only 6.7% 1. However, Bing still has a
significant user base that should not be ignored.

In terms of functionality, both search engines offer similar features such as text,
video, and image search. However, Google offers more core features than Bing,
including maps, news, shopping, books, flights, finance, and scholarly literature 1.

When it comes to the size of their index and crawling capabilities, Google has a
much larger index than Bing. According to Google, their search index contains
hundreds of billions of web pages and is well over 100 petabytes in size 1. In
contrast, Microsoft Bing has not released similar figures. However, some estimates
suggest that the Microsoft Bing index is somewhere between 8 to 14 billion web
pages 1.

In summary, while both search engines have their strengths and weaknesses,
Google is generally considered to be the more popular and comprehensive search
engine. However, it’s important to note that optimizing your website for Bing can
still provide good conversions and reach a significant user base 1.

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