Cordillera Administrative Region - 20230924 - 213549 - 0000

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Administrative Region

Recipes for
abra miki
a type of noodle soup dish prepared
with miki noodles on a rich pork and
chicken stock colured with annatto
seeds and topped with cripsy pork and
1 1/2 litres water
1 kg pork bones
1 kg chicken frames
1 head garlic, minced
1 large red onion, finely chopped
3 tbsp bagoong monamon
freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp annatto powder
500 g flat egg noodles (miki), cooked
according to packet instructions
500 g bagnet, chopped
2 dozen quail eggs
2 stalks spring onions, sliced
Cook Mode Prevent your screen from going
abra miki
In a pot add oil then sauté garlic and onions.
Add pork bones and chicken frames then slightly
brown them on both sides.
Pour water then bring it to a boil, add bagoong
monamon then simmer in low heat for 1 1/2 hours.
Using a sieve pour the soup stock into a clean pot.
Remove the meat from the bones then put it back
into the pot with the soup stock. Separate 1 cup of
stock in a small bowl, dilute annatto powder in
this bowl then pour it back into the soup then
continue to simmer in very low heat, season with
fish sauce and freshly ground black pepper.
Place noodles in bowls, add six quail eggs pour
some soup with meat then top it with chopped
bagnet and spring onions. Serve while hot with
chillies and vinegar.

Recipes for
a Filipino dish originating from the
Igorot tribes of the Cordillera region
where chicken is prepared by beating
a live chicken with a stick prior to
e free-ran ge chicken or n ative
1 whol
200 g speck, etag or any fatty cured
smoked pork
1 big bunch bok choy or shanghai
2 chayote, sliced
2 stalks celery, sliced
1 inch piece ginger, thinly sliced
2 red onions, chopped
4 cloves garlic, smashed
1/2 cup tapuy or any rice wine
water, as needed
Cook Mode Prevent your screen from
going dark
t up yo ur c h ar c o al on one
c harcoal grill, lig h
Pr ep ar e a ho o ded
d n o t th e w h o le grilling area. hic ken, skin
side an it h sa lt . Pl ac e c
your ch ick en in h alf, season it w e heat, cover
Cut e si d e w it h o ut th
grill on th
side up on the hooded e sm o k e fo r 15 m in utes. Open the
absorb th
the grill then let it am be r o n ce it is very hot
charcoal to
hood, bring back your ti l it is c h ar r ed . Remove chicken
sides un
grill chicken on both
set it aside.
from the grill then n , c h o p ch ic ken in to pieces.
led dow
Once chicken has coo el er y, g in g er , o n ion and garlic.
sauté c
In a pot add oil then d et ag , th en po ur en ough water
ice wine an
Add chicken pieces, r il th en si m m er in medium low
. Bring to a bo
to cover the chicken h ic k en m ea t is n ea r ly tender.
r until c
heat for 30 minutes o fo r 8 m ore minutes.
en sim mer
Add the chayote th en si m m er fo r 2 m ore minutes.
shanghai th
Add the bok choy or
o n w it h sa lt th en serve.

a Filipino blood sausage originating
from the Igorots. It is made with pig's
blood (sometimes cow's or carabao's
blood), minced pork fat, salt, red
onions, ginger, and garlic stuffed
into a casing made from pig's small
1. Remove the waste inside the intestine by putting wate
r through the other
opening and raise it to push down the contents out
from the other end. After
removal, wash it thoroughly and then invert or turn
it inside out using a
stick or through your own technique, treat it with
salt, mash and then wash
it. Do the salting-mashing-washing three times and
be sure not to create cut
on it)

2. Put the jellied blood into the bowl, soften it by mash

ing with your hand,
then put all the ingredients (do not include the leek
s and the intestine). Mix
them thoroughly.

3. Tie close one end of the intestine with one thread

(do not use rubber,
nylon or any material that melts on boiling water),
then with your hands,
fill in all the mixture inside the intestine tube. The
intestine should inflate
to its size. Close the mouth (open end) of the intestine
by tying it with the
other thread.

4. Put the thing into the cooking container in a circ

ular or spiral way and
pour into the 1 1/2 liter of water and cook it. If you
want to serve the broth
then you can add 1 tablespoon of salt (amount of salt
still depend upon your
discretion). Boil the Pinuneg for 30 to 35 minutes. You
will notice that some
parts of it will swell due to the trapped gas, use a fork
or a knife to bore a
hole on the intestine in order to let the gas out.

5. After cooking, take out your pinuneg from the cont

ainer and put it on a big
plate. Slice it crosswise making some sausages or just
in 2-cms thickness. You
may fill cups with the broth and add leeks. Pinuneg
is best eaten with rice
during meal time.
2 ft intact and cleaned large intestine of pig, it can
be obtained from the pig
butcher or slaughter house.

# 400 to 500 ml of pig blood, it can be obtained from

the pig butcher or
slaughter house (note that the blood will be jellified
and become dark red in
color after a minute of exposure to the air but that
’s just alright)
# 1 tablespoon of salt

# 1 cup of minced red onion

# 1/4 cup of minced ginger

# 1 teaspoon of powdered peppermint

# 1/2 cup of minced garlic

# 1 cup of chopped leeks (optional)

# 1 1/2 liter of water

# a cooking container

# 2 5-inch clean hard fiber threads, for tying the ends

of the intestine

Recipes for
a native delicacy of Kalinga, made of
pound malagkit/ sticky rice,Ladok(the
brown precipitate left in coconut oil
extraction) plus brown
Glutinous Rice Flour (sticky rice flour) -
500 g.
White Sugar - 1/3 - 1/2 c or to taste
Water - 2 1/2 to 3 cups
Water for boiling
Ingredients for Ladek or Latik
Coconut meat, shredded (from at least 1
Hot Water - 2 cups
Cold water as needed
Pour 1 cups of hot water. Mix well and let it sit for
a minute.
Squeeze out the milk from the shredded coconut milk
. If it is still too hot to
the touch add cold water. Repeat 2 times.
Strain the coconut milk to remove any coconut meat
Place all the coconut milk in a wok or big kawali. Brin
g it to a boil.. Stir
continuously until all the LIQUIDS evaporated leaving
the coconut oil and the
brown thingy called Ladek or Latik . Set aside.
Combine the glutinous rice flour, white sugar, and wate
r to form a dough. the
dough is a bit wet.
Scoop out a spoonful of the glutinous rice dough, roll
, then form them into
an oblong or tongue shape. Do this until all the doug
h are done
Boil water in a pot or pan. Drop one of the sticky rice
dough a few pieces at a
When the sticky rice cakes float, remove from the wate
r and drain to remove
the excess water.
Once all the sticky rice cakes are cooked, throw them
in on the coconut oil
and Ladek or Latikmixture
Stir gently until all the sticky rice cakes are coated
with he coconut oil and
Ladek or Latik

Recipes for
pure glutinous rice or a combination
of glutinous and non-glutinous rice
together with onuad roots, ginger
extract, and a powdered starter
culture locally known as bubod
4 kilos of Balatinaw rice (a very dark violet-
brown color) or Glutinous rice as alternative.
2-3 tbsp Fermenting yeast cake (Bubod)
Half cooked rice with less water than you usually cook
When the rice is ready spread it evenly onto the tray
or labba lined with
banana leaves.
Let it cool for 1-2 hours.
Break the piece of yeast cake or bubod into powdery
Sprinkle yeast (bubod) evenly onto the rice.
Mix the layer of rice and sprinkle again the other side
until the yeast is
evenly added to the rice
Wrap the banana leaf all around the pile of rice
Cover it with another labba on top.
Set aside for 2 to 3 days for fermentation or until
you smell a little aroma
of the rice. This is what we called "suwak". ( I love the
taste of the fermented
rice or suwak before it is put in the jar because it is
This is the time that you put your rice in to the gusi
or clay/ceramic jar.
After putting your rice into the jar.
Place another layer of banana leaf on top then tigh
tly cover the jar. (There
is no need to seal it airtight because it may explode.
Store in a cool dry place.

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