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a coaching app is an app

where the user can find a coach

to achieve a specific goal.

match a goal match a coach match a timeslot
match a coach match a goal match a coach
match a timeslot match a timeslot match a goal
o to reate a oaching pp: the h s and the o s
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n emand coaching. n time an here

he hallenge: a e coaching more accessible for members for when the eed it the most
O -d A y , yw .

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example 1: betterhelp app example : betterup app ld ersion

2 (o v )

schedule 选择匹配的

availability and schedule
an appointment. 确认形式


[M obile ember xperience cheduling an n emand session use states
M E ]S o -d

session journal goals 与教练

设置目标 [M obile ember xperience oaching tab arious use states

M E ]C v

example : betterup app e ersion

3 (n w v ) example 4: coachhub app boosting nline coaching

home(i) insights explore

coaching 按主题分类

教练计划 选择coach 选择coach



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