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Name:_______________________ Due Date: ______________


CRITERION 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 Total
Understanding: The work - little - some understanding -adequate understanding -good understanding -excellent understanding MAX
- analyse the content, does not understanding -some understanding -adequate understanding of -good understanding of -excellent understanding 25
meaning, and context of reach the -little understanding of implications implications implications of implications
your source required of implications - some analysis of -adequate analysis of stylistic -good analysis of stylistic -excellent analysis of
- analyse the implications standard. - little analysis of stylistic choices choices choices stylistic choices
- analyse writer’s choices
(linguistic and formal
stylistic choices

Argument Construction: The work - ideas are rarely - ideas are somewhat - ideas are adequately - ideas are well organized and - ideas are very well MAX
- organise & develop does not organized and organized and organized and developed well developed organized, well 25
ideas in a coherent and reach the developed developed - some ideas are supported - most ideas are supported developed and insightful
structured argument required - it is not clear how - few ideas are with evidence with evidence - ideas are well
- justify and support standard. evidence supports supported with supported with well-
ideas, citing textual ideas / no evidence evidence chosen evidence
evidence appropriately
from the given passage
in support
Text production: The work - the structure is - the structure is - the structure is clear if -the structure is clear - the structure is MAX
-production does not unclear partially clear incomplete -the conventions have mostly excellent 25
of writing/speaking with a reach the -the conventions -the conventions have -the conventions have been adhered to -the conventions have
clear development required have not been occasionally been frequently been adhered to been adhered to
appropriate to the task standard. adhered to adhered to
-Evidence of knowledge
of the conventions of the
Language: -use clear The work -frequent errors in -occasional errors in -some errors in grammar -few errors in grammar -Grammar is a strength MAX
language effectively does not grammar grammar -vocabulary and sentence -vocabulary and sentence -vocabulary is 25
- use correct grammar and reach the -vocabulary and -vocabulary and structure occasionally cause structure are clear sophisticated and
syntax required sentence structure sentence structure confusion - register and/or language are sentence structure is
- use a varied vocabulary
and sentence structures in a
standard. cause confusion sometimes cause - register and/or language always appropriate to the task varied
way that is appropriate for - register and/or confusion are mostly appropriate to the - register and/or
the audience and purpose language are rarely - register and/or task language are entirely
- use a register and style are appropriate to the language are appropriate to the task
relevant to the purpose of task occasionally
the text appropriate to the task

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