Quizzes - Tuva Pt. 2 Answers

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Week 3, Tuva: Part 2 Quiz.

Correct answers are in bold.

1. The small nation of Tuva's history has been shaped by nearby larger countries.
Which of the following is NOT one of the major influencing nations?

1. Mongolia
2. China
3. Russia
4. Finland

2. For most of the 20th century, Tuva was a part of which state?

1. Mongolia
2. China
3. U.S.S.R.
4. It was always independent

3. Which of the following best describes Soviet policy towards Tuvan music?

1. It was discouraged because the Soviets promoted believed in ethnic

homogenization as a tool to promote national unity.
2. It was discouraged because it offended Stalin personally.
3. It was encouraged because the healthy pastoral lifestyle of the Tuvans was
deemed worthy of imitation.
4. It was encouraged because it was completely foreign to the corrupting
aesthetic of western rock music.

4. Which of the following animals plays an especially important role in Tuvan


1. Camels
2. Falcons
3. Horses
4. Wolves

5. Which of the following does NOT exemplify a connection between Tuvan or

Mongolian music-making and spirituality?

1. Music originated as an imitation of the sound of the wind sweeping over a

2. The ability to sing two pitches at once shows that the Tuvans are
spiritually favored.
3. Natural elements communicate through sound.
4. "The mountain can suspend the wind and announce its release through
droning sound."

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