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Solution Manual for Microeconomics Principles and Applications

6th Edition Hall Lieberman 1111822565 9781285119434

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The objectives of this chapter are to:

1. Construct a production possibilities frontier and use it to explain the concepts of

productive inefficiency, recessions, the law of increasing opportunity cost, and
economic growth.
2. Explain the sources of the gains from specialization.

3. Define comparative advantage and absolute advantage and explain why specialization
according to comparative advantage should be used to maximize production.
4. Apply the concept of comparative advantage to countries to explain trade
among nations.
5. Describe the three problems that all economies face in allocating scarce resources.

6. Describe the three methods of resource allocation and give examples of how each
method is used in the United States.


Production possibilities frontiers (PPFs) are used to apply the principle of opportunity cost to
society’s choices and to demonstrate the law of increasing opportunity cost, productive
inefficiency, recessions, and economic growth.

Every economic system over the past 10,000 years has been characterized by specialization
and exchange. Specialization and exchange enable us to enjoy greater production and
higher living standards than would otherwise be possible. The chapter explains why there
are gains from specialization, and discusses some of the problems that may arise from
specializing. This is also applied to countries and trade among nations.
Resource allocation means deciding how to use our scarce resources; that is, deciding what to
produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce. The three methods of resource allocation
are tradition, command, and market. While all three methods are used in the United States, the
dominant method of resource allocation is the market.
One of the key advantages of a market system is that, in most cases, it forces us to face the
opportunity cost of our actions. The chapter ends with an example of what happens when
we do not face the costs of our actions: the possible overuse of some life-saving techniques
and underuse of others.

Chapter 2 Scarcity, Choice, and Economic Systems 7
7 Instructor’s Manual for Economics: Principles and Applications, 6e


In order presented in chapter.

Production possibilities frontier (PPF): A curve showing all combinations of two goods that
can be produced with the resources and technology currently available.
Productively inefficient: A situation in which more of at least one good can be produced
without sacrificing the production of any other good.
Specialization: A method of production in which each person concentrates on a limited
number of activities.
Exchange: The act of trading with others to obtain what we desire.

Absolute Advantage: The ability to produce a good or service using fewer resources than
other producers use.
Comparative Advantage: The ability to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost
than other producers.
Traditional Economy: An economy in which resources are allocated according to long-lived
practices from the past.

Command or centrally planned economy: An economic system in which resources are

allocated according to explicit instructions from a central authority.

Market economy: An economic system in which resources are allocated through individual
decision making.
Market: A group of buyers and sellers with the potential to trade with each other.

Price: The amount of money that must be paid to a seller to obtain a good or service.


1. An insightful article that describes the strengths and weaknesses of market capitalism
is: Robert J. Samuelson, “Capitalism Under Siege,” Newsweek, May 6, 1996, p. 51.
2. PPFs are concave because the law of increasing opportunity cost holds. To see why,
imagine a situation in which the law does not hold. For example, imagine an economy
that produces two products: left moccasins and right moccasins.
a. What would its PPF look like? (A negatively sloped, 45-degree straight line)

b. Explain why the PPF has this shape. (Because the resources used to produce left
and right moccasins are perfectly adaptable, so the law of increasing opportunity cost
does not hold.)
Chapter 2 Scarcity, Choice, and Economic Systems 8
8 Instructor’s Manual for Economics: Principles and Applications, 6e

c. What would the PPF look like if the economy produced ankle-high moccasins and
knee-high moccasins? (The PPF would still be a negatively sloped straight line,
although, since the knee-high moccasins use more material, it would not be a 45-
degree line.)

3. How does an economy’s present choices affect its future possibilities? Construct a
production possibilities frontier showing capital goods on one axis and consumption
goods on the other axis. Use this PPF to demonstrate the following:

a. What will happen to our PPF over time if we employ our current resources to
produce only consumption goods?
b. How would our PPF change over time if we concentrated, instead, on producing
just capital goods? What if we only produced enough capital goods to replace the
ones that wear out in the current production period? What if we produced more
than enough capital goods to replace the ones that wear out in the current period?


1. Labor economists use the concept of opportunity cost to explain how small wage
differences between men and women can lead to larger wage differences. The ratio of
women’s to men’s median weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers in
the United States in second quarter of 2011 was 83.5%, according to the Bureau of
Labor Statistics ( ).

a. Which spouse, generally, has the higher opportunity cost of staying home to take
care of children?
b. How might higher market wages for men influence husbands’ and wives’
decisions to enter the job market?

c. How might these decisions to enter the job market influence young men and
women’s decisions to pursue higher education? Would higher market wages for men
influence men and women’s choices of fields of study?

d. How would these education decisions further effect the ratio of women’s to men’s
2. Have students test their understanding of the concept of opportunity cost by
completing the following exercise.
a. Ask students to estimate the opportunity cost of taking this class. They should
include direct expenditures such as tuition, books, and supplies, as well as indirect
expenditures such as the value of the time spent in class. Did they forget to include
the opportunity cost of time spent preparing for class and studying for exams?
Another document from that is
random and unrelated content:
all-important subject has put me where I am.”

“Why is it,” Mrs. Sanger asks, “that the women of Australia, New
Zealand, Holland, France, and many other nations are permitted to know
the truths that can save them from this terrible suffering, while the
women of America must still endure the agonies to which they are
needlessly condemned?” Margaret Sanger considers it a slur upon the
intelligence of American womankind to deny to them the knowledge
which has brought freedom, health, happiness, and life itself, to the
women of other nations. That is why she has braved the storms of
denunciation, why she has fought through every court in the land for her
right to arouse woman-kind.
In her revolutionary book, Margaret Sanger, internationally famous for
her ceaseless activities in behalf of women and hailed as the liberator of
her sex, shows the way out for tired, struggling womankind. With utter
frankness she tears down the veil of silence that has always surrounded
the subject of birth control. It is a startling revelation of a new truth that
will open the eyes of women everywhere.

Is the Husband or Wife to Blame?

Whose is the blame for the tragedy of too many children—husband

or wife?
Margaret Sanger, the great Birth Control advocate, comes with a
message vital to every married man and woman.

In her wonderful book Mrs. Sanger shows how women can and will
rise above the forces that have ruined their beauty—that drag them down
—that wreck their mental and physical strength—that make them an easy
prey for death—that disqualify them for society, for self-improvement—
and finally shut them out from the thing they cherish most, their
husband’s love.
In blazing this revolutionary trail to the new freedom of women, this
daring and heroic author points out that women who can not afford to
have more than one or two children, should not do so. It is a crime to
herself, a crime to her children, a crime to society.

A Priceless Possession
Now Margaret Sanger’s message to all women, contained in “Woman
and the New Race,” is made available to the public. A special edition of
this vital book has been published in response to the overwhelming
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Two Classes of Women.
Birth Control—a Parent’s Problem or Woman’s.
* Continence—Is it Practicable or Desirable?
Woman and the New Morality.
* Are Preventive Means Certain?
Legislating Women’s Morals.
* Contraceptives or Abortion.
Progress We Have Made.

* Any one of these chapters is alone worth many times the price of
the book.


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How You Can Make Money In Your Spare Time

By Learning to Play Your Favorite Musical
Instrument this New Easy Way
“I bought a house and a lot, and paid $1,100 toward it; all earned
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Angeles, Cal. “I
would not take
$1,000 for my
financial and
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through your
lessons. I don’t
know how you
can give so
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your method is
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Mrs. Olsen is
only one of
more than three
hundred thousand men, women and young people who have become
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A delighted 17-year-old girl, Miss Jessie Theall of North Houston,
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me $39.25 besides all the pleasure of playing for my friends.”

$10 to $40 in Two Hours

A busy mother, Mrs. Anna M. Lewis of Northfield, Ohio, recently
learned to play the violin in just the few odd moments she could spare
from her household duties, and now earns many welcome dollars to help
clothe and educate her four children. “At weddings and church socials I
get from $10 to $40 for a couple of hours playing,” she writes. “I am
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The new way is fun—not drudgery. You’ll begin to play melodies
almost from the start. You don’t have to pin yourself down to regular
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Save Months of Time

“I have learned to play better than
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they seem like play. A lady I know
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her playing cannot begin to compare
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You can do what Miss Breany has
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audience fascinated; who wins the applause—and the dollars.

Plays in Orchestra and Band

“I am solo clarinet in a twenty-piece band, (mostly old players),”
writes Gerald O. Cairus, 20 High St., Walton, N. Y. “Also am member of
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conservatories of America and Germany. He was astonished when I told
him how I learned to play.”
“In three months I was playing saxophone in the High School
orchestra. The fourth month I organized a profitable dance orchestra,”
writes George Johnson, 402 Newton St., Salisbury, Md. “And now, at
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Three Months From Today You, Too, Can Play

Is it the piano that you wish to play, or the organ, violin, guitar, harp or
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“jazz” on the banjo, clarinet, Saxophone, trombone, or the drum and
traps? Does the cornet call to you, or the flute or piccolo? Would you
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favorite—and play it three months from today.
You will learn by notes—the only practical way for you to learn.
There are no “numbers” and no “tricks” in this marvelous method. You
learn to read your notes just as you are able to read the letters that make a
word, and you will be able to recognize and play them so that they will
make a melody. You learn harmonies like you learn phrases and
expressions of speech and you learn time like you learn pronunciation.

Learn to Play Any Instrument

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Organ Sight Singing
Violin Guitar
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’Cello Automatic Finger Control

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Please send me your free book, “Music Lessons in Your Own
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Here’s What a Few Say:

I am well satisfied that your way of teaching is best. I have taken
lessons from dancing teachers in Huntington, W. Va., Chattanooga,
Tenn., and Birmingham, Ala. Your instructions are better than the
personal teachers, and thru your methods I am becoming a good
dancer. I will do all in my power to get new pupils for you.
Anniston, Ala.
I want to tell you how wonderful your course is. I was taught by
other dancing teachers, but I prefer your lessons because I
accomplished more and learned more quickly thru your lessons than
by other teachers. I am now enjoying myself very much, and advise
all those who want to know the correct way of dancing to take your
lessons. I am enjoying many pleasant hours.
3497 Elgin Ave.,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can.
I am delighted with the lessons. People are amazed at the ease with
which one grasps the idea from your directions. I feel grateful to you.
Guler, Wash.
I have made use of all the instructions sent me and am well pleased
with the course.
4471 Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill.
Your course has given me a good knowledge of dancing. I am
getting along fine.
Elizabeth, N. J.
I know your lessons pretty well. I attended a dance Thursday and
got a compliment on my dancing. You know I never danced before
and when I got into the ballroom I was the equal of them all. They
sure were surprised.
Mayville, Wis.
I must say that your dancing course is just simply great! Last night
was the first time I danced. I even danced with the best dancers
around here, and they all marveled at how well I danced.
Hampton, Neb.

Learn Without Partner or Music

With Arthur Murray’s remarkable
correspondence method, you don’t
need any one to explain the simple
instructions—neither do you actually
require music. After you have learned
the steps alone in your own room, you
can dance perfectly with any one. It
will also be quite easy for you to dance
in correct time on any floor to any
orchestra or phonograph music.
Arthur Murray is recognized as
America’s foremost authority on social
dancing. Such people as the
Vanderbilts, Ex-Governor Locke Craig,
This is Arthur Murray, Dancing of North Carolina, as well as scores of
instructor to the Vanderbilts and many
other fashionable people. He has taught other socially prominent people, chose
more than 90,000 people how to dance, Mr. Murray as their dancing instructor.
through his learn-at-home methods. In fact, dancing teachers the world over
take lessons from him. And more than
90,000 people have successfully
learned to become wonderful dancers through his learn-at-home system.

Special Free Proof Offer

Private instruction in Mr. Murray’s studio would cost you $10 for each
lesson. But through his new method of teaching dancing in your own
home, you get the same high-class instruction at a ridiculously low price.
And if you aren’t delighted, it doesn’t cost you a penny.
Here is Mr. Murray’s special offer—made for a limited time and the
right is reserved to withdraw it at any time without notice. He will send
you the following sixteen lessons for five days’ free trial.
The Correct Dancing Position—How to Gain Confidence—How to
Follow Successfully—The Art of Making Your Feet Look Attractive—
The Correct Walk in the Fox Trot—The Basic Principles in Waltzing—
How to Waltz Backward—The Secret of Leading—The Chasse in the
Fox Trot—The Forward Waltz Step—How to Leave One Partner to
Dance with Another—How to Learn and Also Teach Your Child to
Dance—What the Advanced Dancer Should Know—How to Develop
Your Sense of Rhythm—Etiquette of the Ballroom.

Send No Money—Not One Cent

All you need to do to get these sixteen lessons is to simply fill in and
mail the coupon and the complete sixteen lessons will be promptly sent.
When the postman hands them to you, just deposit $1.00 with him, plus
a few cents postage, in full payment. Then examine the system carefully
for five days, follow the easy instructions and prove to yourself that you
have found the quickest, easiest, most delightful method to learn to
dance. If, within 5 days you desire to do so, return the course and your
dollar will be promptly refunded to you. But if you decide to keep the
course—as you surely will—it is yours without any further payment.
You positively can not fail to become a perfect dancer if you follow
the few easy instructions. In fact your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Remember, you send no money in advance, just sign and mail the
coupon and the complete sixteen-lesson course will come to you by
return mail. But mail the coupon now—you may never see this offer
Studio 766 290 Broadway New York


290 Broadway, New York
To prove that you can teach me to dance in one evening at home you
may send the sixteen-lesson course and when the postman hands it to
me I will deposit $1.00 with him (plus a few cents postage) in full
payment. If within five days I decide to return the course I may do so
and you will refund my money promptly and without question.
Would You Like to Teach Dancing?
If apt to be out when postman calls you may send one dollar with


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